Housing & Residence Life
Welcome to Wichita State and welcome to the Housing and Residence Life family! We are excited and
honored that you are choosing to live with us this year. Living on campus can add a lot of value to
your time here as a student. There are built in support systems, such as your Resident Assistant and
your building professional staff coordinators. The RAs in your building and on your floor are there to
assist in answering questions, connecting you to campus, and providing support for your personal
and academic growth. This handbook is filled with great information regarding the amenities living
on campus, important policies, and many other good things to know. We look forward to supporting
you in your time on campus.
Last updated 7/7/2023
(Updated annually)
2023-2024 ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
Housing & Residence Life Handbook .................................................................................................................................................... 1
HOUSING AND RESIDENCE LIFE ............................................................................................................................................................ 6
Mission, Vision, & Values ................................................................................................................................................................. 6
Mission Statement ........................................................................................................................................................................ 6
Vision ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 6
Values ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
CONTACT INFORMATION ..................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Housing & Residence Life Office ....................................................................................................................................................... 7
Shocker Hall ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
The Flats............................................................................................................................................................................................ 7
The Suites ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
University Police Department .......................................................................................................................................................... 7
Other Contacts.................................................................................................................................................................................. 7
COMMUNITY LIVING ............................................................................................................................................................................ 8
Mail and Food Delivery Addresses ................................................................................................................................................... 8
Roommate/Suitemate Tips and Tricks ............................................................................................................................................. 8
Roommate/Suitemate Agreements ................................................................................................................................................. 9
Trash ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 9
Room Condition ................................................................................................................................................................................ 9
Walls and Decorations ....................................................................................................................................................................10
Room Number ................................................................................................................................................................................10
Health & Safety Room Checks ........................................................................................................................................................11
Vandalism .......................................................................................................................................................................................11
Smoking/Smoke Damage................................................................................................................................................................11
SERVICES AND AMENITIES ..................................................................................................................................................................12
Accessible Rooms ...........................................................................................................................................................................12
Community Kitchens.......................................................................................................................................................................12
Custodial Service ............................................................................................................................................................................12
Elevators .........................................................................................................................................................................................12
Food Service ...................................................................................................................................................................................12
Game Room/Clubhouse/Media Room ...........................................................................................................................................13
Information Desks ..........................................................................................................................................................................13
Internet Service ..............................................................................................................................................................................13
Laundry Facilities ............................................................................................................................................................................13
Lock Outs ........................................................................................................................................................................................14
Lost Keys Replacement ................................................................................................................................................................14
Lounges and Study Rooms ..............................................................................................................................................................14
Mail Service ....................................................................................................................................................................................14
Maintenance Service ......................................................................................................................................................................15
Pest Control ....................................................................................................................................................................................15
Table for Advertising/Events ..........................................................................................................................................................15
HEALTH, SAFETY, SECURITY, & EMERGENCY INFORMATION .............................................................................................................16
Bomb Threat ...................................................................................................................................................................................16
Chemical Safety ..............................................................................................................................................................................16
Concealed Weapons .......................................................................................................................................................................16
Emergencies On or Near Campus ...................................................................................................................................................16
Missing Person Contact Information ..............................................................................................................................................16
Fire ..................................................................................................................................................................................................16
Fire Alarms ......................................................................................................................................................................................17
Personal Property/Renters Insurance ............................................................................................................................................17
Right of Entry Policy ........................................................................................................................................................................17
Service, Assistance, and Support Animals ......................................................................................................................................18
Sharps Disposal Policy ....................................................................................................................................................................18
Smoke Detectors ............................................................................................................................................................................18
Safeguarding Possessions ...............................................................................................................................................................18
Security ...........................................................................................................................................................................................18
Severe Weather ..............................................................................................................................................................................19
Traffic Regulations ..........................................................................................................................................................................19
STUDENT CONDUCT PROCEEDINGS ...................................................................................................................................................21
Philosophy ......................................................................................................................................................................................21
General Provisions ..........................................................................................................................................................................21
RESIDENCE HALL POLICIES AND PROCEDURES ...................................................................................................................................22
A. Alcohol ....................................................................................................................................................................................22
B. Balconies .................................................................................................................................................................................23
C. Bicycles ...................................................................................................................................................................................23
D. Common Areas .......................................................................................................................................................................23
E. Condition of Premises.............................................................................................................................................................23
F. Drones ....................................................................................................................................................................................23
G. Eavesdropping ........................................................................................................................................................................23
H. Computer Usage and Wireless Networks ...............................................................................................................................23
I. Cooking and Appliances ..........................................................................................................................................................24
1. Cooking ...............................................................................................................................................................................24
2. Electrical Appliances ...........................................................................................................................................................24
J. Fire and Safety ........................................................................................................................................................................24
1. Fire Alarms ..........................................................................................................................................................................25
2. Hall Sports ...........................................................................................................................................................................25
3. Laser Pointers .....................................................................................................................................................................25
K. Guests .....................................................................................................................................................................................25
1. Visitation .............................................................................................................................................................................26
2. Room Capacity ....................................................................................................................................................................26
L. Noise .......................................................................................................................................................................................26
1. Courtesy Hours ...................................................................................................................................................................26
2. Quiet Hours.........................................................................................................................................................................26
M. Pets .....................................................................................................................................................................................26
N. Room Guidelines.....................................................................................................................................................................27
1. Furniture .............................................................................................................................................................................27
2. Walls ...................................................................................................................................................................................27
3. Door ....................................................................................................................................................................................27
4. Windows .............................................................................................................................................................................27
5. Decoration Guidelines ........................................................................................................................................................27
6. Objectionable Materials .....................................................................................................................................................27
7. Darts and Dartboards .........................................................................................................................................................27
8. Weights and Fitness Equipment .........................................................................................................................................27
9. Plants and Planting .............................................................................................................................................................28
O. Sales, Solicitation, and Posting ...............................................................................................................................................28
1. Sales and Solicitation ..........................................................................................................................................................28
2. Distribution of Written or Printed Material Approval ........................................................................................................28
3. SGA Election Campaigning ..................................................................................................................................................29
P. Storage ....................................................................................................................................................................................29
Q. Subleasing ...............................................................................................................................................................................29
R. Terms of the Housing Contract ...............................................................................................................................................29
S. Trash & Recycling Removal .....................................................................................................................................................29
T. Utility Panel, Pipe, and Maintenance Access .........................................................................................................................29
ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES .........................................................................................................................................................30
Abandoned Property Policy ............................................................................................................................................................30
Appeals Damage ..........................................................................................................................................................................30
Appeals Contract .........................................................................................................................................................................30
Contract Extensions ........................................................................................................................................................................30
Check-Out Procedure Mid-Semester ...........................................................................................................................................30
Check-Out Procedure End of year ...............................................................................................................................................31
Consolidation ..................................................................................................................................................................................31
Intersession Housing ......................................................................................................................................................................32
Keys and Access Cards ....................................................................................................................................................................32
Room Condition Inventory .............................................................................................................................................................32
Room Changes ................................................................................................................................................................................32
Gender Inclusive Housing ...............................................................................................................................................................33
Summer Living ................................................................................................................................................................................34
LIVING ON CAMPUS ............................................................................................................................................................................35
Wichita State University Notice of Nondiscrimination ...................................................................................................................35
Eligibility Criteria .............................................................................................................................................................................35
Mission, Vision, & Values
Mission Statement
Housing & Residence Life is committed to providing a positive student experience by creating a safe and inclusive
community that promotes personal and academic success
Housing & Residence Life will be a significant element of the student experience at Wichita State University
o Ensure each student has a connection at WSU
o Encourage applied learning
o Create holistic learners
o Foster a safe and inclusive community
o Celebrate the diversity of our students and staff
o Listen and work to understand and respect others’ points of view
o Develop partnerships across campus
o Commit to effective and transparent communication
o Prioritize team ahead of personal success
o Offer assistance or request help when needed
o Provide superior customer service
o Create efficient and innovative departmental solutions
o Cultivate opportunities to grow and develop
o Follow through on promises made
o Be fair and honest
o Make fiscally responsibly choices
o Establish sustainable practices
As a student who lives in the residence hall, you have the opportunity to become part of a community that is made up
of individuals of diverse lifestyles. It is important to us that everyone feels comfortable living in their space and
interacting with other residents. Because of this, we have created policies and procedures that we believe will allow
everyone to live, learn, and grow together while ensuring the safety and security of all residents.
