Proficy* HMI/SCADA - iFIX
Version 5.5
January 2012
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Table of Contents
About This Guide ............................................................................................................................. 1
For New Users of Enhanced Failover: ......................................................................................... 1
For Existing Users of Enhanced Failover: .................................................................................... 1
Terms You Should Know When Working with Enhanced Failover and LAN Redundancy ......... 2
Components of Enhanced Failover .............................................................................................. 3
Active SCADA .......................................................................................................................... 4
Standby SCADA ....................................................................................................................... 4
Logical SCADA Name .............................................................................................................. 4
iClient Connections .................................................................................................................. 5
SCADASync.exe ...................................................................................................................... 5
SCADARoleMgr.exe ................................................................................................................ 5
SCADASyncMonitor.exe .......................................................................................................... 5
iFIXNotificationFG.exe and iFIXNotificationBG.exe ................................................................. 5
SCADASync.log and ScadaRoleMgr.log Files ......................................................................... 6
Network Status Display (NSD) tags ......................................................................................... 6
Enhanced Failover Runtime Information (SCADASync) tags .................................................. 6
What is Enhanced Failover? ........................................................................................................ 6
What is my SCADA Role? ............................................................................................................ 8
Summary of When Role Changes Occur ................................................................................. 8
Introduction to Enhanced Failover ................................................................................................... 9
Enhanced Failover
Differences Between Enhanced Failover and Failover in Previous iFIX Releases ..................... 9
Updated Licensing ................................................................................................................. 10
More Robust and Efficient Processing ................................................................................... 10
Support for Database Synchronization .................................................................................. 10
True Standby Node Support .................................................................................................. 10
Dedicated SCADA-to-SCADA Network for Improved Communications ................................ 10
Automatic Switching to Active SCADA .................................................................................. 11
New NSD Tag Fields .............................................................................................................. 11
Alarm Acknowledgement Synchronization Change ............................................................... 11
New Enhanced Failover Runtime Information Fields ............................................................. 11
Limitations of Enhanced Failover ............................................................................................... 12
General Limitations ................................................................................................................ 12
Unsynchronized Items ............................................................................................................ 13
Database Synchronization for Enhanced Failover ..................................................................... 14
Synchronized Items ................................................................................................................ 14
Items that Affect Database Synchronization Performance .................................................... 14
File Synchronization ............................................................................................................... 15
Alarm Management for Enhanced Failover ............................................................................... 15
Understanding Enhanced Failover ................................................................................................. 17
What Happens when a Failover Occurs? .................................................................................. 17
Alarm Handling for SCADA Servers .......................................................................................... 18
Logical Node Names .................................................................................................................. 18
Table Of Contents
I/O Drivers and Enhanced Failover ............................................................................................ 19
Alarm ODBC Service and Enhanced Failover ........................................................................... 20
Proficy Historian and Enhanced Failover ................................................................................... 21
Customizing the Synchronization Process with SCADASync.ini ............................................... 21
Key Descriptions of SCADASync.ini ...................................................................................... 22
iFIX Notification and Enhanced Failover .................................................................................... 27
Description of the Fields in the Notification Table .................................................................. 27
When iFIX Notification Displays the Message ....................................................................... 28
How Notification Works, in More Detail .................................................................................. 29
Configuration Examples: Enhanced Failover ............................................................................. 29
Recovery Examples: Enhanced Failover Behavior .................................................................... 31
Scenario 1: Primary SCADA Unavailable .............................................................................. 32
Scenario 2: Secondary SCADA Unavailable ......................................................................... 33
Scenario 3: Both Primary and Secondary SCADA Unavailable ............................................ 34
Scenario 4: iFIX Network to Primary SCADA from the Client Unavailable ............................ 34
Scenario 5: iFIX Network to Secondary SCADA from the Client Unavailable ....................... 36
Scenario 6: Dedicated Network Between Primary and Secondary Unavailable .................... 37
Scenario 7: Complete Network Failure .................................................................................. 37
Configuring a SCADA Server Pair for Enhanced Failover ............................................................. 39
Configuring Computers for Enhanced Failover .......................................................................... 39
Preparation Checklist for Enhanced Failover ......................................................................... 40
Checklist for Enhanced Failover Configuration .......................................................................... 42
Enhanced Failover
Configuring Computers for Enhanced Failover .......................................................................... 43
Preparation Checklist for Enhanced Failover ......................................................................... 44
Assigning Physical and Logical Node Names............................................................................ 46
Enabling Enhanced Failover ...................................................................................................... 47
Configuring Data Transport for Options for Enhanced Failover ................................................. 50
Data Sync Transport Options Dialog Box .............................................................................. 53
Steps to Configure the Data Transports for Synchronization ................................................ 55
Configuring iClients .................................................................................................................... 56
How the iClient Works in Run Mode ...................................................................................... 58
Steps to Configure ................................................................................................................. 59
Disabling the 1914 Error Message ............................................................................................. 60
Testing Your Enhanced Failover Configuration ......................................................................... 61
Tips for Enhanced Failover Configurations ................................................................................ 62
Synchronize the Clocks on the SCADA Servers .................................................................... 62
Identify Factors Affecting Performance .................................................................................. 63
Monitoring Network Status ............................................................................................................. 65
Monitoring Enhanced Failover Status and Initiating Manual Failover to the Standby SCADA65
Triggering an Event on Failover ............................................................................................. 66
Network Status Server Fields..................................................................................................... 66
What are NSD Tags and NSS Fields? ................................................................................... 66
How to View NSD Tags in iFIX .............................................................................................. 67
Zero-based NSD Fields .......................................................................................................... 67
Table Of Contents
One-based NSD Fields .......................................................................................................... 68
Field Descriptions ................................................................................................................... 68
Example Uses of Network Status Server Fields ........................................................................ 75
SCADA Failover ..................................................................................................................... 76
LAN Failover........................................................................................................................... 76
Network Status Pictures in the iFIX WorkSpace ........................................................................ 76
Custom Pictures with Logical and Physical Node Names ......................................................... 77
EDA and Network Server Status (NSS) Fields .......................................................................... 78
Troubleshooting Enhanced Failover .............................................................................................. 79
Troubleshooting Checklist for Enhanced Failover Configuration ............................................... 83
More Information on Network Card Usage ............................................................................ 84
Tools for Troubleshooting .......................................................................................................... 85
Log Files for Enhanced Failover ............................................................................................ 86
Error Messages for Enhanced Failover in iFIX ...................................................................... 88
Monitoring SAC in Mission Control ........................................................................................ 91
Enhanced Failover Diagnostics with the SCADA Sync Monitor ................................................ 95
Overview of the SCADA Node Synchronization History ........................................................ 97
Database Synchronization Status .......................................................................................... 98
Communication Status ......................................................................................................... 100
Debug Log for Troubleshooting............................................................................................ 101
Overall System Health ......................................................................................................... 102
Global Memory Synchronization Status ............................................................................... 104
Enhanced Failover
Runtime Information Fields for Enhanced Failover .................................................................. 104
Example Uses of Runtime Information Fields for Enhanced Failover ................................. 121
Frequently Asked Questions about Enhanced Failover ........................................................... 123
Maintenance Mode ....................................................................................................................... 125
SCADA Synchronization Monitor ......................................................................................... 126
Maintenance Mode Steps .................................................................................................... 127
Security Area for Maintenance Mode ................................................................................... 127
Maintenance Mode from Remote iClients ................................................................................ 128
Using iFIX Security with Maintenance Mode ....................................................................... 128
SCADASync Maintenance Mode Fields .............................................................................. 129
Client Operations ......................................................................................................................... 131
Viewing Alarms on iClients....................................................................................................... 131
Reading Data in iFIX Pictures on iClients ................................................................................ 131
Network Failure Detection on the iClient .................................................................................. 132
Example of the iFIX Notification Window Under Normal Conditions ................................... 133
Example of the iFIX Notification Window when a Change Occurs ...................................... 133
SCADAs With Enhanced Failover Detection on the iClient ..................................................... 134
About This Guide
The Enhanced Failover e-book is intended for process control engineers, integrators, and developers responsible
for designing and creating operator displays, and configuring the development and run-time environments. The
manual assumes familiarity with the process database, the iFIX WorkSpace, and the System Configuration
Utility (SCU).
For New Users of Enhanced Failover:
This e-book contains the following sections to help you work with and understand the iFIX Enhanced Failover
Terms for Working with Enhanced Failover
Components of Enhanced Failover
What is Enhanced Failover?
What is my SCADA Role?
Introduction to Enhanced Failover
Understanding Enhanced Failover
Configuring a SCADA Server Pair for Enhanced Failover
Monitoring Network Status
Troubleshooting Enhanced Failover
Client Operations
Maintenance Mode
For Existing Users of Enhanced Failover:
If you are upgrading from a version of iFIX (before iFIX 5.0) with the previous Failover solution, be sure to
refer to the Differences Between Enhanced Failover and Failover in Previous iFIX Releases section in this e-
book and Enhanced Failover and Upgrading section in the Getting Started with iFIX e-book before you begin
configuring or using the Enhanced Failover feature.
A configuration checklist is provided in the Checklist for Enhanced Failover Configuration section as overview.
Enhanced Failover
If you are familiar with iFIX, this should get you started quickly in making your updates.
The only changes between iFIX 5.0 and the current version of iFIX are the addition of the Enhanced Failover
Runtime Information (SCADASync) tags, and various server enhancements (that do not require any
configuration changes). For more information on the SCADASync tags, refer to the Runtime Information Fields
for Enhanced Failover section.
Terms You Should Know When Working with Enhanced Failover and
LAN Redundancy
Before you begin working with Enhanced Failover in iFIX you should familiarize yourself with the following
Enhanced Failover
The process of switching the active SCADA node from a waiting, standby
SCADA node, when the active SCADA node becomes unavailable for
processing data.
Active SCADA
The fully functioning SCADA node in run mode. The active node sends the
process database to standby node. All iClients retrieve their data and alarms
from the active SCADA. The active SCADA generates alarms.
Standby SCADA
The “Idle” SCADA·node in run mode. Updates to the standby SCADA are
based on database synchronization updates pushed from the active node. The
standby node replaces the concept of the backup node in previous versions of
iFIX, prior to iFIX 5.0.
Physical Node
The physical node (also called the local node) is the local iFIX node name,
and should be unique within your iFIX network.
Logical Node
A logical node is a pair of SCADA nodes configured to use Enhanced
Failover. A client using a logical node obtains data from the active SCADA
node in the pair.
Enhanced Failover
Primary SCADA
The first node that you configure in your primary and secondary pair in
configure mode. This is the node that goes active when you start iFIX, but
may not always be the active node.
Secondary SCADA
The second node that you configure in your primary and secondary pair.
A process that occurs on the active SCADA node, where the iFIX process
database and all files in the PDB folder changed from the last update are
copied to the standby node.
The actual process name of the iFIX application that performs the database
synchronization is SCADASync.exe. The ScadaRoleMgr.exe works in tandem
with the SCADASync.exe, and assigns the roles during failover.
iFIX Client node
Operators view process data received from a SCADA Server using a client
(SCADA or iClient node).
The client obtains data and alarms from the active SCADA node:
A client automatically switches over to the newly active SCADA when a
failover occurs.
Any VBA script on the client continues to execute when a failover occurs. If
the VBA script is reading data while the failover occurs, the VBA script may
return an error.
The Alarm Summary shows the same number of alarm and acknowledge
states after a failover occurs. The real-time trend shows some gap in the line
Components of Enhanced Failover
Enhanced Failover is the capability to switch over automatically to a standby SCADA Server when a failure
occurs. The switchover from the active to the standby SCADA Server occurs without user interaction, unless it
is manually triggered. There are certain components that need to be configured and running to allow this
switchover to occur.
The following components are included in the iFIX Enhanced Failover configuration:
Enhanced Failover
Active SCADA
Standby SCADA
Logical SCADA
iClient Connections
The running components of iFIX Enhanced Failover system also include:
SCADASync.exe Process
SCADARoleMgr.exe Process
iFIXNotificationFG.exe and iFIXNotificationBG.exe Applications
SCADASync.log and ScadaRoleMgr.log Files
Network Status Display (NSD) tags (optional)
Enhanced Failover Runtime Information (SCADASync) tags (optional)
Active SCADA
The Active SCADA scans its database, communicates with the PLCs, and generates alarms. Periodically, it
sends its database to the standby SCADA over the dedicated SCADA Synchronization network.
Standby SCADA
The Standby SCADA is ready to take the place of the Active node if the need arises. SAC does not poll the
database or generate alarms on this node. Instead, the Standby SCADA receives database and alarm information
from the Active node.
Logical SCADA Name
A logical node is a pair of SCADA nodes configured for use with Enhanced Failover. A logical pair consists of
a Primary and a Secondary node. A client uses the logical node name to obtain data from the Active SCADA
node in the pair, and to communicate with the Active SCADA node. Each Enhanced Failover SCADA node
(both Primary and Secondary) is defined by a unique physical name and a common logical name.
The SCADA pair consists of a Primary node which is the preferred node in the pair, and a Secondary node
which is the backup node in the pair, each having a role/status. When Enhanced Failover is running, one node
will be Active, and the other node will be in Standby. The Active node functions as a normal SCADA node.
SAC is processing the database and alarms are being generated on the Active node. Additionally, the Active
Enhanced Failover
SCADA node periodically sends database and alarm information to its partner, the Standby node.
iClient Connections
iClient nodes allow operators to obtain data and alarms from the Active SCADA node. Clients must be
connected to the SCADA in “Active” mode to change data, acknowledge alarms, or write data to the PLC.
It is required that you have a dedicated network connection for SCADA synchronization and a separate
connection for iFIX Client connections. iFIX Clients follow the Active SCADA. When a failover occurs, the
Clients are notified to connect to the new active SCADA. For more information on configuring iClients, refer to
the Configuring iClients sections.
SCADASync.exe is the process name of the iFIX application that performs the synchronization.
For more information on this process, refer to the What is Enhanced Failover? and What Happens when a
Failover Occurs? sections.
SCADARoleMgr.exe is a process that decides if the computer will be active or standby.
For more information on this process, refer to the What is Enhanced Failover? and What Happens when a
Failover Occurs? sections.
The SCADA Sync Monitor (SCADASyncMonitor.exe) displays information about the primary and secondary
SCADA Servers. You can use it for viewing diagnostic information about your Enhanced Failover
configuration, or for troubleshooting issues with your Enhanced Failover configuration. For more information
on this application, refer to the Enhanced Failover Diagnostics with the SCADA Sync Monitor section.
iFIXNotificationFG.exe and iFIXNotificationBG.exe
iFIX Notification (iFIXNotificationFG.exe and iFIXNotificationBG.exe) notifies a user on a Client that it is
only able to communicate with a standby SCADA node. You cannot write to a standby SCADA node, and a
standby SCADA node does not generate any alarms. Since this limits what the operator can do, a modal
message box appears informing the user about the condition until the active node becomes available again. For
more information, refer to the iFIXNotification.exe and Enhanced Failover section.
