Data Infrastructure Management
May 19
Selecting a Database Connection, Schema, and Table
Working with Tables
o Scripting a Table
o Changing the Data Display Format
Working with SQL
o Opening and Editing SQL scripts
o Re-executing SQL statements
o Managing Frequently Used SQLs
Working with Result Sets
Finding Database Objects and Data
o Finding and Replacing Text in Editor
o Finding Data in a Grid
o Finding Objects in the Databases Tab
Export and Import Settings
Managing Memory size
Question & Answer
Select the desired Database Connection,
Schema, and Table from the Connections
under Database tree.
Script the table
o The script object dialog can be
used to automatically generate
SQL statement for a table.
o Drag and Drop table: Select the
table and drop it in the editor.
o Right click properties: Pick the
table and select the script object
dialog from right click properties.
Changing the Data Display
o Use Data format from the Tool
Settings to change the default
date format
Opening and Editing SQL scripts:
oThe SQL editor supports loading statements from a
file and saving the content of the editor to a file
oSQL in the editor has color codes: SQL Commands
are in
Blue, Strings Literals in Red, Comments in
oComment a block or line in SQL editor using right-
click properties
oConvert lower and upper cases in SQL editor using
right-click properties
Navigating Between History
o When you execute a script, DB
Visualizer saves it as a history entry.
You can use the Previous &
Next buttons in the editor toolbar to
navigate between (load) these
Folding Selected Text:
oWhen you work with a large
script, it often helpful to hide
parts of it. You can do this by
using the Code Folding feature.
Selecting a Rectangular Area:
o In some cases, it is handy to be
able to select a rectangular area
in the middle of a script. Press
Alt key while you extend the
selection by dragging the mouse
Re-executing SQL
o As you execute SQL statements
in the SQL Commander, DB
Visualizer saves them as History
entries. This makes it easy to
locate statements and scripts
you have executed in the past.
Use the SQL history window.
Managing Frequently
Used SQLs:
o The Bookmarks make it
easier to manage the set of
SQL statements that you
use over and over to
perform frequent tasks.
o Create and Edit
Bookmarks in the Script tab
of the navigation area.
Organize the bookmark
scripts by creating folders.
Database connection can
also be set for the
bookmark script.
Export a Result Set:
oClick the export icon (or) right click in the result
set, to export data from the result set to a named
Use the Export Grid to export the data into your
desired output file format.
Pinning Result Set
o Existing Result Set tabs are removed when you execute a
script again. Pin the tab by using Pin Tab option from
the right-click menu.
Finding and Replacing text in the
oThe Edit main menu and the editor right-click
menu contain two choices for finding
Find and Find with Dialog. You can Find
and Replace the search words.
Finding Data in a Grid(2):
oThe right-click menu for a grid
contains the
Find Data. Find Data shows a
Quick Find field where you can type text to
look for, and use the
Up and Down keys to find
the next or previous occurrence. Use
Escape key to close the field.
Finding Object in the Database tab(3):
o With a node selected in the Databases tab, typing any
character shows a Quick Find field where you can type
the name of an object you want to locate. Use
the Escape key to close the field. Note that only the
visible, expanded, nodes are searched.
Use export and import option to migrate all your
settings for DB Visualizer from one machine to
another. It is also helpful for backup purposes
The Export Settings feature is available from
File->Export Settings main window menu
Increase the Memory Size:
oMemory size may need be increased to display large
amount of data rows in the Result Set. Increase the
memory size using the General section of tool
Clear the Memory Size:
oUse the delete button at the bottom of the result
set to free up the memory