Housing & Residence Life Office
HRL Phone .............................................................................................................................. 316-978-3696
HRL Fax ................................................................................................................................... 316-978-6458
Website .............................................................................................................. www.wichita.edu/housing
Email ................................................................................................................... housing.wsu@wichita.edu
Shocker Hall
Information Desk .................................................................................................................... 316-978-3386
Residence Life Coordinator ..................................................................................................... 316-978-6611
Graduate Residence Life Coordinator 1 .................................................................................. 316-978-6720
Graduate Residence Life Coordinator 2 .................................................................................. 316-978-5822
RA Duty Phone ........................................................................................................................ 316-210-4773
The Flats
Information Desk (shared with the Suites) ............................................................................. 316-978-6600
Residence Life Coordinator .................................................................................................... 316-978-5843
Graduate Residence Life Coordinator ..................................................................................... 316-978-3721
RA Duty Phone (shared with the Suites) ................................................................................. 316-210-5912
The Suites
Information Desk (shared with the Flats) ............................................................................... 316-978-6600
Residence Life Coordinator ..................................................................................................... 316-978-5999
Graduate Residence Life Coordinator ..................................................................................... 316-978-6787
RA Duty Phone (shared with the Flats) ................................................................................... 316-210-5912
University Police Department
Phone Number ........................................................................................................................ 316-978-3450
Website .................................................................................................................. www.wichita.edu/police
Other Contacts
Counseling & Psychological Services ...................................................................................... 316-978-3440
Campus Recreation ................................................................................................................. 316-978-3082
Career Development Center ................................................................................................... 316-978-3688
Student Health Services .......................................................................................................... 316-978-3620
Student Involvement .............................................................................................................. 316-978-3022
Note: Shocker Dining and GroundHouse coffee shop employees all work for
WSU Dining Services/Chartwells, not the Department of Housing &
Residence Life.
Mail and Food Delivery Addresses
If you live in Shocker Hall your address is 2020 N Perimeter Rd, Your room number, Wichita KS 67208.
If you live in The Suites or The Flats and you are ordering a package your address is 2011 N Innovation Blvd, Your
room number, Wichita KS, 67208
If you live in The Flats and you are ordering FOOD (through a delivery service such as GrubHub, Uber Eats, or through
a restaurant that delivers, pizza hut etc.) your address is 4105 East Mike Oatman Dr, Wichita KS 67208
Roommate/Suitemate Tips and Tricks
Without a doubt, your time spent at WSU will be filled with many new experiences and memories. For most of you,
simply sharing a room may be a new experience. Roommate relationships are the foundations for community
development. It is not necessary to be best friends or share every aspect of college life together, but we do expect
you to be fair, honest, and considerate of one another. Everyone needs to take responsibility for their own behavior
and share the responsibility for a positive roommate relationship. Developing a positive relationship is a process, and
whether you have known your roommate previously or are just meeting them for the first time, developing the
positive relationship takes a little effort
1. Set some ground rules
a. Listen to each other and try to find common ground in certain situations. It is important to be willing to
compromise with each other. If you can’t come up with a compromise, talk to your RA
2. Keep things clean
a. Make sure you regularly wash your dishes, do your laundry, and take out your trash. Having a clean
space makes your lives easier and can help improve your relationship
3. Respect each other’s privacy
a. Give your roommate(s) privacy by not going through their belongings and asking permission before you
borrow their stuff. Try to set up a schedule so that each of you can have alone time in your room
4. Respect each other’s sleep and study habits
a. Make sure to set ground rules around this. If your roommate goes to bed early but you need to stay up
all night to study, go to a study room in the building or to the library. Treat each other how you would
like to be treated
5. Exchange emergency contacts
a. Exchanging emergency contacts will allow your roommate to contact someone for you in case of an
emergency where you cannot contact them yourself
6. Be respectful with guests
a. If you want to have friends over, make sure you let your roommate know and ask if it is okay. The room
is not just your space, you share the space together. If your roommate says “no” find another space to
hang out
7. Try and bond with your roommate
a. You don’t have to be best friends, but you should put in effort to get to know your roommate(s).
Finding common interests or attending campus events together will allow you to feel more
comfortable around each other
8. Communicate!
a. Having good communication is crucial to having a good relationship with your roommate. If an issue
comes up, make sure that you address it with your roommate. Don’t rely on them to be able to
recognize when you are upset. Make sure that you are communicating directly and not just through
notes left for each other. If you see a problem, respectfully bring it up so that it can be addressed
Roommate/Suitemate Agreements
The key to getting to know your roommate is communication. You cannot discover who your roommate is unless you
talk. You will find it helpful to take some time right after you move in to sit down and learn about each other. You
and your roommate will create a roommate agreement as a clarification of your discussion. It is required that each
suite/apartment complete a roommate agreement on Roompact.com
It will be beneficial to have these on file in case issues arise throughout the year. Your RA will assist you with this
process. Examples of topics to be discussed on roommate agreements include, but are not limited to:
Study time in the room
Visitation and guests
Cleaning the bathroom
Shower schedule
Cleaning the room
Use of stereo/television
Food in the room
Time for socializing
Use of each other’s personal property
Space for clothes, etc.
Bedtime and wake up times
If you every have concerns about your roommate, start by talking with your roommate. If the concerns persist, speak
with your RA. If your concerns revolve around your roommate/s behavior and/or wellbeing, other helpful resources
include using the University’s Reporting Behavior Concerns Guide.
In Shocker Hall, trash and recycling must be disposed of in the exterior dumpsters located outside of building D.
For The Flats and The Suites, all trash and recycling must be taken to the exterior dumpsters adjacent to the parking
Room Condition
Here are some tips for keeping your room organized and in good condition:
Make your bed
o Your dorm room isn’t just your bedroom, it’s your living room, your study, and your kitchen too. By
making your bed, you will set a good tone for your day and will make your room look cleaner.
Close your drawers and closet doors
o If you have a lot of clothes or items in your drawers or closet, leaving them open can make your room
feel cluttered and messy. Closing these items helps your room feel clean and gives you more room for
Vacuum your room
o You probably don’t realize how much dirt you are tracking in from outside, or how much hair and food
crumbs are accumulating on your floor. By vacuuming your room once a week you will make sure that
your floor is a clean and comfortable place for your friends to hang out. Vacuums are not provided by
Wash your dishes
o After using your dishes, go ahead and wash them. If you leave them for later, there is a chance that
you will forget about them and the next thing you know, you have 2 weeks worth of dirty dishes in
your room. If you don’t have time to wash them after you use them, create a dirty dishes tub for
yourself and wash your dishes when the tub gets full
Take 5 minutes to pick up
o It can be overwhelming to have to spend hours cleaning and organizing your room. Take 5 minutes at
the end of your day to put your items back where they belong. This will help your room look cleaner
and will relieve a lot of the stress that comes with a full day of cleaning
Create a cleaning schedule
o Living with new people can be a challenge when it comes to cleaning. Take some time in the first few
weeks to set up a cleaning schedule and set expectations on what it means for things to be clean. This
will help you and your roommates avoid arguments and frustration later in the year
Use organizers
o With all of your stuff in such a little space, it can start to feel cluttered quickly. Invest/or create some
organizers that help you keep track of your items and keep them in their place
Hang your clothes
o It can be easy to leave your clothes in your laundry basket, or on the floor or in a chair, after you have
cleaned them. While this is convenient, your clothes will likely wrinkle, and your room will look
cluttered. Take a few minutes to hang up your clothes after doing your laundry
Take out the trash
o Taking out your trash once or twice a week prevents it from piling up in your room. It’s not fun taking
out the trash, but doing so will prevent your room from smelling and will help the room look tidy
Walls and Decorations
While you live with us, we want you to make your room feel like home. This includes bringing in rugs and decorations
that can be displayed or hung on your walls. When you are hanging items on your wall, make sure that you are using
adhesive that will not damage the wall. We suggest blue tape/painters tape. You can use command strips, but make
sure you are careful when removing them so that you don’t rip off part of the walls.
Room Number
You will notice that there is a plaque outside of your room with your room number on it. These are there so that our
staff can identify which room is which and for emergency personnel to be able to find and help people as quickly as
possible. Please do not tamper with the room sign in any way (including removing the room number or putting
something over it)
Health & Safety Room Checks
Twice a semester our staff will conduct health and safety room checks. These are not checks to look for policy
violations, but instead are a time for us to make sure that there are no big safety concerns in your room. You will be
given a minimum of 24 hours advance notice so that you can make sure your room is ready for us to inspect. If you
have any questions about what we are looking for, or if something might be considered a safety hazard, please
contact your RA.
Our staff work really hard to make door decorations, floor decorations, bulletin boards, and to keep our residence
halls clean. Please don’t take these items without permission from the staff member that made them or purposely
destroy them. Make sure that you are also respecting your roommate’s personal items and treating them as you
would want your items to be treated. Tampering with floor decorations will result in documentation within the Office
of Student Conduct and Community Standards.