Enhanced Failover
SCADASync.log and ScadaRoleMgr.log Files
For Enhanced Failover, there are two additional log files available for troubleshooting. The SCADASync.log
includes messages that occur during the SCADA synchronization process. The ScadaRoleMgr.log includes
messages that occur during the active to standby node switchover. For more information on these log files, refer
to the Log Files for Enhanced Failover section.
Network Status Display (NSD) tags
The Network Status Display tag is a special tag residing on each networked node that displays diagnostic,
failover, and network information. Networking in the SCU must be enabled to view these tags. These tags can
be added to your custom iFIX pictures. They also provide fields for manually triggering failovers:
A_SWITCHSCADAROLE and F_SWITCHSCADAROLE. For more information, refer to the Network Status
Server Fields section.
Enhanced Failover Runtime Information (SCADASync) tags
The SCADASync tags are special tags consisting of runtime information for your Enhanced Failover
configuration. Enhanced Failover must be enabled in the SCU to view these tags. The SCADASync tags are
very helpful for troubleshooting your Enhanced Failover configuration, and can be added to your custom iFIX
pictures. Many of these fields can be viewed from within the SCADA Sync Monitor; however, there are more
SCADASync fields than what is displayed in the SCADA Sync Monitor. Use these tags to obtain additional
information, for instance, regarding your data transports. For more information on these tags, refer to the
Runtime Information Fields for Enhanced Failover section.
What is Enhanced Failover?
Enhanced Failover is the ability to define two SCADA nodes to function as one logical node. The logical node
provides data and alarms to its clients even if one of the SCADA nodes become inoperable. When you start
iFIX on both nodes, one SCADA will be your active node, and the other will be your standby node.
The active node continuously pushes a copy of the memory-based Process database (PDB) to the standby node.
This process is called synchronization, by which real-time data such as setpoints, the tag database, and alarms
are synchronized between the SCADA node pair. The active node synchronizes its process database with the
standby node. SCADASync.exe is the process name of the iFIX application that performs the synchronization.
SCADARoleMgr.exe is a process that decides if the computer will be active or standby.
SCADASync.exe will use any available network connection for the synchronization; however, you should
prioritize network usage to separate your real-time SCADA network from the synchronization network. It is
strongly recommended that you use a dedicated network between the primary and secondary SCADA nodes for
synchronization traffic. If the SCADA nodes are physically close to each other, then a crossover cable can be
Enhanced Failover
used. Additionally, it is further recommended that the network components (LAN adapters, hubs, switches,
cables, etc.) used for synchronization of the SCADA pair support a minimum 1 Gigabit Ethernet.
The following figure shows an example of an Enhanced Failover configuration that includes two networks: a
dedicated network for SCADA-to-SCADA traffic, and a second network, LAN 1, which is for iFIX networking.
Simple Enhanced Failover Example: One LAN and One Dedicated Network
Operators view the process data received from a SCADA Server using an iClient. Should the active SCADA
Server become unavailable, process data will become unavailable to the operator at the iClient workstation.
Enhanced Failover increases the chance that data will continue to be available the iClient, despite a failure in
the active SCADA node component.
Enhanced Failover allows you to connect an iClient to both the primary and secondary SCADA Server pair that
are connected to the same PLC(s). The iClient computer establishes and maintains the connections to both the
primary and secondary SCADA Server, either of which can be the active server or the standby server. When the
active SCADA Server fails and the standby becomes active, the iClient nodes automatically fail over to the
newly active SCADA Server.
You can use Enhanced Failover and LAN Redundancy either individually or together. If both are being utilized
and the network connection on the iClient to active SCADA is lost, iFIX tries to failover to the backup network
path (LAN2), if available first, then failover to the partner SCADA occurs.
A standby SCADA will automatically take over the active role from its partner SCADA when any of the
Enhanced Failover
following conditions (failures) occur:
1. SAC stops processing blocks due to an application exception (crash).
2. The computer runs out of disk space.
3. All synchronization links between the two nodes are unavailable.
4. A user requests that a change occurs (manual failover).
What is my SCADA Role?
Each node in an Enhanced Failover SCADA pair has a role: Active or Standby. In normal operations, one
SCADA assumes the Active role, and the other SCADA assumes the Standby role.
If a SCADA node cannot communicate or detects a problem with its partner, it becomes the Active node. If
both SCADA nodes are Standby or both nodes are Active, the Primary node becomes Active. When using
Maintenance Mode, both SCADAs will be Active.
Roles can also be changed manually by changing values of the NSD (network status display) tags:
A_SWITCHSCADAROLE or F_SWITCHSCADAROLE. These NSD tags provide the ability to force a
SCADA to a particular role or to display information about the SCADAs or Clients.
Summary of When Role Changes Occur
A SCADA role automatically changes when:
SAC stops processing blocks due to an application exception (crash).
The computer runs out of disk space.
All synchronization links between the two nodes are unavailable.
A user requests that a change occurs (manual failover).
iFIX connectivity is unavailable. For instance, this scenario occurs when disconnecting the iFIX
networking cable on the SCADA computer. Be aware that a SIM is needed to support this
NOTE: SCADA roles do not change as a result of bad Driver to PLC communication.
Introduction to Enhanced Failover
When Enhanced Failover is enabled, two SCADA Servers (a primary and secondary) provide increased
availability in case of a failure. This section describes how Enhanced Failover works and how to configure it. It
includes the following sections:
Differences Between Enhanced Failover and Failover in Previous iFIX Releases
Limitations of Enhanced Failover
Database Synchronization for Enhanced Failover
Alarm Management for Enhanced Failover
Differences Between Enhanced Failover and Failover in Previous iFIX
The Enhanced Failover configuration and architecture provided in iFIX 5.0 and greater is different compared to
previous iFIX versions. If you are a new customer or a customer upgrading from a version of iFIX before iFIX
5.0, be sure to allot some time to understand these changes and implement the new configuration.
Some of the differences between the Enhanced Failover features provided between iFIX 5.0 and greater and in
previous iFIX releases (before iFIX 5.0) include:
Updated Licensing
More Robust and Efficient Processing
Support for Database Synchronization
True Standby Node Support
Dedicated SCADA-to-SCADA Network for Improved Communications
Automatic Switching to Active SCADA
New NSD Tag Fields
Alarm Acknowledgement Synchronization Change
New Enhanced Failover Runtime Information Fields
Enhanced Failover
Updated Licensing
Enhanced Failover is a keyed option in iFIX 5.0 and greater. New and upgrade customers must ensure this
option is enabled on your key before starting iFIX. You can check if this option is enabled through the Proficy
License Viewer.
More Robust and Efficient Processing
Enhanced Failover is more robust than in earlier versions before iFIX 5.0. For instance, in previous releases, the
two SCADA systems acted independently of one another. Now, the active and standby nodes stay synchronized
and the detection of the failure occurs more quickly.
Before iFIX 5.0, generated alarms could vary based on differences in timing of the two independent nodes. This
process was improved, so that such inaccuracies are minimized.
Support for Database Synchronization
Enhanced Failover includes database synchronization between the active and standby SCADA pair.
If you are upgrading from a previous iFIX release, prior to iFIX 5.0, make sure you read the Enhanced Failover
and Upgrading section of the iFIX Getting Started guide, for a complete list of items that you should evaluate.
True Standby Node Support
In the iFIX releases prior to 5.0, each node in a pair was active all the time. It was left to the customer to create
a scheme that simulated an active and a standby node. With Enhanced Failover, the secondary node is a
dedicated standby node. As such, the standby node is in an inactive state:
The SAC database processing task is in standby mode, and no longer processing the database.
Outputs are not being written to the PLC.
Interactive or programmatic process database changes are not allowed, as they would be overwritten
by the synchronization process.
The Alarm ODBC client is not writing messages to the relational database.
This means that you can no longer use your standby node (which used to be called a backup node) as your
development node, if you did so in the past.
Dedicated SCADA-to-SCADA Network for Improved Communications
Between the active and standby nodes, iFIX now supports (and GE Intelligent Platforms strongly recommends)
Introduction to Enhanced Failover
a dedicated connection between them a dedicated SCADA-to-SCADA network. This requires that you install
new hardware, if you are upgrading from a previous release, as well as that you update your SCU configuration.
The use of a dedicated network creates a fast, reliable, efficient connection between the two SCADA nodes for
use with synchronization traffic. A dedicated network allows you to eliminate synchronization traffic from your
iClient network, eliminate a single point of failure, and improve performance.
It is strongly recommended that you use Jumbo Frames technology on the dedicated network. Jumbo Frames
technology allow Ethernet frame of 9000 Bytes for the Payload to compare to frame of 1500 bytes for the
Payload without the Jumbo Frames.
Automatic Switching to Active SCADA
All iClient nodes will automatically switch to the active SCADA.
New NSD Tag Fields
New fields for Network Status Display (NSD) tags are available for use in iFIX pictures and applications. You
can only access these tags when TCP/IP networking is enabled. The new Network Status Server (NSS) fields
available for the NSD include:
A_SCADASTATUS, F_SCADASTATUS The status of the SCADA node: ACTIVE (1) or
A_SWITCHSCADAROLE, F_SWITCHSCADAROLE Use this to request a change in state:
ACTIVE (1) or STANDBY (2).
F_SCADAREDUN This field is set to 1 if Enhanced Failover is enabled; it is set to 0 if it is
For more information on the NSS fields, refer to the Network Status Server Fields section.
Alarm Acknowledgement Synchronization Change
In the iFIX releases prior to 5.0, the failover feature attempted to keep alarms synchronized using the
ALM_SYNC process. Now, with Enhanced Failover, this feature is part of the database synchronization
process. ALM_SYNC is therefore obsolete and no longer required to keep alarms synchronized.
New Enhanced Failover Runtime Information Fields
The runtime information fields for Enhanced Failover reside within SCADASync tags (also known as Enhanced
Failover tags). These fields are very helpful for troubleshooting your Enhanced Failover configuration.
SCADASync tags contain diagnostic and network information pertaining to your Enhanced Failover
Enhanced Failover
configurations. These runtime information fields are available in iFIX 5.1 and greater.
For more information on these runtime information fields, refer to the Runtime Information Fields for Enhanced
Failover section.
Limitations of Enhanced Failover
General Limitations
When using Enhanced Failover with iFIX, be aware of the following general limitations:
If you did not purchase a key that supports Enhanced Failover, you will not be able to use this feature
in iFIX. Do not use a standby SCADA Server as a development node. The standby SCADA node must
be a dedicated standby node.
The SCADA pair must be configured identically.
You cannot make database modifications to the standby node. Data cannot be written to a standby
node; you can only read data from the standby node. However, you can use Maintenance Mode on the
primary node to temporarily suspend synchronization between the two SCADA nodes, so that you can
make changes to your database while SAC is still running.
iFIX I/O drivers do not support redundant communication with multiple SCADA nodes. iFIX only
supports synchronization of the Simulation (SIM) and Simulation 2 (SM2) I/O drivers. All SIM and
SM2 driver information is synchronized between the active and standby nodes.
I/O drivers (6.x and 7.x versions) reading data between the SCADA pair is not supported. The I/O
drivers on the active and standby SCADA nodes run independently of each other (for example, they
have separate poll tables). Both SCADAs are reading data from the PLC/RTU network at all times.
Therefore, the driver configurations running on both SCADA nodes should be identical.
NOTE: Be aware that if your driver is utilizing Access Time for its datablock/poll records, on the
standby SCADA, these datablock/poll records will time-out.
The iFIX OPC data server and the Alarm & Event server running on the SCADA nodes is supported;
however, the iFIX OPC servers do not support logical names. OPC clients will not automatically
switch to the active node.
The Proficy Historian collectors should be running on both the active and standby iFIX SCADA nodes
and configured in Proficy Historian as redundant collectors. For more information about working with
Proficy Historian, refer to the Proficy Historian and Enhanced Failover section.
You should not have your Proficy Historian Archiver running on either computer in SCADA pair
when using Enhanced Failover or LAN Redundancy.
If you upgraded from a version of iFIX before iFIX 5.0, and previously used the SCADA Failover
Introduction to Enhanced Failover
feature, you will need to reconfigure some settings in the SCU (the data transport for synchronization)
before Enhanced Failover will work. For more information, refer to the Enhanced Failover and
Upgrading section in the iFIX Getting Started guide.
If you use Terminal Services with iFIX, be aware that a Terminal Server cannot reside on either the
primary or secondary iFIX SCADA nodes configured for Enhanced Failover. If the SCADA Server
and Terminal Server run on the same machine, that machine becomes a single source of failure.
The primary and secondary SCADA pair must be the same version (major and minor) of iFIX. For
example, if the primary SCADA has iFIX 5.0 installed, the secondary SCADA must have iFIX 5.0
installed. The iClient nodes can be any version of iFIX.
You can have up to three network cards (a primary, secondary, and tertiary network path) configured
for SCADA-to-SCADA communication.
The primary SCADA must have a dedicated network.
If the iClient cannot access the active node through iFIX networking, but can access the standby
SCADA through iFIX networking, the iClient will use the data on the standby node. This will allow
the Alarm summary to display the current value, but it won't get any new alarms until it can access the
active node.
Dynamic Connections on the SCADA pair should be disabled for iClients to failover to partner
SCADA in a timely fashion.
The primary and secondary SCADA computers must be physically next to each other, in the same
Unsynchronized Items
Enhanced Failover only provides for database and alarm synchronization. The following items are not
synchronized between the active and standby node with the Enhanced Failover feature enabled:
Classic Historian configuration (collection group) and collected data from Classic Historian are not
The background scheduler running on both SCADA nodes is not synchronized.
I/O drivers (other than SM2 and SIM) are not synchronized.
System Extension Toolkit (STK) modules are not synchronized.
The alarm printer, file, and history queues are not synchronized.
The Auto Alarm Manager (AAM) queue is not synchronized.
Any EDA background programs are not synchronized, unless the program is aware of the redundant
SCADA setup.
iFIX Pictures are not synchronized.
Enhanced Failover
Background schedules are not synchronized.
VBA scripting variables.
The AR (Analog Register) and DR (Digital Register) block values are not synchronized.
NOTE: The AR and DR blocks are not part of SAC processing, and therefore not part of the
synchronization of the values between the two databases. The AR and DR blocks on the standby and
active nodes reflect the value(s) transmitted by the local driver for the specified I/O address. Be aware
that if the AR and DR blocks are not reading value from the same PLC, it is possible that the active
and standby nodes to have different values for the AR and DR blocks in each database.
Database Synchronization for Enhanced Failover
The database synchronization feature will automatically copy the SCADA database (PDB) from the active
SCADA node to the standby node when a file changes in the Database Manager. File synchronization does not
copy all the files from one node to the other just the files that have changed. All changed files in your iFIX
PDB path are copied when synchronization occurs.
Synchronized Items
iFIX items that are synchronized as part of the database synchronization include the:
Process Database
SQL trigger (SQT) tasks
SIM driver registers
SIM signal generators and parameters
SM2 driver registers
Alarm counters
Alarm logging to ODBC (relational database)
NOTE: AR and DR blocks are synchronized between nodes, however the data for these blocks resides in the
driver's image table. So, during a failover, the available data is supplied by the driver.