Smoking/Smoke Damage
Smoking is prohibited on University premises (including on-campus housing) as outlined in Policy 11.11. This includes
but is not limited to smoking the following: cigarettes, marijuana, vaping, e-cigarettes, or any other illegal
substance. If a residence hall room, common space, or hallway directly outside the room has a smell of smoke, a
conduct report may be submitted, and the student(s) residing in that space could be held responsible for a restitution
fine starting at $100 (Price is determined by Housing and Residence Life).
Should smoking cause damage to University property, students may be charged under Student Code of Conduct
policy VI.C.1- Damage and/or Destruction of Property which may lead to additional restitution fines.
Accessible Rooms
The accessible rooms in our residence halls have been designated specifically for persons in wheelchairs or for
persons with other accessibility needs. These rooms are equipped with roll-in showers, assist bars in the restrooms,
and maneuvering space for wheelchairs. The heights of appliances, cabinets, and light switches have been adjusted
for persons in seated positions. If you require special accommodations, please contact the HRL office so arrangements
can be made.
Community Kitchens
Small kitchens are located on each of the five LKLs (lounge, kitchen, laundry facilities) in Shocker Hall. The LKLs are
located on each floor of C building but can be used by any resident in the building. Residents are responsible for
cleaning the kitchen and any utensils they use. HRL is not liable for any resident items left in an LKL, including in the
community fridge.
Large community kitchens are available in The Flats and The Suites for the residents of those communities. Residents
are responsible for cleaning the kitchen and any utensils they use. HRL is not liable for any resident items left in the
kitchen, including in the community fridge. LKLs and community kitchens may be subject to security video recording.
Custodial Service
The custodial staff is employed to clean and maintain public areas. These staff members clean lounges, hallways,
stairwells, laundry rooms, public restrooms, and other common areas. However, it is expected that residents will
clean up after themselves in these common areas in order to help promote a clean-living environment. Cleaning
supplies for residence hall rooms are provided and may be checked out at the Information Desks. Should a resident
elect to hire a cleaning service, the resident must always accompany the service staff members while in WSU
residence halls.
The elevators in the residence halls are provided for the convenient transportation of students and staff members. If
you become trapped in an elevator, or notice something wrong with an elevator, do not try to fix the elevators
yourself, instead please report it to the information desk or a staff member. Elevators may be subject to security
video recording.
Food Service
Food service is provided by Chartwells and ran by a Director of University Dining Services. Shocker Dining and the
Groundhouse Coffee Shop are coordinated by a Dining Services Manager. Chartwells works very hard to meet needs
to individuals and groups with special diets for medical or religious reasons. Residents requesting an accommodation
to the meal plan (either full or partial reduction), may submit a Meal Plan Accommodation Form through the HRL
website. Your request will be forwarded to the Director of University Dining Services for review, and possible
consultation of how Chartwells can best meet your dietary needs. This staff welcomes your input. They make
themselves available during meal hours and would enjoy talking with you. You may also share your ideas and
comments by using the comment board in the cafeteria or by taking part in other open forum discussions that will be
hosted by Chartwells.
If you wish to change your meal plan, you must do so by advertised dates. Some restrictions apply. Please do not
request more than one change each semester.
Game Room/Clubhouse/Media Room
The game rooms in the residence halls are open to the residents of their assigned building and their guests only. Only
residents can check out equipment at each information desk and they must provide the Shocker Card as
Information Desks
The information desks, located within Shocker Hall and The Suites, exist to assist you. Desk assistants answer
questions, take phone messages, and check out temporary keys/cards, cleaning supplies, cooking supplies, recreation
equipment, and other items. Cleaning supplies must be returned within one hour. Please be aware that a late charge
may be assessed for temporary keys/cards and other items not returned on time. These charges will be assigned to
your university account. Desk hours are 24/7 but may vary during advertised dates.
Internet Service
Wireless internet service is available throughout WSU residence halls for residents and their guests, using the
university’s standard “WSU Secure” and “WSU Guest” networks. Gaming and streaming devices may connect to the
WSU Guest network, but please note that not all devices are guaranteed to connect. The wireless networks are
serviced by WSU’s Information Technology & Telecom departments.
Guest wifi is available in each building and is labeledWSU Guest (building)(i.e. WSU Guest Suites). The password
for each of these wifi networks is shockers
Wire internet service is only available in resident spaces in Shocker Hall. The Media Room in the Suites at WSU offers
wired connections for specialized eSports events.
Laundry Facilities
The laundry rooms in Shocker Hall are within the five LKLs. All laundry machines are new and can be used free of
charge. An app is available to download for timing convenience. If you notice that a laundry machine is broken, or not
working properly, report it to the information desk or call the washing machine company. The number for the
washing machine company is located in the LKL.
A washer and dryer are provided in each apartment in The Flats and each suite in The Suites, the costs of which are
included in the room rates. Any malfunctions with either machine should be reported immediately to the Suites
information desk.
Lock Outs
If you lock your phone/card in your room, obtain entry from the information desk or RA on duty. You will be asked to
show a form of ID before being let back into your room. If you are issued a temporary key for either residential or
exterior access, failure to return the key within the time specified at issuance will result in a minimum of a $25
charge. It is important that you don’t give your key/access card to another resident or guest, it is against policy. This
allows us to track who is entering your room in case something happens and ensures the safety of everyone in the
Lost Keys Replacement
Shocker ID cards control exterior access to the building you are living in; therefore, residents must visit the card office
in the Rhatigan Student Center to obtain a new Shocker ID if a resident loses theirs. The Shocker Card Office sets fees
for replacement ID card.
If you lose your alternative key, be sure to notify the information desk or RAOD for assistance. The cost for an
alternative key replacement is $25.
Issues with phone access will be addressed in a case-by-case scenario.
Lounges and Study Rooms
In Shocker Hall, we have a variety of lounge spaces available throughout the building. The first type of lounge space is
the LKL. This is a place where many people can hang out and watch tv, cook food, or just be together. There are
open spaces on most floors that are considered floor lounges. These spaces are for you to use to hang out with your
friends or to simply be out of your room for a bit. The final type of lounge space in Shocker Hall is a study room.
These are rooms located throughout the building with doors on them and whiteboards inside that allow students a
quiet place to study or have a study group. As long as someone isn’t studying in the study room, it can also be used as
a place for students to hang out.
The Flats and Suites have open lounge areas located throughout their building. These are spaces for students to
gather or to use to study.
As these rooms/spaces are used by the entire building, it is important that all of the lounge furniture remains in the
lounge to which it is assigned. Make sure to clean up after yourself and put the furniture back the way you found it,
so that someone else can use the room after you are done. The lounges are not a place for you to sleep as that
prevents other residents from being able to use the space.
Mail Service
Shocker Hall residents will receive their mail at Shocker Hall while residents of both The Flats & The Suites will receive
their mail at The Suites. Mail is delivered Monday through Saturday. An email to your @shockers.wichita.edu email
will serve as notification that you have received a package or registered mail ready for pick up at the relevant
information desk. Please note that the deliver time/notification from any shipping carrier does not reflect the actual
availability of your mail/package, as HRL staff must sort and log all mail/packages upon delivery. Residents will be
required to present their physical WSU ID card when picking up packages or registered mail. Mail/packages can be
picked up during information desk hours.
Mail cannot be delivered to non-residents. Mail must be addressed to the resident receiving the mail. Mail will not
be given to any other individual. Packages will be held for 14 days before they are returned to sender. HRL cannot
forward packages, meaning all unclaimed packages will be returned to sender.
After the end of the spring semester, or whenever a resident permanently leaves on-campus housing, first class mail
will be forwarded for up to 30 days (or in accordance with postal regulations) if the resident leaves a forwarding
address when they check out of the building. Non-profit mail, pre-sorted standard mail, magazines, and newspapers
cannot be forwarded. Please note that you cannot leave the address of a friend living in HRL as a forwarding address.
If you do not leave a forwarding address, your mail will be returned to sender. Remember to contact all creditors and
companies with your change of address before you move, as many package distributors will not allow us to forward
packages, and they will therefore be returned to sender.
Maintenance Service
The maintenance staff makes repairs to the facilities as needed and performs preventive maintenance operations.
Please report problems that you observe public areas at your Information Desk. Room maintenance requests may be
made by residents through their housing portal. If residents cannot access this feature, please see the information
desk. Routine maintenance and repairs will be completed during regular business hours. Facilities staff members will
leave a notice in the room indicating work has been performed if done while no residents are present. If, after a
reasonable period of time, you do not see improvement in a maintenance problem you reported, notify your
Residence Life Coordinator.
In the case of emergency repairs, contact the RA on Duty or the Information Desk. Emergency repairs, as determined
by the HRL staff person or Facilities personnel, will be completed as soon as possible. Residents may submit a
Maintenance Request Form to have their beds bunked/lofted by the Maintenance Staff if materials are available but
may be subject to a fee to do so. Residents are NOT to bunk/loft the beds without assistance from WSU maintenance
staff. Please note, during openings, the maintenance staff will respond to bed bunking/lofting requests as soon as
possible. Their immediate concern will be other maintenance issues as they arise.
Pest Control
Unless otherwise noted, Pest Control services are provided free to the resident. Routine inspections as well as
spraying assist in creating a pest-free environment. To assist HRL in keeping your space and the facilities pest-free,
please follow the procedures provided to you. If pests of any kind are suspected in your room, it is your responsibility
to report the suspected infestation immediately to the Information Desk, an RA, or directly to the Office of HRL at
Table for Advertising/Events
If an organization wants to table in a residence hall lobby, they must reserve the table through the building’s RLC.
They must be a recognized student group or affiliated with WSU in order to use the table and they have received
approval from the appropriate Residence Life Coordinator. If an individual wants to table in Shocker Dining, they
must contact Jamie Kraisinger with Chartwells at Jamie.kriasinger@compass-usa.com to begin the reservation
In case of any emergency situation on HRL property, notify your RA, RLC, or Information Desk. If the situation
warrants, call the University Police Department at 316-978-3450 or 911. Students are encouraged to register for the
WSU Rave Alert System to receive e-mails and text messages notifying them of severe weather and on-campus
emergencies. This service is available for sign up through the myWSU online portal. The scrolling marquees located in
each building will also notify students of severe weather and on-campus emergencies.
Bomb Threat
If notified to evacuate, exit quickly and quietly, and move at least 400 feet from the building. Follow the instructions
of staff members and emergency personnel.
Chemical Safety
Used motor oil, antifreeze, turpentine, or oil-based paint may not be disposed of on the ground or in the University
dumpsters. They should be disposed of at the Household Hazardous Waste Facility at 801 Stillwell, Wichita, KS.
Hazardous materials may be taken to the location Tuesday through Friday between 9 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. or on
Saturday between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. You may contact the facility by calling (316) 660-7464.
Concealed Weapons
Concealed weapon holders should be aware that they will need to follow State of Kansas law regarding the
possession of a concealed handgun. Residents will be responsible for properly securing their handgun when not on
their person. Students interested in renting a safe from HRL should request this optional rental through their
application on the housing portal. Engaging in the possession, use, sale, distribution, or display of any firearm, replica
firearm, ammunition, weapon, replica weapon, or similar device unless expressly permitted by law and/or University
policy. This includes the use of any object or material to cause or threaten physical harm.
If you do not want to live with a concealed weapon holder, please alert the Housing & Residence Life office and we will
work to accommodate a room change.
Emergencies On or Near Campus
The signal for weather emergencies is a loud, steady pulsating sound that continues for several minutes. All classes
will be dismissed. Persons on campus should tune to any local radio station for information and instructions. Persons
may also refer to the Emergency Management website: www.wichita.edu/emergency Persons not on campus
should not come to campus.
Missing Person Contact Information
You may register one or more individual to be contacted in case you are identified as a missing person. This contact
can be anyone and does not have to be a parent or guardian. A missing person contact is different from a general
emergency contact. You can use the same person in both cases, but we will not assume that your emergency contact
is also your missing person contact. If you would like to add a missing person contact, or change your missing person
contact, you may do so by contacting the housing office at 316-978-3693 or via email at housing.wsu@wichita.edu.
If you become aware of a fire in the building, follow these directions:
Activate the fire alarm and call the University Police Department (316-978-3450 or 911 from any campus
landline). Contact a staff member as you leave the building.
Please use the stairwell closest to your room and exit the building immediately as required by state law.
Any time you hear an alarm, exit immediately and quickly move at least 400 feet from the building. Follow all
instructions from staff members (RA, G/RLC, and others) and rescue personnel.
Remain outside until staff members give the signal or rescue personnel to return to your room.
If you encounter heavy smoke in an area, exit another way if possible. Staying low or putting a towel over your
nose and mouth will help you minimize smoke inhalation.
Never use elevators during a fire. The shafts act as chimneys. A malfunction could trap you.
If you become trapped in a room, report or signal your location by calling the University Police Department
(911) or by waving or calling to fire fighters. Jamming wet towels or clothing under doors, keeping a wet towel
or clothing over your head, and staying low may help you avoid smoke as you await rescue.
It is important that you abide by all fire regulations. If your room is deemed to be the source of the fire alarm,
residence life staff and the University Police reserve the right to enter your room to assess the problem. We also
reserve the right to enter a student’s room to ensure that everyone has evacuated the building.
Each semester, two planned fire drills will be scheduled. HRL will schedule all planned fire drills during business hours,
except when required by law to be outside these hours. This will provide an opportunity for residents to practice
evacuating the building. All alarms that sound should be treated as a potentially life-threatening situation.
Fire Alarms
If the fire alarm sounds in your building, follow these directions:
Exit immediately and quickly move at least 200 feet from the building. Follow all instructions from staff
members (RA, G/RLC, and others) and rescue personnel
All residents should exit the building within a 5-minute period
Remain outside until staff members give the signal or rescue personnel to return to your room
Never use elevators during a fire. The shafts act as chimneys. A malfunction could trap you.
Personal Property/Renters Insurance
As Wichita State University does not carry insurance on a student’s personal property, we advise that you arrange
insurance coverage on your own. This can be done under your parents or guardian’s insurance policy, or you can
obtain your own insurance through a company such as National Student Service.
Right of Entry Policy
In order for us to make sure that your room is kept in good condition our staff may need to enter your room when
you are not home. Whenever possible we will provide 24 hour notice before we enter your room.
Residents shall permit University Personnel access to their room for inspection within a reasonable time after written
notice has been given to one of the room residents. Whenever possible, university personnel will attempt to give the
resident 24 hours prior notice before room entries.
Personal Emergency when the personal welfare, health, or safety of any individual is suspected or known to
be in danger
Maintenance Emergency when a suspected or known emergency exists (i.e. fire or broken water pipe)
Service to complete needed or requested repairs, maintenance, inventory checks, pesticide spraying, etc.
Safety to conduct safety inspections
Violation when a violation of the contract or university policies is suspected. This may include a search of
the housing unity
Service, Assistance, and Support Animals
Any resident needing the assistance of a service, assistance, or support animal must contact the WSU Office of
Disability Services and the Office of Housing & Residence Life so that proper accommodations can be provided. An
assistance animal which provides emotional support or comfort to a person with a disability) is permissible only if
approved as a reasonable accommodation by the Office of Disability Services and the Office of Housing and Residence
Life. See the HRL website for “Guidelines for Service Animals/Assistance Animals” for additional information.
Sharps Disposal Policy
All students living on HRL property are required to dispose of all medical needles and/or syringes in proper Sharps
Disposal Containers. This requirement is intended and designed to help prevent an accidental injury that could occur
to other persons from improper disposal. Proper sharps Disposal Containers are labeled biohazard containers are
OSHA-approved. Sharps Disposal Containers are available at Student Health services for a nominal fee. When the
Sharps Disposal Container is three-fourths full, the student should close the container as instructed and return to
Student Health Serves, located in the YMCA, for proper disposal. Sharps Disposal Containers must not be placed in a
regular trash receptacle. For more information or assistance, please contact HRL at 316-978-3693 or Student Health
Services at 316-978-3620.
Smoke Detectors
Smoke detectors, provided for your safety in each room, should not be tampered with, covered, or disconnected.
Smoke detectors become activated when too many combustible particles accumulate in the air. A loud, high-pitched
noise will alert you and allow you time to reach safety. If your smoke detector goes off repeatedly when there is no
fire or makes other unusual noises, please contact the Information Desk or RA on Duty. It will be checked to
determine if the unit needs to be adjusted or replaced. The WSU Fire Marshall is responsible for checking the general
operation of the smoke detectors on a regular basis.
Safeguarding Possessions
Living in a building with a large amount of people means that you should be vigilant about keeping your items safe.
Always make sure to close your door behind you when you leave. Wichita State University does not assume
responsibility for the loss or damage to personal property due to theft, fire, water, or any other reason. Residents
should report any theft that occurs on HRL property to their RA, G/RLC, and to the University Police Department. If
you would like to rent a safe, you can do so through HRL for a nominal fee.
Several measures have been developed for your protection. Residence hall entrances other than the main lobby
entrances are locked 24 hours a day. Main lobby doors are unlocked during regular business hours and monitored by
the desk staff. RAs and UPD officers walk the residence halls and parking lot areas on a regular basis.