Items that Affect Database Synchronization Performance
Items that can affect database synchronization timing include:
Process database size
Introduction to Enhanced Failover
Network speed and non-synchronization traffic
Speed and bandwidth of hardware components
File Synchronization
In addition to synchronization of the memory-resident parts of iFIX, certain directories and files are monitored
for changes. When changes to files are detected, files are copied from the active node to the standby node
(never in the other direction). Therefore, any file changes made on the standby will not be synchronized to the
active node. If the standby should become active, files will synchronize only if they saved after the node
becomes active.
NOTE: Be aware that if you export a database from the iFIX Database Manager on the standby SCADA or
iClient (View) node, the default location will be the PDB directory of the local computer, not the SCADA node
that is active.
Alarm Management for Enhanced Failover
When using the Enhanced Failover feature you should be aware of the following alarm management features:
The Current Alarm, Alarm Priority, Current Value, Latched Alarm, and Alarm Acknowledgements all
reside in the iFIX database. These are included as part of the database synchronization process.
If you used Alarm Synchronization (Alarm_sync.exe) in an iFIX release prior to 5.0, this feature is
replaced by the alarm management and database synchronization available in iFIX 5.1.
Alarm_sync.exe is obsolete and should no longer be used.
With Enhanced Failover enabled, alarms are generated only on the active SCADA node.
Since the active node is the only one generating the alarms, only its SAC process is generating alarms.
During the failover process, from active to standby, both the standby and active SCADA will
temporarily generate alarms until the failover is complete.
If the iClient cannot access the active node through iFIX networking, but can access the standby
SCADA through iFIX networking, the iClient uses the data on the standby node. This allows the
Alarm Summary to update the current value and acknowledgement status, but it does not retrieve any
new alarms until it can access the active node.
Understanding Enhanced Failover
When you configure Enhanced Failover, you need to choose one node to be the primary node and the other to
be the secondary. When iFIX starts, each SCADA node will start in standby mode, and then after SCADA-to-
SCADA communication is established, choose its correct state. If both the primary and secondary nodes can
communicate with each other, and they are both in the same state (either active or standby), then the primary
will become active and the secondary will become standby.
During startup, if communication cannot be made to the partner node, then the node being started becomes the
active node. If you can communicate with the partner node and it's active, nothing happens. However, if the
partner node is also in standby node, the primary node becomes active.
If the secondary node starts more quickly than the primary, it will become the active SCADA node. When the
primary starts in this case, it remains on standby until a failure causes it to switch.
When iFIX starts on the iClient, it attempts to establish iFIX networking communication with its primary and
secondary SCADA Servers. If both nodes are available, the iClient establishes an iFIX networking connection
with both of them but retrieves its data and alarms only from the active SCADA. If only one SCADA Server is
available, the iClient establishes a connection with it. If neither SCADA Server is available, the iClient polls
both nodes until it establishes a connection with at least one SCADA Server.
If an iClient loses its network connection to the active SCADA, the iClient fails over to the standby SCADA, if
available. The client remains connected to the standby SCADA until the active SCADA becomes available to
the client again. In this condition, the client displays an iFIX Notification message indicating that the client
cannot receive alarms, cannot do writes, and may display data that is out of date. This message box closes
within a minute after the iFIX networking connection to the active SCADA is restored. The message box will
remain on the screen until the connection to the active node is restored, or until the SCADA nodes switch roles.
What Happens when a Failover Occurs?
When a failure is detected, the active node goes into a standby state, and the standby node goes into an active
state. A list of what happens during each change of state is described below.
When the active node goes into a standby state:
SAC goes into a standby state, blocks stop being processed.
If enabled, Alarm ODBC pauses from processing messages.
The SCADA Synchronization process (SCADASync.exe) stops pushing data to the standby SCADA
Enhanced Failover
The active node switches its role (via SCADARoleMgr.exe) to become the standby SCADA node.
When the standby node goes into an active state:
SAC goes into an active state, block processing begins.
The standby node switches its role (via SCADARoleMgr.exe) to become the active SCADA node.
Alarm ODBC begins processing messages.
The SCADA Synchronization process (SCADASync.exe) begins to synchronize with the standby
Alarm Handling for SCADA Servers
When you configure the networking and SCADA options in the SCU for both partner SCADA Servers, the
Alarm Startup Queue Service is automatically enabled. This service ensures that alarms are not lost during
session loss and reconnection, or during failover.
When an alarm occurs on a SCADA Server, the alarm is sent to all iClients. The iClient accepts alarms from the
active node only, regardless of whether it is the primary or secondary SCADA. Alarms are not generated by the
standby SCADA.
At the iClient, alarms and messages display the logical node name in brackets. In the following example, the
logical node name is LNN.
04/29/98 22:49:45.1 [LNN] AI-1 HI 72.00
However, if the message is generated by the Database Manager or because of networking problems, node names
within the alarm text display the physical node name.
When a node is configured as part of a SCADA Server pair, the Alarm Summary Queue on each SCADA node
needs to be twice as big as it would be if the node were not part of a SCADA pair. For example, if you are
generating 500 alarms, the Alarm Summary Queue must be set to 1000. If the Alarm Summary Queue
overflows, you may see alarms appear and disappear in the alarm summary. Refer to the Implementing Alarms
and Messages manual for more information on queue sizes.
Logical Node Names
When configuring Enhanced Failover, you define a logical node name to represent the physical names of the
Understanding Enhanced Failover
primary and secondary SCADA nodes. The applications on the iClient should be configured to communicate
with the logical node name. iFIX substitutes the active node name at run time based on which SCADA Server is
available. The combination of the logical node name and the physical, primary and secondary SCADA Server
names is referred to as the primary and secondary grouping. You configure the primary and secondary grouping
in the SCU of the iClient and of each SCADA Server.
The Local Node and Local Logical Names are configured in the Local Startup Definition dialog box of the
System Configuration Utility (SCU). The primary and secondary nodes are configured in the Failover area of
the SCADA Configuration dialog box in the SCU. For iClients, the primary and secondary groupings are
configured in the Remote Nodes area of the Network Configuration dialog box of the SCU.
I/O Drivers and Enhanced Failover
I/O drivers must be configured separately on each SCADA node, when setting up Enhanced Failover.
With Enhanced Failover, only the real time values for the Simulation (SIM) and Simulation 2 (SM2) drivers are
synchronized between the active and standby nodes. When the database synchronization occurs, registers
update in the SM2 and SIM drivers on the standby node.
NOTE: The SM2 driver increments the retry count if its global section is in use when it tries to poll. Because
the SCADA synchronization process updates this section frequently, the SM2 polling task on the standby node
often finds the section locked.
I/O driver poll tables (other than SM2 and SIM) are not synchronized. For instance, if you have the MBE driver
running on both SCADA nodes, each driver will maintain its own set of values in its I/O poll table for the
contents of the PLC values. It is likely that each poll table will have different values for the same registers,
depending on the timing of the different polls.
Scan, Alarm, and Control (SAC) does not process blocks on the standby SCADA, so there is a possibility that
the I/O driver could stop polling, after the access time expires. This will cause the data in the I/O poll table to be
out of date until SAC starts processing the blocks again. You should balance your need for the most recent data
after a failure with the extra polling traffic on your PLC network.
NOTE: GE Intelligent Platforms 7x drivers support the use of a Primary Rate and Secondary (poll) Rate. When
the Access Time time-out occurs, if configured, polling will occur at the Secondary Rate. This reduces network
traffic, yet allows the poll table of the driver to possess fairly recent data from the PLC in the event that the
SCADA becomes the active SCADA.
Be aware that you may need to reconfigure your driver polling time and access time in the Power Tool,
depending on your needs and the configuration of the driver.
Enhanced Failover
Alarm ODBC Service and Enhanced Failover
The iFIX Alarm ODBC Service writes iFIX alarms and messages to an ODBC-compliant relational database.
When using the Alarm ODBC Service, the Enhanced Failover feature provides for synchronization of the alarm
logging to the ODBC database (relational database). Only the Alarm ODBC running on the active SCADA will
write to SQL. The Alarm ODBC on standby does not write to SQL.
Be aware that when using the Alarm ODBC Service with Enhanced Failover:
The Alarm ODBC Service does not inform Mission Control if it is running on the active or standby
node. If the counter for the logged alarms is incrementing, then the Alarm ODBC Service assumes it is
the active node. Use the NSD fields to check if the node is active or standby.
In the ODBC relational database, knowing whether the active or standby node logged an alarm
message is not easily determined if only the logical node name is logged. If you choose to log the
physical node name column, however, you can determine which SCADA of the SCADA pair logged
During the process of a failover, there is a small window during which you may get duplicate alarms, if
you have a large burst of alarms when the failover is occurring (while both nodes think they are still
active). You can look for the most recent failover alarm message to see when the failover occurred.
When a SCADA node is in standby mode, the Alarm ODBC service does not send alarms to the SQL
database. To always send alarms to the SQL database, even in standby mode, you can include a
command line parameter in the fix.ini file to do so. Add a /all to the "RUN=%ALMODBC.EXE"
command in your FIX.ini file, like this:
The following figure illustrates some examples of failover alarm messages (shown in a portion of the Alarm
History window):
Understanding Enhanced Failover
Proficy Historian and Enhanced Failover
If you use Proficy Historian in conjunction with Enhanced Failover, your Proficy Historian Archiver should not
be installed on either of the SCADA pair; it should be on a remote machine. Proficy Historian Collectors
should be running on your iFIX SCADA nodes both the primary and secondary. Your collectors can be
configured as redundant collectors, but they do not have to be. To configure redundant collectors, you use the
Proficy Historian Administrator. For more details, refer to the "Using the Historian Administrator" electronic
book in the Proficy Historian online help.
Be aware of the following when working with Proficy Historian and Enhanced Failover:
If you want to collect data and alarms from SCADAs in an Enhanced Failover pair, you can do that in
the same way as in previous versions of iFIX. To collect data, use an iFIX native collector or use the
Historian OPC collector to the iFIX OPC data server. Put one data collector on each SCADA in the
pair. Be sure to collect data by logical node name. To collect alarms, put an alarm collector on each
SCADA node.
Proficy Historian collectors currently do not support Windows Vista. So, if you want to use Enhanced
Failover and Proficy Historian, do not install iFIX on Windows Vista.
Tags are added to the default collector selected on the SCADA node from Configure Historian
Server(s) dialog box. To access this dialog box, in the iFIX WorkSpace, in Ribbon view, on the
Administration tab, in the Proficy Historian Group, in the Configure Historian list, click Configure
Historian Server.
Only a primary collector can be set as the default collector. Secondary collectors are not available for
Historical data links are not affected by a SCADA Server failover since they continue to request data
from the same Proficy Historian Archiver.
The Integrated Historian feature for iFIX allows you to add tags only from an active SCADA node.
With the Integrated Historian feature, iFIX always adds tags as LogicalNodeName.TagName.F_CV
except for a text block. For a text block, it is added as LogicalNodeName.TagName.A_CV.
Customizing the Synchronization Process with SCADASync.ini
The SCADASync.ini file controls many aspects of the synchronization process. Some of the items you can
customize include how log files are created and whether maintenance mode is available on the active node. By
default, the SCADASync.ini is located in the iFIX LOCAL directory. An example of the SCADASync.ini file
appears below:
Enhanced Failover
Key Descriptions of SCADASync.ini
The following table describes the keys available in the SCADASync.ini for customizing the SCADA
synchronization process:
Specifies whether you allow a
user to simulate a communication
failure for the corresponding
If the value is 1, buttons are
enabled on the communication
dialog box and users are allowed
to simulate a communication
failure for the corresponding
transport. A value of 1 is
recommended only in a test
If the value is 0 (the default), this
simulation cannot occur.
Valid Entries: 0 or 1. The
default value is 0.
Understanding Enhanced Failover
Specifies whether the
Maintenance mode button is
available on the active node in
the Database Synchronization
Status screen of the SCADA
Sync Monitor.
If the value is 1, the
Enable/Disable Maintenance
Mode button is available on the
active node.
If the value is 0, the
Enable/Disable Maintenance
Mode button is unavailable.
Valid Entries: 0 or 1. The
default value is 0.
Enhanced Failover
Represents the delay, in
Milliseconds, between each
database synchronization. By
default, the system is designed to
run as fast as possible, but you
can delay the synchronization
using this setting, for example.
NOTE: By default, this key
does not appear within the
INI file. You need add it
IMPORTANT: Use extreme
caution when enabling this
setting. For example, with a
RAMP block, if a data
change occurs during this
delay, your data may not be
accurate when the
synchronization occurs. You
should not change this
setting if you do not have
knowledge of the types of
data that your pictures
The interval, in seconds, for the
active SCADA node to verify
that the iClients are pointing to
the correct node.
The lower you set the time for
the interval, the more you
increase the network traffic.
Valid Entries: 10 600. The
default value is 60.
Understanding Enhanced Failover
The number of seconds that the
SCADA Sync role manager waits
before it makes any active or
standby decisions, after a manual
Valid Entries: 2 60. The
default value is 5.
The iFIX directory that you want
synchronized. iFIX 5.1 only
supports the PDBPATH
Valid Entries: PDBPATH.
The list of files or a specified
filter (each item in this list is
separated by a semi-colon (;)
mark) to send to the standby node
when the file(s) change.
Default Value: *.*
The list of files or a specified
filter (each item in this list is
separated by a semi-colon (;)
mark) to be excluded from the
file synchronization. iFIX 5.1
only supports:
Valid Entries:
Enhanced Failover
The number of milliseconds that
a PDB file remains unchanged
before it is sent from the active to
the standby node after a failover
occurs. The default value is 5000
milliseconds (5 seconds).
Default Value: 5000
Specifies if the synchronization
process should monitor sub-
If the value is 0, sub-directories
not monitored. In iFIX 5.1, only
0 is supported.
Valid Entries: 0 or 1. The
default value is 0, and should not
be changed.
Specifies whether the log file is
refreshed or if messages are
added to the existing log when
iFIX starts.
If the value is 1, the
SCADASync.log is emptied
(refreshed) when iFIX starts.
If it the value is 0, new messages
to the SCADASync.log are
appended to SCADASync.log
when iFIX starts.
Valid Entries: 0 or 1. The
default value is 1.
Understanding Enhanced Failover
iFIX Notification and Enhanced Failover
iFIX Notification (iFIXNotificationFG.exe and iFIXNotificationBG.exe) is a program installed with iFIX that
notifies a user through a message window when a failover occurs. iFIX Notification runs in the system tray, for
easy and fast access. You can either open the iFIX Notification window from the system tray, or wait for a
change in state to occur for it to display automatically.
When a change in a status does occurs, the iFIX Notification window displays a message with information on
screen about the status of the change, such as this one that a failover occurs:
If you want more information, click the arrow beside the message. A table appears with a status of all the
logical nodes included in your Enhanced Failover configuration. In the following example, there is only one
logical node.
The user on an iFIX client node is only able to communicate with a standby SCADA node. You cannot write to
a standby SCADA node, and a standby SCADA node does not generate any alarms. Since this limits what the
operator can do, the iFIX Notification window that appears is modal, remaining on screen informing the user
about the condition until the active node becomes available again.
Be aware that shortcuts to the iFIX Notification applications (iFIXNotificationFG.exe and
iFIXNotificationBG.exe) are added to the iFIX Startup when you install iFIX. These programs are responsible
for the message display on the client when it connects to a standby node. If you are not running iFIX, or do not
use Enhanced Failover, you can safely delete these iFIX Notification programs from the iFIX startup tasks in
the SCU (Configure > Tasks).
If you terminate the iFIXNotificationFG.exe application, restarting iFIX will automatically restart the iFIX
Notification application.
Description of the Fields in the Notification Table
The following table describes the fields that appear in the iFIX Notification details window.
Enhanced Failover
Logical Node
use Enhanced Failover. A client using a logical node obtains data from the
active SCADA node in the pair.
Current Connection
Primary Node
Primary Status
Secondary Node
Secondary Status
When iFIX Notification Displays the Message
When a client loses its iFIX networking connection to the active SCADA, iFIX fails over to the standby
SCADA, if available. The client remains connected to the standby SCADA until the active SCADA becomes
available to the client again. While in this condition, the client displays an iFIX Notification window indicating
that the client cannot receive alarms, cannot do writes, and may display data that is out of date. This window
closes within a minute after the iFIX networking connection to the active SCADA is restored. For more
examples of this window, refer to the Network Failure Detection on the iClient section. If it is not possible to
restore the connection for some period of time, you can manually fail the active server so that the standby
becomes active. The iFIX Notification feature then clears the message.
Understanding Enhanced Failover
How Notification Works, in More Detail
iFIX Notification runs as two programs: iFIXNotificationFG.exe (for the foreground) and
iFIXNotificationBG.exe (for the background). The iFIXNotificationBG.exe program runs in the background
gathering information about the SCADA nodes. iFIXNotificationBG.exe notifies the foreground client,
iFIXNotificationFG.exe, when changes occur in the failover status. The foreground client displays the iFIX
Notification window when the change occurs so that a user can see the issue and take immediate action, if
required. If any WorkSpace popups display that require immediate action, such as those for acknowledging
alarms or for information on communication losses, the iFIX Notification window will be pushed behind them.
The foreground client does this by readjusting the Z ordering of the iFIX Notification window, allowing the
iFIX Notification window not to block any WorkSpace pop-ups.
iFIX Notification (iFIXNotificationFG.exe and iFIXNotificationBG.exe) will run when iFIX runs as a service.
Be aware, however, of the following cases where you may need to manually start it:
If you use a Remote Desktop Connection to start iFIX as a service from a remote machine.
If you select the "Start at Boot Time" option in the SCU's Local Startup Definition (Configure > Local
Startup) and restart the computer remotely.
In both cases, the iFIX Notification Foreground service, iFIXNotificationFG.exe, does not start automatically,
and subsequently the iFIX Notification window does not launch. To manually start it in this instance, double-
click the iFIXNotificationFG.exe in the iFIX local folder.
Configuration Examples: Enhanced Failover
The following figure illustrates an example of an Enhanced Failover configuration. It includes two SCADA
Server partners a primary and secondary node. There is a dedicated network for SCADA-to-SCADA
communication, another network for SCADA-to-iClient communication, and another network for PLC
communication only. There are three iClients accessing the currently active node, and one PLC on the network,
in this example.
Enhanced Failover
The following figure illustrates the same configuration, with an additional LAN (illustrated in purple) for
redundant LAN support.
Understanding Enhanced Failover
Recovery Examples: Enhanced Failover Behavior
The following scenarios, illustrated in more detail below, describe failure situations that can occur:
Primary SCADA Unavailable
Secondary SCADA Unavailable
Both Primary and Secondary SCADA Unavailable
iFIX Network to Primary SCADA from the Client Unavailable
iFIX Network to Secondary SCADA from the Client Unavailable
Dedicated Network Between Primary and Secondary Unavailable
Complete Network Failure
This following examples shows one Local Area Network (LAN) for iFIX networking and one dedicated LAN
between the SCADA failover pair as the Primary network for data and alarm synchronization. Also in use is the
iFIX network, as the Secondary network, for data and alarm synchronization.
The sections that follow describe the recovery state of the primary SCADA, secondary SCADA, and iClient
should one of these scenarios occur.
Enhanced Failover
Scenario 1: Primary SCADA Unavailable
The following example illustrates a single local area network (LAN), with a dedicated network for SCADA
synchronization, and a single failure point.
The following table describes the items in the previous figure.
Primary SCADA Server
Secondary SCADA Server
Switches to Active. No Synchronization.
iFIX Client
The iFIX Client detects loss of communication to primary
node and switches to newly active node. The iFIX Client
generates a system message that communication was lost to
the primary SCADA node. The Client obtains data and
alarms from secondary SCADA.
Understanding Enhanced Failover
Scenario 2: Secondary SCADA Unavailable
The following example illustrates a single local area network (LAN), with a dedicated network for SCADA
synchronization, and another single failure point.
The following table describes the items in the previous figure.
Primary SCADA Server
Active. No Synchronization.
Secondary SCADA Server
iFIX Client
The iFIX Client detects loss of communication to secondary
node. The iFIX Client generates a system message that
communication was lost to the secondary SCADA node. The
Client continues to obtain data and alarms from Primary
Enhanced Failover
Scenario 3: Both Primary and Secondary SCADA Unavailable
The following example illustrates a single local area network (LAN), with a dedicated network for SCADA
synchronization, and two failure points.
The following table describes the items in the previous figure.
Primary SCADA Server
Secondary SCADA Server
iFIX Client
The iFIX Client generates a system message that
communication was lost to both the primary and secondary
SCADA nodes. The iFIX Client fails to obtain data and
Scenario 4: iFIX Network to Primary SCADA from the Client Unavailable
The following example illustrates a single local area network (LAN), with a dedicated network for SCADA
Understanding Enhanced Failover
synchronization, and a single failure point.
The following table describes the items in the previous figure.
Primary SCADA Server
Active. Synchronization occurs over dedicated network.
Secondary SCADA Server
Standby. Since active and standby nodes are communicating
over the dedicated network, they never switch.
iFIX Client
The iFIX Client generates a system message that
communication was lost to the primary SCADA node. The
iFIX Client switches to the standby SCADA and fails to
obtain up-to-date data directly from the active SCADA. The
iClient reads data from the standby SCADA but will not get
new alarms. The iFIX Notification application displays a
message in this situation. Writes from the iClient node are
not allowed.
Enhanced Failover
Scenario 5: iFIX Network to Secondary SCADA from the Client Unavailable
The following example illustrates a single local area network (LAN), with a dedicated network for SCADA
synchronization, and a single failure point.
The following table describes the items in the previous figure.
Primary SCADA Server
Active. Synchronization occurs over dedicated network, if
Secondary SCADA Server
iFIX Client
The iFIX Client generates a system message that
communication was lost to the secondary SCADA node. The
Client continues to obtain data and alarms from the primary
Understanding Enhanced Failover
Scenario 6: Dedicated Network Between Primary and Secondary Unavailable
The following example illustrates a single local area network (LAN), with a dedicated network for SCADA
synchronization, and a single failure point.
The following table describes the items in the previous figure.
Primary SCADA Server
Active. Synchronization occurs over LAN1.
Secondary SCADA Server
iFIX Client
The iFIX Client obtains data and alarms from the primary
Scenario 7: Complete Network Failure
The following example illustrates a single local area network (LAN), with a dedicated network for SCADA
synchronization, and multiple failure points.
Enhanced Failover
The following table describes the items in the previous figure.
Primary SCADA Server
Active. No Synchronization.
Secondary SCADA Server
Active. No Synchronization.
iFIX Client
The iFIX Client generates a system message that
communication was lost to both the primary and secondary
SCADA nodes. The iFIX Client fails to obtain data and
Configuring a SCADA Server Pair for
Enhanced Failover
This section provides detailed information on configuring Enhanced Failover. It includes the following sections:
Checklist for Enhanced Failover Configuration
Configure Computers for Enhanced Failover
Assigning Physical and Logical Node Names
Enabling Enhanced Failover
Configuring Data Transport for Options for Enhanced Failover
Configuring iClients
Disabling the 1914 Error Message
Testing Your Enhanced Failover Configuration
Tips for Enhanced Failover Configurations
NOTE: After you perform all the required steps for configuration in the System Configuration Utility (SCU),
you will need to save the changes. Restart iFIX on each computer to apply the changed settings.
Configuring Computers for Enhanced Failover
Confirm that your primary and secondary computers meet the minimum hardware requirements for the
Enhanced Failover feature. For a list of supported hardware, refer to the Hardware Requirements section of the
iFIX Getting Started guide, or the IPI.
For Enhanced Failover, it is required that you use one additional Gigabit-Ethernet card (or better) for dedicated
SCADA-to-SCADA synchronization traffic (for a total of at least two network cards).
Use the following checklist to confirm that your primary and secondary computers are configured properly
before continuing with the rest of the Enhanced Failover configuration. Validate that the SCADAs, I/O drivers,
and iClients function independently before continuing with the Enhanced Failover configuration.
The next set of configuration steps describe how to enable Enhanced Failover and defines partner nodes, so that
the SCU configuration on both the primary and secondary nodes is also the same.
Enhanced Failover
Preparation Checklist for Enhanced Failover
When you configure the primary and secondary computers for Enhanced Failover, both SCADA computers
should be configured the same way. Each computer should have:
A License key with the Enhanced Failover option enabled.
One additional Gigabit-Ethernet card (or better) dedicated for SCADA-to-SCADA traffic (for a total of
two network cards). The dedicated SCADA-to-SCADA network card should be excluded from the
iFIX-to-iFIX network (not enabled for LAN redundancy), and used exclusively for Enhanced Failover
synchronization. Both network cards must be of the same speed, and appear on the compatibility list
for each card. It is strongly recommended that the cards be of the same make and model number, and
use the same drivers.
Both network cards should be installed and configured properly on both SCADAs. The wake-up upon
receiving a socket or/and request feature must be disabled on the dedicated SCADA-to-SCADA
network card. SpeedStep® technology is not supported and must not be enabled. Additionally, due to
limited bandwidth and latency, it is strongly advised that you do not use wireless networking
technology in your networking solution.
Each network card (NIC) should have a name. For instance, you can use iFIX, SCADA Sync, a
company network name, and so on. Did you record the IP address? The NIC slot/order or IP address
could be affected. It is desirable that both machines have the same NIC cards and NIC order (slot). The
power save settings on your computers and dedicated network card (NIC) must be disabled. Do not use
any power setting features that affect CPU clock speed.
All network cables and connections should be correct. You must use a direct connection via a Cat6
crossover cable, without going through any switches, hubs, or routers.
Jumbo Frames technology must be used on the dedicated network for Enhanced Failover. Jumbo
Frames technology allows for an Ethernet frame of 9000 MTU for the payload, compared to a frame of
1500 bytes without the Jumbo Frames
Additional hardware requirements should be met:
A 3 GHz Dual-Core CPU. For better performance, please consider using higher. Be aware
that the computer processor must be Dual-Core; a single hyperthreaded core is not supported.
A minimum of 4 GB RAM. For better performance, please consider using more.
A minimum of 1 GB of free hard drive space. Even after allowing for an extra GB for iFIX, it
is strongly recommended that many GBs of additional free space exist on the hard drive to
avoid performance issues.
For more hardware requirements, refer to the System Requirements tab in the IPI.
The same version of the Windows operating system running.
The same major and minor version of iFIX with the same SIMs installed, if any, on both the primary
and secondary nodes.
Configuring a SCADA Server Pair for Enhanced Failover
IMPORTANT: If Proficy Historian is integrated with iFIX, be sure to additionally review the Proficy
Historian and Enhanced Failover section.
The same iFIX security configuration in the Enhanced Failover pair, plus all View/iClient nodes
connecting to the SCADA Server. In order to automatically fail over, you need to have either security
enabled on all nodes, or security disabled on all nodes. Discrepancies in security configuration levels
may result in an inability to automatically fail over.
The same I/O drivers with the same configuration, including polling times. Confirm the I/O drivers are
listed in the same order in both SCUs, on both SCADAs.
The same Database (.PDB) files on both the primary and secondary nodes. Both Primary and
Secondary SCADAs should be shut down when you copy the iFIX PDB and Driver files from the
Primary SCADA to the Secondary SCADA.
The same Database Dynamos (loadable blocks) installed. Be sure that the slot numbers for Database
Dynamos are also identical. For more information on slot numbers, refer to the steps in the
Understanding Slot Numbers section in the Building a SCADA System e-book.
NOTE: Database Dynamo mismatches cause the synchronization process to fail, and may prevent
your standby computer from becoming active.
Connections to the same PLC(s).
The same system time.
Identical iFIX system configuration for any of the following items, if used:
User and application features, if security is enabled in iFIX
PIC directory (optional)
.INI files, including the Scadasync.ini, network.ini, and filterderrors.ini (optional)
Background Scheduler
System Extension Toolkit (STK) modules
Integration Toolkit or Productivity Pack
Alarm Services
Alarm printer, file, history queues, and areas
Auto Alarm Manager (AAM)
Proficy Historian Collectors
iFIX security settings
NOTE: The Alarm Areas (AAD) need to be defined on the local node and then synchronized with the partner
node. Even though the LogicalName may point to the local node, in the AAD it could be pointing to the partner
Enhanced Failover
node. With the desired .PDB loaded on the active SCADA, copy the AlarmAreas.AAD file from the PDB folder
on the active SCADA to the PDB folder on the standby SCADA. File Synchronization will, by default, copy the
.AAD file. You should now be able to view Alarm Areas correctly on either SCADA node.
Checklist for Enhanced Failover Configuration
To ensure that you configured the Enhanced Failover feature properly, use the following checklist. This
checklist lists each task in the configuration process, and whether it applies to the primary node, secondary
node, and/or iClient.
For more
Confirm that each computer's
hardware is setup correctly
and meets the minimum
section of the
iFIX Getting
Started guide
Validate that all iFIX systems
run properly, making sure
that the SCADA Servers, I/O
drivers, and Clients function
independently before even
starting to configure
Enhanced Failover.
Computers for
Define the local and logical
node names in the SCU.
Physical and
Logical Node
Enable Enhanced Failover
and configure your primary
and secondary pair in the
Configuring a SCADA Server Pair for Enhanced Failover
For more
Enable at least one LAN
adapter for data
synchronization and
configure IP addresses in the
Data Transport Options
dialog box in the SCU.
Configuring Data
Transport for
Options for
Add the logical name of the
SCADA pair in the remote
node list on the iClient.
In the remote node list of
iClient, enable the logical
node name and define the
Primary Node and Secondary
Disable the 1914 error
Disabling the
1914 Error
Validate your Enhanced
Failover configuration.