Shocker Hall and The Suites have 24-hour desk services and all guests that arrive between the hours of 10pm and 6am
must be registered at the front desk. After 10pm and before 6am all residents may only enter through specified doors
within their building. Door alarms have been added and will sound if doors are propped or held open for too long.
Security cameras have been added to all three resident halls to ensure resident safety and security.
All visitors must be escorted by a resident or staff member at all times. If you see an unescorted non-resident (guest
or stranger), note their behavior and appearance and contact HRL staff immediately. Unescorted visitors will be
asked to leave HRL property.
Please be aware that security depends on you. Do not allow people to walk through doors behind you unless you are
sure they are residents. In addition, the accessible button should not be used to open doors unless absolutely
necessary. Unwanted visitors may enter when this door is opened. Report any strangers to a staff member or the
University Police Department immediately.
Individuals who misuse personal protection devices will be referred for disciplinary action. Residents who tamper
with alarms or locks, prop doors open, assist others in gaining unauthorized entry into the residence halls, or
endanger the safety of residents will be referred for disciplinary action.
Severe Weather
When you see a funnel cloud, hear the tornado siren, or receive directions from HRL staff, move to the bottom floor
or lowest floor of the building and/or designated shelter areas. Stay away from glass windows or doors and protect
your face from flying debris. Stay in designated areas until HRL Staff give the “all clear”.
Traffic Regulations
Motor Vehicles: Each motor vehicle operated or parked on University property by any student, faculty member, staff
member, or visitor must be registered with a valid WSU parking permit. Special permits are distributed by HRL during
move-in to all residents.
Bicycles: The University encourages and supports the use of bicycles as a means of transportation on campus. Bikes
on HRL property must be registered with HRL and stored on the bike racks provided outside your building. HRL will
provide the registration information to the Wichita State University Police Department and provide residents with
registered bikes a registration sticker. Bicycle racks are available at all residence halls and must be used to secure
bicycles outside.
The Department of Housing and Residence Life requires each resident living within university housing facilities to
submit documentation of receipt of a Meningitis Vaccination on or after the applicant’s 16
birthday. Receipt of
documentation is due within fifteen (15) days of occupancy of university housing facilities. A waiver for students with
medical, religious, or other exemptions pertaining to immunizations may be available. Please contact Student Health
Services at 316-978-3620 for information on how to request a waiver form. Residents who do not submit
documentation of a receipt of the Meningitis Vaccination or obtain a waiver from Student Health Services by the
deadline shall be referred to the Director for Student Health Services.
At this time, the COVID-19 vaccination is not required by the university to live on campus. However, if you have
chosen to get a vaccination, you can make it a part of your medical records with the university by uploading your
vaccination card to your Student Health Portal. If you need assistance on how to work that portal, please call Student
Health Services at 316-978-3620.
Housing & Residence Life at Wichita State University strives to maintain a community which values academic
excellence; institutional integrity; and justice, equity, and diversity. Each member of the community shares
responsibility in maintaining conditions that support the University’s purpose. The WSU Student Code of Conduct and
the Housing & Residence Life Handbook outline the standards of behavior expected of every student living in campus
housing. The policies and procedures outlined have been designed to assist students in their pursuit of knowledge
and personal development. A student voluntarily joins the Wichita State University community and thereby assumes
the obligation of abiding by the standards prescribed in the Student Code of Conduct and the Housing & Residence
Life Handbook. Housing & Residence Life, through the Director of Housing & Residence Life, maintains exclusive
authority to impose sanctions for behaviors that violate the policies and procedures outlined. All proceedings will
follow the conduct process as laid out in the WSU Student Code of Conduct.
General Provisions
All students, regardless of their status in the Housing & Residence Life community, shall be afforded the rights and
privileges of due process when accused of violations of the Housing & Residence Life Handbook and/or the Student
Code of Conduct.
Housing and Residence Life’s primary concern is the health and safety of our students. To accomplish that goal, some
regulations are necessary to promote safety and security in the residence halls. The Housing and Residence Life
Handbook outlines HRL behavior expectations for students. By choosing to become a member of the On-Campus
housing community, students are expected to demonstrate respect for themselves and others and to conduct
themselves in a manner that is consistent with Wichita State University rules and policies; federal, state, and local
laws; and city ordinances. When choosing to become a part of the On-Campus housing community, students must
understand it is a privilege. A student’s failure to follow the outlined policies and procedures may determine if they
should no longer share in that privilege.
These policies and procedures also apply to behavior conducted online, via e-mail or through other electronic
mediums. Behavior in Shocker Dining is expected to mirror behavior in the residence halls. Allowing, permitting, or
providing an opportunity for a guest to violate these policies and procedures may be subject to disciplinary action as
outlined in the Student Code of Conduct. Lack of familiarity with these policies and procedures, intoxication or
impairment from alcohol, drugs, or other substances, or an individual’s disability is not an excuse or a defense to a
violation of these policies and procedures. Unless specifically noted in the policy definition, intent is not a required
element to establish a policy violation.
These policies are a supplement to a resident’s responsibilities outlined in the Wichita State University Student
Code of Conduct and the Housing Contract Terms and Conditions. All students in a room or area where a policy is
being violated may be held responsible for the behaviors, even if they are not engaging in the behaviors or violation
of policy directly. Additionally, residents are responsible for all actions of their guests.
A. Alcohol
In conjunction with the law, any person under the age of 21 is prohibited to possess, consume, or purchase alcohol.
Conduct not permitted includes but are not limited to use, possession, manufacturing or distributing of alcohol
However, individuals over the age of 21 can consume alcohol in on-campus housing under the following guidelines:
Open containers of alcohol are not permitted outside student Suite/Apartment.
Only one open container of alcohol is allowed per person who is 21 years of age or older.
Those of age to legally consume alcohol must do so with the Suite/Apartment door closed.
If a Suite/Apartment is shared by those over and under 21 years old, it must be clear that the alcohol is being
consumed only by those 21 years old or older.
If all occupants of a Suite/Apartment are under 21 years old, no alcohol may be consumed or possessed in
that Suite/Apartment, regardless of the age of the guest or visitor. This includes guests who are of age and
live elsewhere in the hall.
Residents and their guests violating the policy will be asked to dispose of the alcohol in the presence of a staff
Intoxication is never an acceptable excuse for misconduct or for infringing upon the rights of others. Residents
should avoid engaging in dangerous drinking behaviors (excessive/rapid consumption).
B. Balconies
Only appropriate porch furniture and potted plants will be permitted. No bicycles, flowerpots, or other objects shall
be placed on or hung from the patio/balcony railings. Barbeque grills are prohibited on the balconies. Climbing over
the railings on the balconies and/or using the balconies as an entrance/exit is prohibited.
C. Bicycles
Bicycles shall not be parked in stairwells, stairways, or chained to shrubs, trees, fences, railings, signs, or lamp poles.
This includes the courtyard fence and the gate at The Flats. Bicycles, unicycles, and the like are not permitted to be
stored inside any residence hall.
D. Common Areas
Certain areas of the residence halls such as the lobbies, lounges, hallways, community restrooms, LKLs, study rooms,
and community kitchens are intended for the use of all residents. Residents must not leave personal property in
these areas or engage in behavior which restricts use by others. Residents who create conditions requiring more than
the routine cleaning provided by the custodial staff must clean the affected area themselves. Residents using public
areas should refrain from any behavior which might prove offensive to others, conduct themselves in an orderly
manner, and respect the rights of others. Indecent exposure, sexual acts, and sleeping are prohibited in common
areas of all residence hall facilities.
Hallways, lobby areas, study areas, Lounge Kitchen Laundry areas, and front doors or each suite/bedroom should be
treated with respect. Any tampering with wall decorations, door decorations, or other property in the common areas
is prohibited.
E. Condition of Premises
Residents are responsible for the care of the room and all appliances/equipment inside and attached to the dwelling
unit. The resident accepts the indicated room in its present condition and agrees to keep the premises in good, clean
condition. Please see the health and safety section of this handbook for appropriate guidelines.
F. Drones
Housing & Residence Life recognizes that the operation of unmanned aircraft systems, also referred to as “drones”,
are popular for both recreational and educational usage. To assist with compliance with Federal Aviation
Administration requirements, state laws, local ordinances and university policies and procedures, HRL defers to
University Policy 11.03 regarding the usage of drones on campus. In addition to seeking permission through the
policy, the Director of HRL, or their designee, must also approve any drone usage in residential areas.
G. Eavesdropping
Eavesdropping, surveillance, or intruding upon the privacy of another person or group by means of bugging devices,
concealed recorders, cameras, camera phones, magnifying optics, etc. is prohibited.
H. Computer Usage and Wireless Networks
As it relates to computer and network usage, the following practices are prohibited:
Personal networks (wireless networks, wireless routers, etc.)
Viewing illegal pornography
Running a business
Creating and running servers
Using a computer with malicious intent
Illegal file sharing or downloading
This policy is adapted from University Policy 19.01
I. Cooking and Appliances
1. Cooking
The following policies apply to community kitchens as well as apartment kitchens in The Flats at WSU:
Never leave a stove, oven, or microwave with active heat sources unattended
Utilize the venting features through either a vent hood or microwave vent when using the stove to cook
Exercise an abundance of caution when cooking with any type of oil. Cooking vessels bust not be filled more
than 25% with oil
Properly dispose of oil and grease leftover from any cooking. Never dispose of grease or oil down a sink drain.
Allow grease and oil to cool before attempting to dispose of it
Do not put metal or part-metal containers or utensils in microwaves. Always verify a dish/vessel is rated for
use in a microwave before placing it in a microwave
2. Electrical Appliances
Any electrical appliance or power strip with a surge protector should be Underwriters Laboratories (UL) approved.
Appliances must be plugged directly into the wall to avoid overloading power strips. The following appliances are
Electric skillets
Pressure cookers of any
Space heaters
Haolgen lamps
Sun lamps
Barbecue grills
Personal dishwashers
Stand-alone freezers
Personal washing/drying
Electric blankets
Electric mattress pads
Exterior antennas
Microwaves that exceed
700 watts
Refrigerators that exceed
4.9 cubic feet
George Foreman grills
Hot-plates (including
induction style)
Coffee makers without an
automatic shutoff feature
Any type of deep fryer
that uses oil
Satellite dishes
Pressure cookers of any variety, space heaters, halogen lamps, sun lamps, barbecue grills, personal dishwashers,
stand-alone freezers, personal washing/drying machines, electric blankets, electric mattress pads, exterior antennas,
microwaves that exceed 700 watts, refrigerators that exceed 4.9 cubic feet, toasters, George Foreman grills, hot-
plates (including induction style), coffee makers without an automatic shutoff feature, any type of deep fryer that
uses oil, and satellite dishes are prohibited.
J. Fire and Safety
Prohibited acts include:
Use of any open flame including candles with a wick, lighters, etc.
Tampering with or misusing elevators
Tampering with smoke detectors or alarms
Climbing into or out of, or scaling the sides of, or occupying the: roofs, window ledges, or outside structure of
HRL facility or property
Throwing, or dropping, or shooting any object within HRL property
Hanging, throwing, or dropping items out the window of a HRL building
Hanging items from the ceiling or sprinkler heads
Hanging electrical items outside of your door
Storing or possessing: lighter fluid, fuels, paint, charcoal, lithium batteries or other combustible items, or piles
of flammable materials in Housing facilities
Storing or possessing scuba tanks, propane tanks, or other pressurized items on HRL property
Possession and use of any type of hookah device, lava lamps, open filament devices, and incense
Scooters, bicycles, longboards, skateboards, etc., that are powered by a lithium battery are not permitted
within any of the residence halls
Please Note, decorative wax figures are allowed only if they do not have a wick. Additionally, candles that have never
been burned, have the wick removed or cut down, and cannot be lit are allowed for decorative purposes.
The University reserves the right to direct residents to remove any hazardous materials from their room.
1. Fire Alarms
Failure to evacuate a hall within 5 minutes when an alarm sounds for any reason represents grounds for disciplinary
2. Hall Sports
In order to maintain an environment that is conducive to studying and does not cause damage to the facility, sports
are not to be played inside the residence halls. This includes, but is not limited to: basketball, football, soccer, frisbee,
water fights, “tag,” “chase,” golfing, wrestling, skateboarding, longboarding, rollerblading, or riding a bike, hover
board, or scooter in the hall. Students should also not be engaging in this type of risky behavior on the sidewalks or
steps outside of the buildings.
3. Laser Pointers
The use of laser pointers is strictly prohibited within WSU residence halls and the areas immediately adjacent to
residence halls. This includes pointing a laser pointer in and/or out of windows, in private rooms, common rooms,
hallways, etc.
K. Guests
As a reminder, residents are responsible for all actions of their guests. All guests 16 years or older must have a picture
ID with them at all times while in the residence halls. Residents must accompany their guests at all times and should
never give their keys/cards/fobs to their guests. Disciplinary action may be taken if keys/cards are used
1. Visitation
All residence halls have 24-hour visitation privileges: however, non-residents staying in the building after 2:00 am
must abide by the following conditions:
The host’s roommate and suitemate(s) must agree to have a visitor in the room.
A resident may have a maximum of two overnight guests in any 24-hour period.
A guest may stay a maximum of three nights within a 30-day period.
2. Room Capacity
Shocker Hall: No more than 10 people are allowed to be in a Shocker Hall bedroom at a time, and no more than 20
residents total should be in a Shocker Hall suite at a time. Shocker Hall Single Room Suites are not to exceed a
capacity of 10 people at a time.
The Flats: No more than 10 people are allowed to be in a Flats at WSU bedroom at one time. Flats 1-bedroom
apartments should not exceed a capacity of 10 people at a time. Flats 2–4-bedroom apartments are not to exceed 25
people at a time.
The Suites: No more than 10 people are allowed to be in a 1- or 2-bedroom suite at one time. The Suites 4-bedroom
suites are not to exceed 20 people at a time.
L. Noise
1. Courtesy Hours
It is expected that students act with courtesy at all times throughout each HRL community as it relates to noise. This
means that stereos, speakers, televisions, bass, and other equipment should always be played at moderate level.
Residents should refrain from making loud noises in their rooms, the hallways, and other public areas (including
outdoor spaces adjacent to the buildings) at all times. This includes any and all behavior that can be seen as disruptive
to the community, such as pranks and running through the hallways, etc.
Hallways and common areas are areas that should be always under courtesy hours. This also includes any pranking
such as “ding dong ditching” other rooms, yelling in the common areas/hallways, or general disruption of the
2. Quiet Hours
Quiet hours are in effect from 10:00pm until 8:00am, Sunday through Thursday; and from 12:00am until 8:00am
Friday and Saturday. While quiet hours are in effect, noise should not be heard outside your room.
M. Pets
With the exceptions of policies related to service, assistance, and support animals defined later in this document and
non-dangerous fish, residents are not allowed to keep pets of any kind on campus. Fish must be kept in a clean, odor-
free, aquarium no bigger than 20 gallons. “Fish” are defined as animals that live and breathe entirely under Residents
may be responsible for any damages caused by a pet or animal.
N. Room Guidelines
1. Furniture
All university owned furniture or equipment must always stay in the room/suite. Removal of lounge furniture from its
appropriate place in the building is prohibited. Any additional furniture must not restrict exiting from any portion of
the room or be a safety hazard to persons walking around the room. Furniture containing liquid of any kind is
prohibited in all Housing facilities.
2. Walls
Painting walls or other surfaces is prohibited. Decorations are encouraged as long as they do not create health
hazards, fire hazards or damage to the room. No more than 20% of each wall space may be covered.
3. Door
Covering more than 20% of a door surface by hanging flammable materials such as fishnet, parachutes or large flags is
prohibited. Residents may decorate the area of no more than 12 inches from the doorframe outside of their
room/suite/apartment, as long as the decorations follow established fire code. Please be considerate of those around
you and the differences we all share, the outside of the room doors is considered a public viewing area.
The installation of any “smart” doorbells and other video monitoring and/or recording devices is strictly prohibited on
any part of suite/apartment doors and areas around the doors.
Exterior and hallway facing suite/apartment doors should be closed and locked if the resident is not present. This
includes sliding glass doors in The Flats.
4. Windows
No window display may be permitted if it substantially detracts from the aesthetics of the residence hall. Removal of
screens is prohibited.
5. Decoration Guidelines
If residents decorate their rooms or floor, these guidelines must be followed:
All materials used (i.e. paper, foil) must be flame resistant.
Trees and other greenery must be artificial and flame resistant.
Lights must be UL- approved, of low wattage.
Fire alarm pull stations, fire extinguisher cabinets, smoke detectors, and exit signs must not be covered and
exits must not be blocked.
No cords for electricity or other purposes are allowed under doors or across/in hallways.
6. Objectionable Materials
Pictures and other materials that may be considered objectionable are not to be displayed in areas that may be visible
outside a residence hall room/suite (including viewed from outside of room through window or door). Incidents will
be handled on a case-by-case basis by the Associate Dean of Students or designee
7. Darts and Dartboards
Due to the potential for personal injury and property damage, darts and dartboards are not permitted at any time in
hallways or residents’ rooms.
8. Weights and Fitness Equipment
No weights, dumbbells, exercise, or fitness equipment in excess of 25 lbs. is permitted in the Residence Halls.