Testing Your
Configuring Computers for Enhanced Failover
Confirm that your primary and secondary computers meet the minimum hardware requirements for the
Enhanced Failover feature. For a list of supported hardware, refer to the Hardware Requirements section of the
iFIX Getting Started guide, or the IPI.
For Enhanced Failover, it is required that you use one additional Gigabit-Ethernet card (or better) for dedicated
Enhanced Failover
SCADA-to-SCADA synchronization traffic (for a total of at least two network cards).
Use the following checklist to confirm that your primary and secondary computers are configured properly
before continuing with the rest of the Enhanced Failover configuration. Validate that the SCADAs, I/O drivers,
and iClients function independently before continuing with the Enhanced Failover configuration.
The next set of configuration steps describe how to enable Enhanced Failover and defines partner nodes, so that
the SCU configuration on both the primary and secondary nodes is also the same.
Preparation Checklist for Enhanced Failover
When you configure the primary and secondary computers for Enhanced Failover, both SCADA computers
should be configured the same way. Each computer should have:
A License key with the Enhanced Failover option enabled.
One additional Gigabit-Ethernet card (or better) dedicated for SCADA-to-SCADA traffic (for a total of
two network cards). The dedicated SCADA-to-SCADA network card should be excluded from the
iFIX-to-iFIX network (not enabled for LAN redundancy), and used exclusively for Enhanced Failover
synchronization. Both network cards must be of the same speed, and appear on the compatibility list
for each card. It is strongly recommended that the cards be of the same make and model number, and
use the same drivers.
Both network cards should be installed and configured properly on both SCADAs. The wake-up upon
receiving a socket or/and request feature must be disabled on the dedicated SCADA-to-SCADA
network card. SpeedStep® technology is not supported and must not be enabled. Additionally, due to
limited bandwidth and latency, it is strongly advised that you do not use wireless networking
technology in your networking solution.
Each network card (NIC) should have a name. For instance, you can use iFIX, SCADA Sync, a
company network name, and so on. Did you record the IP address? The NIC slot/order or IP address
could be affected. It is desirable that both machines have the same NIC cards and NIC order (slot). The
power save settings on your computers and dedicated network card (NIC) must be disabled. Do not use
any power setting features that affect CPU clock speed.
All network cables and connections should be correct. You must use a direct connection via a Cat6
crossover cable, without going through any switches, hubs, or routers.
Jumbo Frames technology must be used on the dedicated network for Enhanced Failover. Jumbo
Frames technology allows for an Ethernet frame of 9000 MTU for the payload, compared to a frame of
1500 bytes without the Jumbo Frames
Additional hardware requirements should be met:
A 3 GHz Dual-Core CPU. For better performance, please consider using higher. Be aware
that the computer processor must be Dual-Core; a single hyperthreaded core is not supported.
A minimum of 4 GB RAM. For better performance, please consider using more.
Configuring a SCADA Server Pair for Enhanced Failover
A minimum of 1 GB of free hard drive space. Even after allowing for an extra GB for iFIX, it
is strongly recommended that many GBs of additional free space exist on the hard drive to
avoid performance issues.
For more hardware requirements, refer to the System Requirements tab in the IPI.
The same version of the Windows operating system running.
The same major and minor version of iFIX with the same SIMs installed, if any, on both the primary
and secondary nodes.
IMPORTANT: If Proficy Historian is integrated with iFIX, be sure to additionally review the Proficy
Historian and Enhanced Failover section.
The same iFIX security configuration in the Enhanced Failover pair, plus all View/iClient nodes
connecting to the SCADA Server. In order to automatically fail over, you need to have either security
enabled on all nodes, or security disabled on all nodes. Discrepancies in security configuration levels
may result in an inability to automatically fail over.
The same I/O drivers with the same configuration, including polling times. Confirm the I/O drivers are
listed in the same order in both SCUs, on both SCADAs.
The same Database (.PDB) files on both the primary and secondary nodes. Both Primary and
Secondary SCADAs should be shut down when you copy the iFIX PDB and Driver files from the
Primary SCADA to the Secondary SCADA.
The same Database Dynamos (loadable blocks) installed. Be sure that the slot numbers for Database
Dynamos are also identical. For more information on slot numbers, refer to the steps in the
Understanding Slot Numbers section in the Building a SCADA System e-book.
NOTE: Database Dynamo mismatches cause the synchronization process to fail, and may prevent
your standby computer from becoming active.
Connections to the same PLC(s).
The same system time.
Identical iFIX system configuration for any of the following items, if used:
User and application features, if security is enabled in iFIX
PIC directory (optional)
.INI files, including the Scadasync.ini, network.ini, and filterderrors.ini (optional)
Background Scheduler
System Extension Toolkit (STK) modules
Integration Toolkit or Productivity Pack
Alarm Services
Enhanced Failover
Alarm printer, file, history queues, and areas
Auto Alarm Manager (AAM)
Proficy Historian Collectors
iFIX security settings
NOTE: The Alarm Areas (AAD) need to be defined on the local node and then synchronized with the partner
node. Even though the LogicalName may point to the local node, in the AAD it could be pointing to the partner
node. With the desired .PDB loaded on the active SCADA, copy the AlarmAreas.AAD file from the PDB folder
on the active SCADA to the PDB folder on the standby SCADA. File Synchronization will, by default, copy the
.AAD file. You should now be able to view Alarm Areas correctly on either SCADA node.
Assigning Physical and Logical Node Names
The physical node name is the local iFIX node name, and should be unique within your iFIX network. The
logical node name is a name that represents the Enhanced Failover SCADA pair (that is, the name will be the
same on both SCADAs). Both the physical and logical node names must be defined on the primary and standby
SCADA nodes.
Use the Local Startup Definition dialog box in the System Configuration Utility (SCU) to define the physical
(local) and logical node names. In the SCU, you define the local node name and logical node name in the Local
Startup Definition dialog box. The following figure shows an example of the Local Startup Definition dialog
box for a primary node named FOXBORO, and a secondary node named ALBANY. Both areas are highlighted
in the following figure. The logical node name for both is SCADA.
Primary and Secondary Node, Local Startup Definition Dialog Box
Configuring a SCADA Server Pair for Enhanced Failover
To define your local and logical node names on the primary SCADA:
1. On the Start menu, point to Programs, Proficy HMI/SCADA - iFIX, and then System Configuration.
The System Configuration Utility (SCU) appears.
2. On the Configure menu, click Local Startup. The Local Startup Definition dialog box appears.
3. In the Local Node Name field, enter the unique primary node name.
4. In the Local Logical Name field, enter the common logical node name.
5. Click OK.
To define your local and logical node names on the secondary SCADA:
1. On the Start menu, point to Programs, Proficy HMI/SCADA - iFIX, and then System Configuration.
The System Configuration Utility (SCU) appears.
2. On the Configure menu, click Local Startup. The Local Startup Definition dialog box appears.
3. In the Local Node Name field, enter the unique primary node name.
4. In the Local Logical Name field, enter the common logical node name.
5. Click OK.
Enabling Enhanced Failover
In order to use the Enhanced Failover feature, you must enable it and define the SCADA pair. Use the SCADA
Configuration dialog box in the System Configuration Utility (SCU) to enable redundancy and define the
partner nodes (primary and secondary pairing). These steps must be performed on both the primary and
secondary nodes.
Use the SCADA Configuration dialog box to configure these items. The following figure shows an example of
the SCADA Configuration dialog box for a primary node named FOXBORO, where a secondary node named
ALBANY is defined. The Failover area of the dialog box is highlighted in the following figure.
Enhanced Failover
Primary Node, SCADA Configuration Dialog Box
The next figure shows the portion of the SCADA Configuration dialog box that you edit for a
secondary node named ALBANY. The primary SCADA node name FOXBORO is defined.
Configuring a SCADA Server Pair for Enhanced Failover
Secondary Node, Portion of SCADA Configuration Dialog Box Requiring Edits
To enable Redundancy and configure pairs on the primary SCADA:
1. On the Start menu, point to Programs, Proficy HMI/SCADA - iFIX, and then System Configuration.
The System Configuration Utility (SCU) appears.
2. On the Configure menu, click SCADA. The SCADA Configuration dialog box appears.
3. In the Failover area, select the Enable check box.
4. In the Node area, select the Primary option.
5. In the Secondary SCADA Name field, enter the name of your secondary SCADA node.
6. Click OK.
To enable Redundancy and configure pairs on the secondary SCADA:
1. On the Start menu, point to Programs, Proficy HMI/SCADA - iFIX, and then System Configuration.
The System Configuration Utility (SCU) appears.
2. On the Configure menu, click SCADA. The SCADA Configuration dialog box appears.
3. In the Failover area, select the Enable check box.
4. In the Node area, select the Secondary option.
5. In the Primary SCADA Name field, enter the name of your primary SCADA node.
6. Click OK.
Enhanced Failover
Configuring Data Transport for Options for Enhanced Failover
For Enhanced Failover, you need to select and enable available network LAN adapter(s) to use for data
synchronization and to define the IP address(es) for the partner SCADA. The data transport options should be
defined when you first configure your primary and secondary SCADA nodes. You must already have your
hardware installed and configured (obtain an IP Address) before you can enter your iFIX configuration.
The Partner Address field must be defined on both the primary and secondary SCADA nodes. You also select
which LAN adapter(s) to use for data synchronization and select their order. The two network cards (for these
two IP addresses) need to be on the same physical network, and should be static or fixed IP addresses. All
adapters listed are enabled by default. You should disable any adapter you do not want to use for data
LAN adapters defined in the Data Sync Transport Options dialog box in the SCU are used only for database
synchronization between the SCADA pair and are not related to LAN adapters that are defined and set up for
iFIX networking in Advanced Network Configuration dialog box. Up to three data transport options can be
configured in the Data Sync Transport Options dialog box.
If you add or remove LAN adapters at a later date, you will need to re-configure the data synchronization
transport options, as well as the network configuration settings in the SCU. The primary, secondary, and tertiary
LAN connections and partner IP address must be entered for each LAN.
To configure your data transport options and define the IP address for the partner SCADA:
1. Open the System Configuration Utility (SCU).
2. In the SCADA Configuration dialog box, click the Data Sync Transport button. The Data Sync
Transport Options dialog box appears.
3. Select or enter your options.
The following example shows the Data Sync Transport Options dialog box for a primary node with the Partner's
Address field highlighted. In this figure, the secondary node partner, ALBANY, has an IP address of
Configuring a SCADA Server Pair for Enhanced Failover
Primary Node, Data Sync Transport Dialog Box
The next figure shows the portion of the Data Sync Transport Options dialog box that you edit for the
secondary node, ALBANY. The primary node partner, FOXBORO, has an IP address of Notice how the Address and Partner's Address fields are reversed.
Enhanced Failover
Secondary Node, Portion of Data Sync Transport Dialog Box Dialog Box Requiring Edits
In this example, all three networks are enabled: the Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary. It is not required for all
three network choices to be Gigibit-Ethernet cards; however, it is strongly recommended that you use at least
one Gigabit-Ethernet card for dedicated SCADA-to-SCADA traffic, as the Primary data transport.
In this example, the dedicated network for SCADA-to-SCADA traffic is the Primary transport. The Secondary
and Tertiary transports in this example are used for LAN Redundancy. In the example, LAN 2 is the secondary
network, because it is the backup LAN in the Redundant LAN configuration. LAN 1, which, as the primary
LAN for the LAN Redundancy configuration, will have more network traffic than the backup, is specified as
the Tertiary network for database synchronization. The following figure illustrates how these three transport
options map to the dedicated networks, LAN 1, and LAN 2.
Configuring a SCADA Server Pair for Enhanced Failover
NOTE: Although this example shows Enhanced Failover configured with LAN Redundancy, both Enhanced
Failover and LAN Redundancy do not have to be configured together. One can be configured separately
without the other. Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary data transport options (up to 3 transports) can be
configured even without LAN Redundancy.
Data Sync Transport Options Dialog Box
The following table describes the fields in the Data Sync Transport Options dialog box.
Description area
Lists all available LAN adapters to use in primary, secondary, and tertiary
networks in the order of priority for network usage. Up to three LAN
adapters can display in this field.
Use the Up and Down arrows to move a network adapter up or down in
the list, to change the priority levels.
The descriptions that appear here match what appears in the network
configuration for the operating system.
Select this check box to use the selected LAN adapter for data
synchronization between the SCADA pair as well as to enable the settings
in the Data Sync Transport Options dialog box, such as the timers and
partner address, for configuration.
MAC Address
This field is for viewing purposes only. The Media Access Control (MAC)
address represents a unique identifier for the selected network adapter on
the local computer.
This field is for viewing purposes only. The Address is the IP address for
the selected network adapter on the local computer.
Enter the Address in this field into the Partner Address field on the other
node in the pair.
Enhanced Failover
Partner's Address
Enter the IP address of the partner SCADA node.
If you are configuring the primary SCADA, this IP address is the IP
address of a specified network adapter card on the secondary SCADA
If you are configuring the secondary SCADA, this IP address is the IP
address of a specified network adapter card on the primary SCADA.
The IP address that you enter should be a static or fixed IP address. Do
not use DNS-assigned IP addresses for Enhanced Failover.
Watchdog Time
Enter a value, in seconds, indicating how long you want to wait if you
have not heard from the partner SCADA. A ping message (data packet) is
sent to the partner SCADA if there has been no communication with the
partner node in this time period.
By default, this value is 0.250 seconds.
Watchdog Timeout
Enter a value, in seconds, indicating how long you want iFIX
(ScadaSync.exe) to wait before determining that this transport is not
By default, this value is 1.000 second.
Message Timeout
Enter a value, in seconds, indicating how long the SCADA
synchronization data transfer services waits for an acknowledgement from
the partner SCADA (indicating that a data packet is received
successfully). If an acknowledgement is not received by this time-out
period, the retry logic initiates according to the value of the Message
Retry field.
When a message times out, the SCADA Sync Monitor (a diagnostic
program) displays a message on the debug output screen. On this screen,
the timer will show up as milliseconds. For more information on this
screen in the SCADA Sync Monitor, refer to the Debug Log for
Troubleshooting section.
By default, the Message Timeout value is 0.500 seconds.
Configuring a SCADA Server Pair for Enhanced Failover
Message Retry
Enter the number of times to retry sending a data packet, if an error or
time-out occurred.
By default, this value is 3.
Bandwidth Limit
Enter the number of megabytes that you want to throttle network traffic
for. By default, this value is 0 (no throttling).
If a non-dedicated network between the SCADA pair is being used for
data synchronization, this setting should be utilized so as to not consume
an inordinate amount of network bandwidth.
As an example, on a dedicated Gigabit-Ethernet, values between 20 and
30 MB/s are typical.
Reset to Defaults
Click this button to replace the current settings in the Data Sync Transport
Options dialog box with the default, factory settings.
Steps to Configure the Data Transports for Synchronization
To define the data synchronization network transports on the primary SCADA:
1. On the Start menu, point to Programs, Proficy HMI/SCADA - iFIX, and then System Configuration.
The System Configuration Utility (SCU) appears.