Residents are encouraged to utilize the Heskett Center or Steve Clark YMCA for physical fitness activities.
9. Plants and Planting
Residents are not permitted to plant flowers or vegetables outside. Live potted plants are permitted in the buildings.
O. Sales, Solicitation, and Posting
1. Sales and Solicitation
Door-to-door sales or solicitation in the residence halls is prohibited. Conducting any enterprise for profit on HRL
property is prohibited with the following exceptions:
Anyone may solicit on a limited basis in the common areas of the residence halls or on HRL property as long as
they obtain prior written approval from HRL.
Residents may promote legal merchandise or services in their own rooms but may not sell or take orders in
their rooms.
HRL will accept donations from organizations, businesses, groups, or individuals only if the donations
appropriately and positively contribute to the HRL program as long as obtain prior written approval from HRL.
Donors whose donations are not accepted may contact the WSU Foundation for information about other ways
to contribute to the University. The donor’s name may appear on donated material, and the HRL staff may
recognize the donor through verbal or published announcement. However, the donor must not use the
donation as a means of sales or solicitation in any other manner.
Any vendor and their product(s) that competes directly with any WSU department or their services will not be
allowed to promote or solicit to the residents in the hall. HRL does not provide mailing lists, room numbers, or other
contact information to non-approved vendors. Persons wishing to contact residents for the purpose of sales and
solicitation are advised to use means outside of the residence halls such as the U.S. Postal System, the telephone
system, the student newspaper, or to take advantage of opportunities established by the university for sales and
solicitation in areas of the campus other than HRL property.
2. Distribution of Written or Printed Material Approval
Posting or distributing any signs, posters, pictures, flyers, brochures, newspapers, or other material of any sort on HRL
property is prohibited except in accordance with the following guidelines:
Materials to be posted on HRL property must be left at the designated information desk for each building.
Materials without approval posted or distributed by any person other than a member of the HRL staff will be
Only materials submitted by a University office or registered student organizations will be approved for
Because of space limitations, material submitted for posting or distributing should be limited in size. In all
cases, material will be posted and distributed only if space permits. Additionally, due to the volume of posters
and signage received, these items will only be posted within the immediate period relevant to the
The maximum quantity of material that will be accepted for posting or distributing will be limited in
proportion to the number of residents.
The Housing & Residence Life staff assumes no responsibility for materials left for posting or distributing on residence
hall property.
3. SGA Election Campaigning
SGA candidates will be allowed to campaign on HRL property with the following guidelines:
Campaigners must have approval from an RLC or Associate Director of Residence Life for any and all
campaigning that takes place on HRL property.
No individual is allowed to campaign by going door to door.
All postings must meet HRL posting guidelines.
Postings will be limited to one poster per platform.
Residents are allowed to post signs on their own doors, pending the sign is able to be removed without
damage to the door and meets the 20% rule for door decoration.
Residents are not allowed to post signs throughout the hallway or on other people’s doors.
Each building may allow one opportunity for all candidates to address the interested residents of the building.
This will be coordinated through an HRL staff member.
Any violation of established policies will result in removal of all campaign material for the particular party, as
well as referral to the office of Student Conduct & Community Standards and/or SGA Election Board.
P. Storage
All personal belongings are to be stored in each individual room. Common entrances, stairways, and halls are for
entrance and exit travel only and state fire regulations require that they be clear at all times. The University reserves
the right to remove and dispose of all items without liability when residents leave items in the above areas.
Q. Subleasing
Subleasing of any room in HRL facilities is prohibited. This includes offering your room/apartment on Airbnb and
other short term leasing platforms during break periods, etc.
R. Terms of the Housing Contract
Violation of any term or condition of the Housing & Residence Life Contract Terms & Conditions, or of policies
specified in the Wichita State University Code of Conduct is prohibited. Likewise, violation of any policies instituted by
HRL staff during the term of the housing contract is prohibited.
S. Trash & Recycling Removal
All trash and recycling items must be disposed of in designated receptacles in the building dumpsters. Leaving trash in
the hallways, stairwells, elevators, or other public areas may result in a minimum $25.00 fine, cleaning charges, and
further disciplinary action. Large items such as furniture, appliances, mattresses, etc. may not be placed in the
dumpsters. Residents are responsible for the proper removal of such items.
T. Utility Panel, Pipe, and Maintenance Access
Students will not use, tamper with, or otherwise touch valves, breaker boxes, and other utility access points even
when they can be found in public spaces.
Abandoned Property Policy
Residents are responsible for their individual property at all times. When a resident has not vacated their assigned
space as scheduled (internal moves as well as moves out of the university housing facility at the end of a contract
period), and has not removed individual property, the items will be considered abandoned and will be donated to a
non-profit organization or disposed of by Housing and Residence Life.
Appeals Damage
A student has a right to appeal any damage, cleaning, key, or check-out charges that were assessed upon check-out.
After check-outs have been completed and damage charges are assessed, students will receive an invoice from
housing.wsu@wichita.edu to their WSU email account outlining the charge(s) and the appeal process. A deadline for
appeals of no less than 10 days later will be included in the email, and appeals will not be considered after that
deadline. The Assistant Director for Residence Life will research the appeal, consult with appropriate staff, and make
a decision that remains final.
Appeals Contract
Students who cancel their contract, or have their contract terminated per the Housing & Residence Life
Application/Contract, will have the appropriate cancellation charges applied to their student account. Students have
the right to appeal these charges through the HRL Contract Appeals Committee. Requests to appeal cancellation
charges must be submitted within 90 days of the contract termination date. Appeals can be sent to Jenny Beyer at
jenny.beyer@wichita.edu. The HRL Contract Appeals committee only meets once a month, and they review all
appeals submitted prior to the meeting. All decisions made by the HRL Contract Appeals committee are final and are
not subject to additional review. Students who leave the university for reasons of graduation, exchange program,
military duty, or other qualifying factors will not be assessed a cancellation fee but will be responsible for room and
meal plan fees while actively residing on campus, and any incidental charges incurred.
Contract Extensions
The only students who may remain in the residence halls after the spring semester is over are students that have an
approved extension request on file with HRL. All other students must be moved out by noon on the Friday after
finals. Students should keep this in mind as they make plans for departing Wichita, including those students who
need to secure flights out of Wichita.
Check-Out Procedure Mid-Semester
The procedure for checking out of your room is as follows:
Prior to checking out, a contract cancellation form must be filled out through the Campus Housing portal on
the myWSU website. Checking out without completing that form AND receiving approval form HRL may lead
to additional fees/charges
Once your cancellation request has been approved you can complete the following steps
Remove all your belongings from your room, bathroom, and common space
Clean your room by: throwing away trash; wiping off desks, dressers, shelves, and doors; vacuuming; and
removing stickers and adhesive from all university property. The room must be empty and clean (to the point
where a new resident could immediately move in)
After you have emptied and cleaned your room, checkout of your room via your housing portal. If you were
given any physical keys (temporary access cards or SALTO cards) return them to the front desk.
Go to your housing portal and complete the mail forwarding form. This will make sure all WSUPS-delivered
mail gets routed to your new address. UPD, FedEx, and other private carriers must be notified by you directly
to change your delivery address. After you have left, packages delivered by those carriers will be returned to
If you fail to check out properly, you will be billed accordingly. Some of the common charges are listed below:
o Improper check-out: $50
o Keys improperly returned or damaged: $25 each
o Temporary access cards improperly returned or damaged: $25
o Room not properly cleaned: $60 minimum
o Re-painting walls: $90 minimum
Check-Out Procedure End of year
In the last two weeks of the spring semester, the procedure for checking out of your room is as follows:
Information regarding changes to the checkout process will be distributed through mandatory floor meetings
that will be hosted by your RA. This includes all information regarding signing up for checkouts
Schedule a time to check out utilizing the online process outlined in the floor meeting
Remove all of your belongings from your room, bathroom, and common space
Clean your room by: throwing away trash; wiping off desks, dressers, shelves, and doors; vacuuming; and
removing stickers and adhesive from all university property. The room must be empty and clean (to the point
where a new resident could immediately move in)
After you have emptied and cleaned your room, checkout of your room via your housing portal. If you were
given any physical keys (temporary access cards or SALTO cards) return them to the front desk.