2. On the Configure menu, click SCADA. The SCADA Configuration dialog box appears.
3. In the Failover area, confirm that the Enable check box is selected. If it is not, select Enable now.
4. In the Failover area, click the Data Sync Transport button. The Data Sync Transport dialog box
5. In the Description list, highlight the network LAN adapter to use for data synchronization between the
SCADA pair.
6. Select the Enable check box.
7. If you want the enabled adapter to appear on another line (slot), you can move the adapter up or down
in the list using the up and down arrow buttons.
8. In the Partner's Address field, enter the IP address of the secondary node.
Enhanced Failover
9. Leave the default settings for the rest of the fields.
10. Click OK.
To define the data synchronization network transports on the secondary SCADA:
1. On the Start menu, point to Programs, Proficy HMI/SCADA - iFIX, and then System Configuration.
The System Configuration Utility (SCU) appears.
2. On the Configure menu, click SCADA. The SCADA Configuration dialog box appears.
3. In the Failover area, confirm that the Enable check box is selected. If it is not, select Enable now.
4. In the Failover area, click the Data Sync Transport button. The Data Sync Transport dialog box
5. In the Description list, highlight the network LAN adapter to use for data synchronization between the
SCADA pair.
6. Select the Enable check box.
7. If you want the enabled adapter to appear on another line (slot), you can move the adapter up or down
in the list using the up and down arrow buttons.
8. In the Partner's Address field, enter the IP address of the primary node.
9. Leave the default settings for the rest of the fields.
10. Click OK.
Configuring iClients
To configure an iClient for Enhanced Failover, in the SCU for the iClient, you must add the logical name of the
SCADA pair to the remote node list in the Network Configuration dialog box. You must do this for all iClients,
as well as the primary and secondary pairing for this SCADA node. The following figure shows an example of
the Network Configuration dialog box for an iClient node with the fields requiring edits highlighted.
Configuring a SCADA Server Pair for Enhanced Failover
After you make these changes in the Network Configuration dialog box, you need to configure the logical node
name in the Remote Network Configuration dialog box. These steps must be performed on all iClient or View
nodes that obtain data from the SCADA pair. The following example shows the Remote Network Configuration
dialog box for an iClient node with the fields requiring edits highlighted. The primary node name is
FOXBORO, while the secondary node name is ALBANY, and logical node name is SCADA.
Enhanced Failover
iClient, Remote Node Configuration Dialog Box
How the iClient Works in Run Mode
When iFIX starts, the iClient attempts to establish iFIX networking communication with its primary and
secondary SCADA Servers.
If both nodes are available, the iClient establishes an iFIX networking connection with both of them but will get
its data and alarms only from the active SCADA. If only one SCADA Server is available, the iClient establishes
a connection with it. If neither SCADA Server is available, the iClient polls both nodes until it establishes a
connection with at least one SCADA server.
If iFIX is stopped on the active SCADA, the computer is shut down, all networking to the SCADA fails, or a
manual failover is initiated, the standby SCADA will become the active SCADA. All iClients nodes will switch
to the newly active node and will now get their data and alarms from the newly active SCADA.
If LAN Redundancy is not enabled (only one network path is enabled for iFIX
If the iClient loses its iFIX networking connection to the active SCADA, it fails over to the standby
SCADA, if available. The iClient remains connected to the standby SCADA until the active SCADA
becomes available to the iClient again. In this condition, the iClient displays an iFix Notification
message indicating that you will not receive alarms, cannot do writes, and displayed data may be out of
date. This message box closes within a minute after iFIX networking connection to the active SCADA
is restored. If a write is attempted in this condition, the following prompt displays: “Cannot write
value. The SCADA node is in Standby mode.” You will also receive a prompt if you attempt to modify
the database from the Database Manager on the iClient node.
Configuring a SCADA Server Pair for Enhanced Failover
If LAN Redundancy is enabled (two network paths are enabled for iFIX Networking):
If the iClient loses its iFIX networking connection to the active SCADA, the LAN redundancy feature
will switch to use the other iFIX network to continue to get data and alarms from the active SCADA. If
the second iFIX network also fails, the iClient fails over to the standby SCADA, if available. The
iClient remains connected to the standby SCADA until the active SCADA becomes available to the
iClient again. In this condition, the iClient will display an iFIX Notification message indicating that
you will not receive alarms, cannot do writes, and displayed data may be out of date. This message box
closes within a minute after iFIX networking connection to the active SCADA is restored. If a write is
attempted in this condition, the following prompt displays: “Cannot write value. The SCADA node is
in Standby mode.” You will also receive a prompt if you attempt to modify the database from the
Database Manager on the iClient node.
Steps to Configure
1. Add the remote node on the iClient.
2. Configure the logical node name (remote node) on the iClient.
IMPORTANT: If you use Enhanced Failover with LAN Redundancy, you must also update the HOSTS
file on the primary computer, the secondary computer, and all iClient computers that connect to the
active SCADA Server pair. Make sure that the HOSTS files contain static or fixed IP addresses for the
primary and secondary SCADA nodes.
To add the remote node on the iClient:
1. On the Start menu, point to Programs, Proficy HMI/SCADA - iFIX, and then System Configuration.
The System Configuration Utility (SCU) appears.
2. On the Configure menu, click Network. The Network Configuration dialog box appears.
3. In the Network area, select the TCP/IP option.
4. In the Remote Node Name field, enter the name of the logical node name of the SCADA pair.
5. Click Add. The name now appears in the Configured Remote Nodes list.
6. Click OK.
To configure the logical node name (remote node) on the iClient:
1. On the Start menu, point to Programs, Proficy HMI/SCADA - iFIX, and then System Configuration.
The System Configuration Utility (SCU) appears.
2. On the Configure menu, click Network. The Network Configuration dialog box appears.
3. In the Configured Remote Nodes list, select the logical node name that you added.
Enhanced Failover
4. Click Configure. The Remote Node Configuration dialog box appears.
5. Select the Enable Logical Node Name check box.
6. In the Primary Node field, enter the primary node's local node name.
7. In the Secondary Node field, enter the secondary node's local node name.
8. Click OK to close the Remote Node Configuration dialog box.
9. Click OK.
Disabling the 1914 Error Message
When an iClient establishes a connection to an active SCADA Server node, it starts to read data from that node.
When the active SCADA Server node becomes unavailable or manual switching of the active SCADA occurs,
the iClient momentarily loses its session with that node, causing a message box to appear with following
1914: Node.Tag.Field Connection Not Established With Node
To suppress this message from appearing on screen, edit the FilteredErrors.ini file, which is located in the
C:\Program Files\Proficy\Proficy iFIX\Local directory. Add the 1914 error code to the FilteredErrors.ini file, as
shown in the following example:
;To add an error code to be filtered increment the count and set
;the Error equal to the return code
Count = 4
Error1 = 1620
Error2 = 1914
Error3 = 1915
Error4 = 8517
In this example, all typical network session errors are suppressed. After you edit the FILTEREDERRORS.INI
file, restart the Proficy iFIX WorkSpace to ensure your changes take effect.
To suppress the 1914 message from appearing on screen:
1. Open the FilteredErrors.ini file in a text editor, such as Notepad. The FilteredErrors.ini file is typically
located in the C:\Program Files\Proficy\Proficy iFIX\Local directory.
2. Add a line for your entry, as in the following example:
;To add an error code to be filtered increment the count and set
Configuring a SCADA Server Pair for Enhanced Failover
;the Error equal to the return code
Count = 4
Error1 = 1620
Error2 = 1914
Error3 = 1915
Error4 = 8517
3. Save the file.
Testing Your Enhanced Failover Configuration
After you complete your Enhanced Failover configuration, be sure to save your changes in the System
Configuration Utility (SCU) on both the primary and secondary nodes. You can now begin to test your changes.
Validate each node independently, then validate the pair.
To test your nodes:
1. Start the Primary node and verify that it's working properly.
2. After you confirm the Primary node is working properly, shutdown the Primary node.
3. Start the Secondary node and verify that it's working properly.
4. After you confirm the Secondary node is working properly, shutdown the Secondary node.
5. Restart the Primary node.
6. Restart the Secondary node. This allows the SCADAs to start in the preferred SCADA roles: the
Primary as Active, and the Secondary as Standby.
7. Allow a minute or two for the nodes to connect, ensuring all data & alarms settle out before the
Failover status changes.
8. Confirm that the Primary SCADA starts as the Active node and all driver and PLC communications
are good. The iClients should connect to the Primary and have the ability to change and read data. The
Secondary SCADA should start up as the Standby node.
Use the following tools to help you monitor the initial status of the Enhanced Failover pair and the network:
Windows Task Manager, Networking tab to see if your networking cards are doing what they are
configured to do, and that each adapter is performing appropriately.
Windows Task Manager, Processes tab to verify that ScadaSync.exe and ScadaRoleMgr.exe are
listed as running on both SCADAs.
SCADA Sync Monitor to display runtime information about the primary and secondary SCADA
Enhanced Failover
Runtime Information Fields to display additional runtime information available about your primary
and secondary SCADA Servers, that does not already display in the SCADA Sync Monitor. These
fields can be added to pictures or EDA applications. For example, these fields allow you to access
more information about your data sync transports than you can in the SCADA Sync Monitor.
Mission Control to view the status of the Scan, Alarm, and Control (SAC) program and whether
blocks are being processed.
NetDiag to check network communication, particularly if you are using Enhanced Failover with
LAN Redundancy.
Tips for Enhanced Failover Configurations
Recommendations for working with Enhanced Failover in iFIX include:
For scripts in pictures that you develop, always use the logical node name, unless you specifically need
to use the physical node name.
EDA programs should use the logical node name as well.
Ensure the same “loadable blocks” are installed on both SCADAs in the same slots.
When configured and running, use the SCADA Sync Monitor to check the status on the active node.
For more information on this and other uses of the SCADA Sync Monitor, refer to the Diagnostics
with the SCADA Sync Monitor section.
Use the FILTEREDERRORS.INI file to filter out commonly displayed error messages such as the
1914 error message displayed when a failover occurs. For steps, refer to the Disabling the 1914 Error
Message section.
Use the Checklist for Enhanced Failover Configuration to ensure that you configured the Enhanced
Failover feature properly. This checklist lists each task in the configuration process, and whether it
applies to the primary node, secondary node, and/or iClient.
Synchronize the clocks on the SCADA Servers. See steps below.
Identify factors that are affecting performance and improve them, if possible. See below.
Synchronize the Clocks on the SCADA Servers
To ensure that all iClients see the same data and alarms, synchronize the clocks on both the primary and
secondary SCADA Servers. If the clocks are not synchronized and failover occurs, alarms received from the
primary and secondary nodes could have significantly different timestamps, even if both alarms were generated
at the same instant. You can synchronize the SCADA clocks using the NET TIME command. Refer to the
Windows operating system online Help for more information.
Configuring a SCADA Server Pair for Enhanced Failover
Identify Factors Affecting Performance
Factors that can affect database (PDB) synchronization timing include:
Database size
Network speed and/or traffic
Hardware used
Monitoring Network Status
The Network Status Server (NSS) fields are available for writing application programs and create displays that
monitor and control iFIX networking. This section explains how to use the Network Status Server on the iClient
Monitor network status.
Monitor Enhanced Failover status and manually initiate failover to the standby SCADA.
Trigger an event on failover to the standby SCADA or LAN.
You can monitor the status of the network using the NSS diagnostic fields. This feature allows you to monitor
sessions on your network, determine which nodes are active, and display the name of the local node. In the
event that a SCADA Server becomes unavailable, you can also display an error code and text describing the
current state of the connection with each SCADA Server.
iFIX provides the Network Status Display (NSD) tag that you can use when designing displays for monitoring
and controlling Enhanced Failover and LAN Redundancy. This tag is not a database block. It is a special tag
residing on each networked node that displays diagnostic, failover, and network information. Refer to the table
of available Network Status Server fields in the Network Status Server Fields section.
To access the fields, use the server.node.NSD.field syntax. In the following example, PACKER1 is the local
physical name. NSD is always the tag.
NOTE: TCP/IP networking must be enabled in the SCU to use NSD fields in iFIX.
For more information on the Network Status Server fields, refer to the Network Status Server Fields section.
Monitoring Enhanced Failover Status and Initiating Manual Failover to the
Standby SCADA
Three new NSS fields have been added for Enhanced Failover: SCADAREDUN, SCADASTATUS, and
F_SCADAREDUN is a read-only field that returns an indication as to whether enhanced failover is enabled on
the SCADA node. If Enhanced Failover is enabled, a 1 displays, and if it is disabled, a 0 displays.
F_SCADASTATUS and A_SCADASTATUS are read-only fields that return an indication as to whether the
Enhanced Failover
SCADA node is in an active state or the standby state. If the SCADA is in an active state, a 1 (or ACTIVE)
displays, and if it is in the standby state, a 2 (or STANDBY) displays.
In addition to monitoring the SCADA status or having automatic SCADA failover, you can also manually force
a SCADA failover to occur at any time. For example, you can manually switch to the standby SCADA node
when the active SCADA node needs to be shut down for maintenance.
F_SWITCHSCADAROLE and A_ SWITCHSCADAROLE are read/write fields that return an indication as to
whether the SCADA node is in an active state or the standby state. If the SCADA is in an active state, a 1 (or
ACTIVE) displays, and if it is in the standby state, a 2 (or STANDBY) displays. To perform a manual SCADA
failover, a write of 1 (or ACTIVE) causes the SCADA to become the active SCADA. A write of 2 (or
STANDBY) causes the SCADA to become the standby SCADA.
Triggering an Event on Failover
You may want to trigger an event when a failover occurs. For example, you may want to display a message
informing the operator of the failover, and when the operator acknowledges the message, close a valve or sound
an alarm. Use the Scheduler to create schedules to do this. Refer to the Creating and Editing Schedules and
Entries section for more information.
To trigger an event on SCADA failover, write to the A_FAILOVER or F_FAILOVER Network Status Server
field. This field is set to 1 on automatic or manual failover. You must reset it to 0 to receive notification of
subsequent failovers.
To see if any connection has had a SCADA failover, read to the F_SCADAANYFAILOVER field. It is set to
non-zero if any F_FAILOVER field is set to non-zero.
To trigger an event on LAN failover, write to the F_LANFAILOVER or A_LANFAILOVER field. This field is
set to 1 on LAN failover. You must reset it to 0.
To see if any connection has had a LAN failover, read to the F_LANANYFAILOVER field. It is set to non-zero
if any F_LANFAILOVER field is set to non-zero.
For more information on the Network Status Server fields, refer to the Network Status Server Fields section.
Network Status Server Fields
What are NSD Tags and NSS Fields?
The Network Status Display (NSD) tag is a system tag that allows you to monitor network information. This tag
is not a database block. It is a special tag residing on each networked node that contains diagnostic, failover, and
network information.
Monitoring Network Status
The Network Status Server (NSS) fields are individual field names containing the specific networking
information for the NSD tag. For instance, these fields include node specific information such as the current
active node name, the logical SCADA name, the backup path, the failover status, and so on.
NSD tags and NSS field names can be inserted into an iFIX picture as a datalink, for instance, to display
networking information for troubleshooting or diagnostics.
If you do not have an iFIX key on your computer, you will not be able to access the NSD tags or NSS fields.
This is because in Demo mode, iFIX does not have networking enabled. You must have a key on your computer
that supports networking in order to display the NSD or NSS information in iFIX. NSD tags and NSS fields are
not supported in iFIX Demo mode.
How to View NSD Tags in iFIX
To view NSD tags and NSS fields in iFIX, you must first enable TCP/IP networking enabled in the SCU (in the
Network Configuration dialog box).
You can view NSD tags and NSS field names from the iFIX WorkSpace, using the iFIX Expression Builder. On
the iFIX Database tab, select the Node name, and then NSD tag should appear in the list of tags. When you
click the NSD tag, the NSS fields should appear in the field names column, as shown in the following figure.
Zero-based NSD Fields
In the following table, the _0 through _200 appended to field names indicates that information is available on a
per-connection basis. When _0 is appended to a field name, the information pertains to the local node. Since
Enhanced Failover
there can be up to 200 node names in the SCU, _1 through _200 typically correspond to the order of the names
in the SCU. However, any primary and secondary grouping in the SCU that contains the local node name is
always located at index _0.
One-based NSD Fields
In the following table, if the field is 1-based, when _1 is appended to a field name, the information pertains to
the local node. _2 through _200 typically correspond to the order of the names in the SCU. Any primary and
secondary grouping in the SCU that contains the local node name is located at index _1.
Field Descriptions
The following table lists the Network Status Server (NSS) fields that are available for the Network Status
Display (NSD) tag.
Network Status Server (NSS) Fields
Field Name
The current state of the connection to the active node.
This is either "Established" or text describing the current
A_ACTIVEPATH_0 through
F_ACTIVEPATH_0 through
Indicates if the active path is the primary or secondary
A 0 in this field indicates that the primary path is the
active path; a 1 indicates that the backup path is the
active path.
Active SCADA Server name, which can be either the
primary or secondary node name.
Status of the connection to the active SCADA (OK or an
error code). It will be one of the primary, logical, or
secondary statuses.
Monitoring Network Status
Network Status Server (NSS) Fields
Field Name
A_ALOCALADDR_0 through
This is for the active network connection. For TCP/IP,
displays the local IP address used to reach the remote
This field is 1 if remote nodes are allowed to write to the
NSD fields on the active node, or 0 if writes are not
Status of the connection over the active path. This is
either the primary or secondary status.
This is for the active network connection. For TCP/IP,
displays the IP address of the remote node.
A_BACKUPPATH_0 through
Backup network path. When using LAN Redundancy, it
shows the paths per connection. For TCP/IP, it is the IP
Standby SCADA Server name for this connection.
Status of the connection to the standby SCADA (OK or
an error code).
The current state of the connection to the standby node.
This is either "Established" or text describing the current
Enhanced Failover
Network Status Server (NSS) Fields
Field Name
A_BLOCALADDR_0 through
This is for the backup network connection. For TCP/IP,
displays the local IP address used to reach the remote
Status of the connection to the backup network path.
This is for the backup network connection. For TCP/IP,
displays the IP address of the remote node.
Indicates whether the connection is incoming or
> if outgoing.
<– if incoming.
<–> if both outgoing and incoming.
Indicates if the active node is the primary or secondary
A 0 in this field indicates that the primary SCADA is the
active node; a 1 indicates that the secondary SCADA is
the active node.
Automatic SCADA failover state.
A 0 in this field indicates that automatic SCADA
failover is enabled if it is configured; a 1 disables
automatic SCADA failover. Manual failover is still
Monitoring Network Status
Network Status Server (NSS) Fields
Field Name
A_FAILOVER_0 through
This field is set to 1 on automatic or manual SCADA
failover. You must reset it to 0 to receive notification of
subsequent failovers.
You can read to this field to trigger an event on SCADA
Total number of manual failovers to this node since iFIX
Total number of failovers (automatic and manual) to this
node name since iFIX startup.
Use this field to see if any connection has had a LAN
failover. It is set to a non-zero number, if any.
Enabled in this field indicates that LAN Redundancy is
enabled if it is configured; Disabled indicates LAN
Redundancy is disabled.
Use this field to disable LAN Redundancy on a per
connection basis.
This field is set to 1 on LAN failover. You must reset it
to 0.
Total number of automatic failovers to this path since
iFIX startup. Session losses that are re-established over
the same network path are not included.
Displays the local physical node name.
Enhanced Failover
Network Status Server (NSS) Fields
Field Name
Logical SCADA Server name for this connection. (Same
as A_LOGICALSCADA and retained for backwards
Logical SCADA Server name for this connection.
Status of the connection to the logical SCADA (OK or
an error code).
A_NETNAME_0 through
Name used to connect to the remote node. For TCP/IP, it
is the remote node name.
The current state of the connection to the primary node.
This is either "Established" or text describing the current
A_PLOCALADDR_0 through
This is for the active network connection. Displays the
local TCP/IP address used to reach the remote node.
Status of the connection over the primary network path.
This is for the active network connection. For TCP/IP,
displays the IP address of the remote node.
Monitoring Network Status
Network Status Server (NSS) Fields
Field Name
Primary network path.
When using LAN Redundancy, it shows the paths per
connection. For TCP/IP, it is the IP address.
Primary SCADA Server name for this connection.
Status of the connection to the primary SCADA (OK or
an error code).
Displays the current protocol (TCP/IP) that iFIX is using
for networking.
The status of the SCADA node: ACTIVE (1) or
A request for change in state: ACTIVE (1) or
This field is 1 if remote nodes are allowed to write to the
NSD fields on this node, or 0 if writes are not allowed.
Indicates if the active node is the primary or secondary
A 0 in this field indicates that the primary SCADA is the
active node; a 1 indicates that the secondary SCADA is
the active node.
You can write to this field to perform a manual failover.
Enhanced Failover
Network Status Server (NSS) Fields
Field Name
SCADA Server failover state.
A 0 in this field indicates that SCADA Server failover is
enabled if it is configured; a 1 disables SCADA Server
failover. Manual failover is still possible.
You can write to this field to disable automatic failover
to the standby SCADA on a per-connection basis.
A_FAILOVER_0 through
This field is set to 1 on automatic or manual SCADA
failover. You must reset it to 0 to receive notification of
subsequent failovers.
You can read to this field to trigger an event on SCADA
Total number of manual failovers to this node since iFIX
Total number of failovers (automatic and manual) to this
node name since iFIX startup.
Use this field to see if any connection has had a LAN
failover. It is set to non-zero if any
F_LANFAILOVER_# field is set to non-zero.
A 0 in this field indicates that LAN Redundancy is
enabled if it is configured; A 1 indicates LAN
Redundancy is disabled.
Use this field to disable LAN Redundancy on a per
connection basis.
Monitoring Network Status
Network Status Server (NSS) Fields
Field Name
This field is set to 1 on LAN failover. You must reset it
to 0.
Total number of automatic failovers to this path since
iFIX startup. Session losses that are re-established over
the same network path are not included.
Use this field to see if any connection has had a SCADA
failover. It is set to non-zero if any F_FAILOVER_#
field is set to non-zero.
This field is set to 1 if Enhanced Failover is enabled; it is
set to 0 if it is disabled.
Indicates the amount of time, in milliseconds, that it took
this iClient to get data from the SCADA Server the last
time data transfer occurred.
Example Uses of Network Status Server Fields
To view NSD tags and NSS field names in the iFIX Expression Builder, you must have TCP/IP networking
enabled in the SCU (in the Network Configuration dialog box). NSD tags are not supported in iFIX Demo
mode. Refer to the Network Status Server Fields section for more information.
NSS fields can be used in datalinks, for instance, to provide information on the current status of the SCADA
network. In addition to the fields that already existed in previous releases, you can use the following new NSS
fields in datalinks to monitor and switch the SCADA status:
Fix32.nodename.NSD.F_SCADAREDUN to display if Enhanced Failover is enabled.
Fix32.nodename.NSD.F_SCADASTATUS (or A_SCADASTATUS) to display the current status of
Enhanced Failover
Fix32.nodename.NSD.F_SWITCHSCADAROLE (or A_ SWITCHSCADAROLE) to force the
switching of the active SCADA to the standby
Other examples are provided in the following sections.
SCADA Failover
You can identify when a SCADA Server failover has occurred using a Network Status Server tagname (for
example, (A_FAILOVER_0 through A_FAILOVER_200, F_FAILOVER_0 through F_FAILOVER_200), or
through the alarm messages.
iFIX sends an alarm message whenever SCADA Server failover occurs.
For example, if you are communicating from an iClient named LN1_VIEW to a primary SCADA node named
FOXBORO, and the active SCADA fails over to the secondary SCADA node named ALBANY, the message
on the iClient is:
06/07/2008 16:35:21.5 [FOXBORO] SAC is in Standby mode
06/07/2008 16:35:22.5 Connection Failover: failover attempted
06/07/2008 16:35:22.5 Connection Failover: connection to FOXBORO has been switched to ALBANY
06/07/2008 16:35:21.5 [ALBANY] SAC is in Active mode
LAN Failover
You can use a Network Status Server tag (A_LANFAILOVER_0 through A_LANFAILOVER_200,
F_LANFAILOVER_0 through F_LANFAILOVER_200) or the messages to identify when a LAN failover has
iFIX sends a message whenever LAN failover occurs.
For example, if you are communicating from an iClient named LN1_VIEW over TCP/IP address to a
SCADA node named FOXBORO, and the session is lost and re-established over TCP/IP address,
the message on the iClient is:
19:24:00.0 [LN1_VIEW] Connection to [FOXBORO]
switched to - to - 198.421.103.6
Network Status Pictures in the iFIX WorkSpace
iFIX supplies a diagnostic display that contains links referencing diagnostic NSS fields. This display, called
Monitoring Network Status
NetworkStatusDisplay.GRF, allows you to view the local node name, each incoming connection, each
outgoing connection, and each connection's status. This display always shows the logical node name even if the
secondary node is the active node.
iFIX also supplies a NetworkStatusRedundancy.GRF picture, which allows you to view the network status
information for the SCADA Server pair, as well as iFIX network LAN status.
NOTE: If you want to use the NSD pictures on an iClient, you must first search and replace all instances of
THISNODE with the local iClient name in the NSD picture. The NetworkStatusDisplay.GRF and
NetworkStatusRedundancy.GRF files are provided in the Picture path of your iClient. You need to modify these
files to reference your local node name.
Custom Pictures with Logical and Physical Node Names
You can use either the logical or physical node name in displays to access data. You will only be able to write
on the active SCADA. This section explains the impact of using one or the other and uses the Proficy iFIX
WorkSpace as an example. This also applies to VBA scripts and any application that uses EDA (Easy Data
Access) to access process data, such as Historical Collect. For more information, refer to the Writing Scripts
Pictures with links to tagnames using the logical node name always display data from the active SCADA,
regardless of whether it is the primary or secondary SCADA. This is done without requiring the picture to be
opened, closed, or replaced after failover.
If you want to access data from a specific SCADA Server using the physical node name (and have a session
established to it), you can read data from both the primary and secondary SCADA, regardless of which one is
active, but you can only write to the SCADA that is active. You cannot write to the SCADA that is in standby
mode. This is because you used the physical node name in the datalink. The picture displays data from the
physical SCADA Server specified. If communication with that SCADA Server is lost, data for datalinks using
the physical node name is not available at the iClient until the connection is re-established with that node.
For example, if the datalink on the iClient node is using the logical node name of the SCADA pair (for example
LNN.DI_VALVE_OPEN.F_CV) and it is currently getting data from the primary SCADA (which is the active
SCADA) and a failover to the standby SCADA occurs, then the datalink still displays data that is from the now
active secondary SCADA.
However, if the datalink the iClient node is using the physical node name of the primary SCADA pair (for
example FOXBORO.DI_VALVE_OPEN.F_CV) and is currently getting data from the primary SCADA (which
is the active SCADA) and a failover to standby SCADA occurs, then the datalink displays @@@@ and a 1914
“Connection not established” prompt displays.
Enhanced Failover
EDA and Network Server Status (NSS) Fields
With EDA applications in iFIX releases prior to 5.0, processing was done on one node, and then processing was
done on the other, on a field-by-field basis. With Enhanced Failover, updates are made only when items change,
saving valuable processing time and allowing the failover to occur faster.
If you are upgrading from a prior iFIX release, you will need to re-evaluate the NSD fields you use to get the
status. Older EDA applications created for failover scenarios may not be correct when all the new information
available in iFIX 5.1 is considered. There are new NSD fields that you may want to evaluate for use in your
If you are creating new EDA applications, or modifying existing ones, you can use the following new NSD
fields in datalinks to monitor and switch the SCADA status:
Fix32.nodename.NSD.F_SCADAREDUN to display if Enhanced Failover is enabled.
Fix32.nodename.NSD.F_SCADASTATUS (or A_SCADASTATUS) to display the current status of
SCADA node.
Fix32.nodename.NSD.F_SWITCHSCADAROLE (or A_SWITCHSCADAROLE) to force the
switching of the active SCADA node to the standby.
With these new fields, you can control EDA applications based on the SCADA role and mode.
Troubleshooting Enhanced Failover
Some common troubleshooting issues are provided in the following table. If you are new to Enhanced Failover,
refer to the Troubleshooting Checklist for Enhanced Failover Configuration section if you do not know where to
start troubleshooting your configuration.
IMPORTANT: When troubleshooting, be aware starting and stopping SAC in an Enhanced Failover
environment is not recommended. Doing so, could place your system in an unexpected state. While the
capability of starting and stopping the SAC is provided via Mission Control and with the iFIX Integration
toolkit (FITK), such action on an Enhanced Failover pair may lead to an unexpected failover and role change.
A restart of the SAC process will be interpreted as a failure and subsequently lead the standby SCADA node to
be promoted to an active role. You may want to consider this prior to stopping and restarting SAC any node in
a failover pair.
SCADA Failover feature is not
enabled in the license for this
This error found in ScadaRoleMgr.log indicates that your key does not
support the Enhanced Failover feature. Check your key in the Proficy
License Viewer, and contact GE Intelligent Platforms to purchase an
upgrade or replace a defective key.
You will also get a Error popup message at iFIX startup indicating
SCADA failover feature is not enabled in the license for your node.
You must purchase the additional Enhanced Failover option (SCADA
Failover) for all SCADA nodes if you plan to use SCADA Failover in
Enhanced Failover
The following errors appear:
PDB Sync Loadable Block
<blockname> Not defined
PDB Sync Loadable Block
<blockname> Not defined on
remote node.
PDB Sync Loadable Block
Mismatch locally
<blockname> version <ver>
remote <blockname> version
These errors indicate that your loadable block configurations on one or
both nodes are not configured properly. Loadable block configurations
must be the same on both primary and secondary nodes. Use the
BTKCFG utility on both SCADA nodes to exactly match your loadable
block configurations.
Both SCADAs are active (as
displayed in
ScadaSyncMonitor or as
indicated by messages in alarm
services destinations).