Go to your housing portal and complete the mail forwarding form. This will make sure all WSUPS-delivered
mail gets routed to your new address. UPD, FedEx, and other private carriers must be notified by you directly
to change your delivery address. After you have left, packages delivered by those carriers will be returned to
If you fail to check out properly, you will be billed accordingly. Some of the common charges are listed below:
o Improper check-out: $50
o Keys improperly returned or damaged: $25 each
o Temporary access cards improperly returned or damaged: $25
o Room not properly cleaned: $60 minimum
o Re-painting walls: $90 minimum
Consolidation requires single occupants who have contracted for a double or triple to move together during the
period of the contract. Therefore, if a vacancy occurs in an assigned room/suite, the remaining resident agrees to
accept another roommate as assigned, move into another room/suite if requested or pay the additional charges for
single occupancy if sufficient space is available. Options depend upon availability at the time of consolidation. These
moves must be completed in accordance with the dates and procedures established by HRL. Residents without
roommates in these rooms are expected to stay within their contractually assigned space and must always keep one
half (or third for triples) of their room clean and ready to receive a roommate. Failure to do so will result in a single
room charge from the time the vacancy occurred.
Intersession Housing
Intersession housing is available to all residents. Shocker Dining is generally closed during intersession periods.
Keys and Access Cards
When you move into the Housing & Residence Life facilities, you will be issued phone access or an alternative key to
your room. You are responsible for always keeping this with you. There is a charge for losing or damaging alternative
keys. Each resident will be issued a room access card or key according to the following guidelines:
Residents of Shocker Hall, The Flats at WSU & The Suites at WSU will access exterior doors with their Shocker
ID. Temporary cards may be issued at the beginning of the semester and/or upon issuance of a new Shocker
ID until Shocker ID Cards are properly registered. All residents agree that they will promptly report all lost or
stolen Shocker IDs to the Shocker Card Center in the Rhatigan Student Center. In instances of lost or stolen
cards, the resident will be responsible for obtaining a new Shocker ID.
All residents will be issued room and suite/apartment access on their cell phone or will be given an alternative
access card if necessary.
Room Condition Inventory
Room Condition Inventories (RCIs) will be used to evaluate the condition of a room/apartment/suite in all residence
halls. Whenever possible, HRL staff will conduct an initial evaluation of a space and record it on the RCI prior to a
resident’s move-in. Residents will then have the ability to review and add or make changes to the RCI based off their
own evaluation once they have moved in. Residents will have the opportunity to report any changes to their RCI via a
maintenance request through their housing portal. Any damages or issues not listed on the RCI after this time are
considered the responsibility of the resident and will likely result in charges being billed to the resident accordingly.
For damages in shared spaces (bedrooms, common rooms, bathrooms, etc.), the cost of a charge will be billed to all
residents in the relevant space unless a specific resident takes responsibility for the damages.
Room Changes
Adjusting to living with another person is never easy. Your experience with your roommate will be beneficial as you
learn important skills that will help you later in life. Make an effort to work out potential problems with your
roommate. Your RA will be glad to help you with some of the rough spots.
If you would like to make a room change, you must first fill out your roommate agreement. If the issue arises from
breaking the roommate agreement, or is an issue not covered in the roommate agreement, meet with your RA to
discuss your situation. If a solution cannot be reached, at that time you may request a room change through your
housing portal (with the exception of room change freeze periods). Residents who move without prior written
approval from the Assignments Coordinator will be required to move back and will be charged $25 per day, with a cap
of 14 days, beginning from the time the move was possible and/or discovered until the resident moves back to their
official assignment.
Students may request a room change after the room change freeze ends. This includes requests for single rooms.
The number of rooms available for single occupancy is limited but the housing staff will accommodate you if possible.
Changes to room types may alter room and/or meal plan costs, resulting either a balance or a credit to your student
account suite. Changes in room assignments should be discussed with the RA and G/RLC before submitting a room
change request form online
Note: due to expected high occupancy, residents seeking a room change should be prepared to not be able to move to their desired room type,
especially single rooms. Residents with a high amount of flexibility will experience a more efficient room change process.
Gender Inclusive Housing
WSU Housing & Residence Life is committed to making each resident feel welcomed and included in our campus
communities; including an environment welcoming to all gender identities and forms of gender expression.
Students who need special accommodation due to gender identity/expression should contact Housing & Residence
Life either through the application process or by directly contacting our office.
Please note that:
The request will be handled through a confidential process and staff will not ask for more information than is
required to meet students' housing needs.
Placement priority will be given to students who notify our office before April 1 each year and who require
accommodations based on their gender identity/expression.
Later requests will be handled as appropriate spaces become available.
Possible housing accommodations could include:
Living with a preferred roommate.
Living in a single room with a private bathroom.
Having HRL staff seek out possible roommates who would be supportive
We recognize that some students may have a chosen name/nickname different from their birth certificate name and
we know that using one name or the other may pose different safety concerns in certain circumstances. Students will
be asked to provide a chosen name/nickname. However, please note the following circumstances in which housing
staff will use each name:
Birth Certificate Name: all external communications, such as mailings sent to your home
Chosen Name: all internal communications, such as when you speak directly to Housing staff or when RA's
make nametags to put on your door (as long as the RA is aware), we will use your preferred name.
Providing your chosen name or nickname is also important if you intend to have mail/packages delivered to your hall
as we can only deliver mail to you if the name on the mail matches what we have in our system. Providing this
information to HRL will help ensure that our records are accurate and that we get mail to you in a timely manner.
If you have questions, please contact:
Jenny Beyer
Assignments Coordinator
Associate Director for Business Operations
If a student has a conflict with a roommate because of their gender identity and/or expression they can utilize their
RA as a resource. If the student should need further help, they can see their Residence Life Coordinator. RLCs are full
time professional staff members. All residence life staff have taken part in training specifically on gender
identity/expression issues provided through Wichita State’s Office of Diversity and Inclusion. Another resource
available is the staff at the Office of Diversity and Inclusion, located in the Rhatigan Student Center. Should a student
ever experience bias on campus, they are encouraged to submit a Bias Reporting Form found at
https://cm.maxient.com/reportingform.php?WichitaStateUniv&layout_id=7 in addition to reporting the incident to a
staff member.
Summer Living
During the summer months, Housing & Residence Life plays host to numerous camps and conferences, in addition to
housing residents who lived in HRL facilities spring semester of the same year and/or are taking a summer class.
Shocker Dining, the RSC, Information Desks, Groundhouse Coffee Shop, and the Game Room/Clubhouse may operate
under different hours during the summer months.
Wichita State University Notice of Nondiscrimination
Wichita State University does not discriminate in its employment practices, educational programs, or activities on the
basis of age (40 years or older), ancestry, color, disability, gender, gender expression, gender identity, genetic
information, marital status, national origin, political affiliation, pregnancy, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or
status as a veteran. Retaliation against an individual filing or cooperating in a complaint process is also prohibited.
Sexual misconduct, relationship violence and stalking are forms of sex discrimination and are prohibited under Title IX
of the Education Amendments Act of 1972. Complaints or concerns related to alleged discrimination may be directed
to the Director of Equal Opportunity or the Title IX Coordinator, Wichita State University, 1845 Fairmount, Wichita,
KS 67260, telephone 316-978-3187.
Eligibility Criteria
a) ENROLLMENT: Applicants for housing must be enrolled as a student at Wichita State University for each
semester of the aforementioned application term, by the last date to register for a full semester course as
outlined in the university Academic Calendar. Exceptions may be granted by the Associate Dean of Students or
their designee.
b) GOOD STANDING: Applicants for housing must be in good standing with Housing and Residence Life.
Applicants who have outstanding debts with the university, who were consistently delinquent in making
payments (60 days behind twice during an active housing contract period), who failed to fulfill the terms of a
previous housing contract, whose contract was administratively terminated, and/or whose contract was
terminated as a result of disciplinary action; may not be allowed to sign a housing contract for the application
term. If a resident has applied for a future term and falls out of good standing with Housing and Residence
Life, the applicant’s future application and/or contract may be administratively terminated.
c) VACCINATIONS: The Department of Housing and Residence Life requires each resident living within university
housing facilities to submit documentation of receipt of a Meningitis Vaccination on or after the applicant’s
16th birthday in accordance with the Kansas Board of Regents Policy. Receipt of documentation is due within
fifteen (15) days of occupancy of university housing facilities. A waiver for students with medical, religious, or
other exemptions pertaining to immunizations may be available. Please contact Student Health Services at
316-978-3620 for information on how to request a waiver form. Residents who do not submit documentation
of a receipt of the Meningitis Vaccination or obtain a waiver from Student Health Services by the deadline
shall be referred to the Director for Student Health Services.
d) CRIMINAL HISTORY: Applicants who are required to register by law as a sex offender are NOT permitted to
reside within university housing facilities. Applicants with prior felony convictions are required to provide
documentation regarding the convictions to the Housing and Residence Life Department prior to submission
of a signed contract. Felony convictions that may threaten the safety or security of other residents may result
in a cancelled housing application or contract.
e) EXCEPTIONS: All requests for exceptions to the aforementioned terms of eligibility must be submitted in
writing to Housing and Residence Life at least two weeks prior to the anticipated contract start date.