Verify your Ethernet connection being utilized for SCADA
Synchronization (preferably this is a dedicated LAN connection).
On both SCADAs, in the Task Manager, verify that ScadaSync.exe and
ScadaRoleMgr.exe are listed.
On both SCADAs, in the SCU, check your Failover configuration.
Check that the Data Synch Transport is configured for the appropriate
LAN adapter and the Partner's Address is correctly defined.
iClient with logical node
names cannot connect to a
partner SCADA.
Make sure that the iClient is configured properly. Refer to the
Configuring iClients section.
Make sure the iClient machine can ping the SCADA node(s) using the
iFIX node name.
Verify the Hosts files are configured correctly on all nodes.
Troubleshooting Enhanced Failover
The driver configuration is
causing issues. For instance,
blocks are going off scan, or
question marks appear for data
links (the default indication
that there is no data, and is
defined in the User
Your driver configuration or node configuration (where the driver is
installed) could be invalid. Try running each node independently before
configuring Enhanced Failover to determine if the drivers are configured
differently on each node. They should be configured identically.
When the active switches to
the standby node, the blocks go
off scan and you see @@@@
signs or question marks instead
of real data. The node fails
back to the other node. All
blocks are still off scan, after it
fails back.
Your standby node is most likely not configured properly. Your driver
configuration could be invalid. Try running each node independently
before configuring Enhanced Failover to determine if the drivers are
configured differently on each node. Make sure that your drivers are
configured the same on each node. Validate that both systems run
properly alone before reconfiguring Enhanced Failover.
iClient nodes display error
message number 1914, every
time the active SCADA
This is an expected message if the 1914 error has not been configured to
be filtered. When an iClient establishes a connection to an active
SCADA Server node in run mode, the iClient starts to read data from
that node. When the active SCADA Server node switches to the partner
SCADA, the iClient momentarily loses its session with that node,
causing this error to appear.
You can suppress this error from appearing on screen. For more
information on how to suppress this message and others, refer to the
Reading Data from iFIX Pictures in iClients section.
Connection Not Established
With Node.
When any iClient loses its iFIX networking session with a remote node,
this error to appears in alarm service destinations. Check your Ethernet
iFIXNotification dialog
displays for an extended length
of time.
iFIXNotification dialog displays when iClient is only able to
communicate with a standby SCADA node. Check your Ethernet
connections being used for iFIX networking.
Enhanced Failover
Standby SCADA displays
“Connection Failover: failover
attempted” message every
minute in alarm services
This is not a synchronization message. This message indicates that the
iFIX networking connection to the Active SCADA has failed. Check the
Ethernet connection being used for iFIX networking.
iClient with logical node
names cannot connect to a
partner SCADA.
Make sure that the iClient is configured properly. Refer to the
Configuring iClients section.
Make sure the iClient machine can ping the SCADA node(s) using the
iFIX node name.
Verify the Hosts files are configured correctly on all nodes.
Failover takes a long time.
Adjust the session timers. Refer to the Working with Configurable
Session Timers section in the Setting Up the Environment manual for
more information.
On iClients, alarms are being
lost during failover periods.
Make sure that the Alarm Startup Queue is enabled and that the queue
size is large enough to handle the alarms. Refer to the Implementing
Alarms and Messages manual for more information on this service.
On iClients, alarms are missing
from the summary link or
alarms appear and disappear in
the alarm summary link.
Make sure that the Alarm Summary Queue on the node is twice as big as
it would normally be if the node were not part of a SCADA server
failover pair. For example, if you are generating 500 alarms, the Alarm
Summary Queue must be set to 1000. Refer to the Implementing Alarms
and Messages manual for more information on queue sizes.
You are not seeing any alarms.
Use the Alarm Status Utility (almstat.exe) to check if alarms are coming
into the user queue and being taken out. To start this utility, while iFIX
is running, type the following at the command line:
If this utility verifies there are no alarms coming in or out, then you need
to troubleshoot your alarm configuration or cabling. For more
information, refer to the Implementing Alarms and Messages manual.
Troubleshooting Enhanced Failover
A View node or iClient
connects to a secondary
SCADA. The secondary
SCADA remains in standby
mode, instead of connecting to
the primary node. Alarms do
not display, and datalinks are
not updating on secondary,
View, or iClient.
Check the network connections used with iFIX networking. A network
cable could be unplugged.
Troubleshooting Checklist for Enhanced Failover Configuration
If you experience issues with Enhanced Failover and you do not know where to begin, start by asking yourself:
1. Do you understand the architecture of your Enhanced Failover system? If not, review the What is
Enhanced Failover?, What is my SCADA Role?, and Components of Enhanced Failover sections, for
starters. Other information is also provided earlier in this e-book.
2. Once you understand the architecture, verify that each SCADA node works independently without
Enhanced Failover enabled. For tips, refer to the Testing Your Enhanced Failover Configuration
3. Confirm that you configured the primary and secondary nodes appropriately. Both SCADA computers
in the pair should be configured the same way. For a helpful checklist on what to check, refer to the
Preparation Checklist for Enhanced Failover section. Be sure to investigate each and every item in the
list. If one SCADA has a different configuration, say the drivers and polling times are different, or the
Database Dynamos (loadable blocks) are not loaded in the same slots, or network (NIC) cards are
configured slightly differently, it will impact your system.
4. Ensure that the iFIX Enhanced Failover option is enabled on both primary and secondary SCADAs,
and that your client nodes are configured properly. For more information, refer to the Checklist for
Enhanced Failover Configuration section.
5. Check the Limitations of Enhanced Failover section. Is your configuration in compliance?
6. If after all of those steps, you believe everything is configured properly, the next step is to investigate
what is occurring between the two network cards. For instance, are your network cards doing what
they are configured to do? In the Windows Task Manager, use the Networking tab to investigate if
each adapter is performing appropriately. From the Networking tab, look for:
1-Gigabit-Ethernet cards (or better) dedicated for SCADA-to-SCADA traffic (for a total of
Enhanced Failover
two network cards, minimum). The dedicated SCADA-to-SCADA network cards should be
excluded from the iFIX-to-iFIX network (not enabled for LAN redundancy). If either card is
less than 1 Gigabyte-Ethernet, it's not a supported configuration. Also, both network cards
must be of the same speed.
Does each network card have an Adapter name? Are both cards of the same make and model
number, and use the same drivers?
What is the network utilization of each card and what is the state of each card? Is it
operational? Is Jumbo Frames technology used on the dedicated network for Enhanced
Failover? (Jumbo Frames technology allows for an Ethernet frame of 9000 MTU for the
payload, compared to a frame of 1500 bytes without the Jumbo Frames.) Jumbo Frames
technology must be used on the dedicated network for Enhanced Failover.
Be aware that network card configuration is one of the top configuration issues. For additional
details, refer to the More Information on Network Card Usage section below.
7. If after all of the network configuration checks, you believe everything is configured properly, the next
step is to investigate the networking hardware.
Are all network cables and connections properly connected? Are you using a direct
connection via a Cat6 crossover cable, without going through any switches, hubs, or routers?
Do both Gigabit-Ethernet (or better) cards dedicated for SCADA-to-SCADA traffic have the
same make and model number imprinted on the actual card or recorded in the user manual?
8. Finally, another place to investigate is in the Windows Task Manager, on the Performance tab. What is
the physical memory available and system cache? Is your computer performing at the necessary level
for Enhanced Failover configurations? Be aware that:
The wake-up upon receiving a socket or/and request feature must be disabled on the dedicated
SCADA-to-SCADA network card.
SpeedStep® technology is not supported and must not be enabled.
Due to limited bandwidth and latency, it is strongly advised that you do not use wireless
networking technology in your networking solution.
The power save settings on your computers and dedicated network card (NIC) must be
disabled. Do not use any power setting features that affect CPU clock speed.
More Information on Network Card Usage
Network cards (NICs) may be used for a multitude of tasks within iFIX. The following tasks may each use a
separate NIC:
Driver I/O to PLC connectivity
SCADA synchronization
Troubleshooting Enhanced Failover
iFIX Client connectivity
Non-iFIX activity such as company network access
It is important to understand the use of all the network cards on the PC. It is possible to use a particular NIC
card for multiple uses by design. It is also possible to inadvertently apply the NIC card to the incorrect uses
causing undesirable results.
Tips for working with NICs
Whenever a new NIC is installed, re-check all configuration items that use the NIC card. The NIC
slot/order or IP address could require changes.
It is desirable that both machines have the same NIC cards and NIC order (slot).
Some drivers use a NIC IP Address or slot/order number. Communication may cease after installing
another NIC card since slot/order may change. The slots should be in the same order on both nodes.
When copying a Driver Configuration file from one node to another, the slot/order or IP Address may
need to be changed on the PC receiving the file.
It is required to perform SCADA synchronization on a dedicated NIC. It is recommended to have an
identical NIC on both the Primary and Secondary SCADA.
SCADA synchronization should be tested with the “default” NIC settings. Any advanced setting
changes should be mirrored on the partner SCADA.
SCADA synchronization can optionally include a second NIC (as a backup to the first). Often this can
be the same NIC as the iFIX Client connection.
Typically, iFIX Client connectivity uses a different NIC then SCADA synchronization. Only ONE
NIC should be enabled in the iFIX Networking configuration (unless LAN Redundancy is used).
Tools for Troubleshooting
The following tools can be used to assist you in troubleshooting Enhanced Failover features in iFIX:
Windows Task Manager, Networking tab to see if your networking cards are doing what they are
configured to do, and that each adapter is performing appropriately.
Windows Task Manager, Processes tab to verify that ScadaSync.exe and ScadaRoleMgr.exe are
listed as running on both SCADAs.
Log Files to investigate what error messages may be occurring.
Error Messages to get more information about errors that you find in the logs.
Mission Control to view the status of the Scan, Alarm, and Control (SAC) program and whether
Enhanced Failover
blocks are being processed.
SCADA Sync Monitor to display runtime information about the primary and secondary SCADA
Runtime Information Fields to display additional runtime information available about your primary
and secondary SCADA Servers, that does not already display in the SCADA Sync Monitor. These
fields can be added to pictures or EDA applications. For example, these fields allow you to access
more information about your data sync transports than you can in the SCADA Sync Monitor.
NetDiagto check network communication, particularly if you are using Enhanced Failover with
LAN Redundancy.
Log Files for Enhanced Failover
For Enhanced Failover, there are two log files available for troubleshooting:
SCADASync.logfor reviewing log messages that occur during the SCADA synchronization process.
ScadaRoleMgr.logfor debugging the active to standby node switch.
Both of these files can be found in your iFIX LOCAL directory. If you installed iFIX to the default location,
this directory location is: C:\Program Files\Proficy\Proficy iFIX\LOCAL. These logs can store up to
approximately 1024 lines. When the maximum number of lines is reached, the file is overwritten and the log
begins again, in a circular update.
The SCADA Sync Monitor (SCADASyncMonitor.exe) found in your iFIX install folder can be used to
view the information that appears in these logs.
You can configure whether the SCADASync.log log is refreshed on iFIX startup (so that it does not get
overwritten) by using the SCADASync.ini file's DeleteOnStartup key. For more information, refer to
the Customizing the Synchronization Process with SCADASync.ini section.
Other logs that are not specific to Enhanced Failover, but may also be helpful for reviewing system
activity include the iFIX event (.EVT) file, usually found in C:\Program Files\GE Fanuc\Proficy
iFIX\ALM folder, and the Alarm History window which you can access from the iFIX WorkSpace (and
other iFIX Alarm Type destinations such as Alarms to File and Alarm ODBC).
The following figure shows an example of the SCADASync.log file, with some messages displaying.
Troubleshooting Enhanced Failover
To enable the logging to ScadaRoleMgr.log, in the FIX.INI file, set the following values:
NOTE: The /L enables the logging; /V enables verbose logging; /A enables the appending of logging (the
contents will not be clear on iFIX restart).
Adding these lines to the SCADASync.ini causes the SCADASync.log file to be appended:
Adding these lines to the SCADASync.ini causes the SCADASync.log file to be cleared on startup:
The following figure shows an example of the SCADARoleMgr.log file, with some messages displaying.
Enhanced Failover
System Messages for Enhanced Failover Activity
Examples of system messages generated for Enhanced Failover (that can appear in the SCADARoleMgr.log
file) include:
When the SCADA node is transitioning into the Active state. The message contains the reason for the
state transition
When the SCADA node is transitioning into the Standby state. The message contains the reason for the
state transition
When the partner SCADA goes offline.
When the partner SCADA comes back online.
Error Messages for Enhanced Failover in iFIX
If a network problem exists that prevents sessions from establishing or causes sessions to be terminated due to
the SCADA synchronization process, one of the error codes listed in the following table may appear in the
SCADA Sync Monitor, the SCADASync.log, or in the iFIX Alarm History program.
Troubleshooting Enhanced Failover
Error Codes
Error Message
Node.Tag.Field Connection Not
Established With Node
When an iClient establishes a connection to an active SCADA Server
node, it starts to read data from that node. When the active SCADA
Server node becomes unavailable, the iClient loses its session with
that node, causing this error to appear.
This error appears in the iFIX event log. For more information on how
to suppress this message and others, refer to the Reading Data from
iFIX Pictures in iClients section.
Sending File <name> to Partner
This message is informational. It indicates that file synchronization
has occurred a file is sent (copied) from one node to the other. The
active node is sending the data, the standby node is receiving the data.
Unable to rename <name1> to
When iFIX performs file synchronization, it creates a temporary file
name on the destination side. After the file is built on the destination,
iFIX removes the temporary file. If iFIX cannot remove the temporary
file, this error message occurs. For example, if someone had the file
open or if the file was locked this message could display.
File <name> cannot be removed
When iFIX performs file synchronization, it creates a temporary file
name on the destination side. After the file is built on the destination,
iFIX removes the temporary file. If iFIX cannot remove the temporary
file, this error message occurs. For example, if someone had the file
open or if the file was locked this message could display.
File <name> Access Denied
This error occurs if SCADASync needed to copy a file and could not
during synchronization.
Finished Sending File %s to
Partner Node
This message is informational. If iFIX sends a file, this message
indicates when it is received on the partner node.
File Synchronization Transfer
This error indicates that part of a file came across from the active node
and the standby was not able to validate it.
Enhanced Failover
Error Codes
Error Message
File Change Notification Error
This error indicates a problem with the file synchronization. In this
instance, part of a file came over the network, and something went
wrong. For example, the disk was full, or the file was write-protected.
Look at the SCADA Sync Monitor for clues. For more information,
refer to the Enhanced Failover Diagnostics with the SCADA Sync
Monitor section.
Global Section Sync - Bad
This error indicates that part of the process database came across the
network connection improperly. If iFIX cannot validate the message, it
is not used. This message is not a typical error, and rarely displays.
iFIX will automatically recover from this message.
UDP Socket error <number>
This error occurs if a network card does not initialize (for example, if
the network cable is not plugged in).
Thruput limited to <number>
Megabytes / Second
This message is informational. It is a network-throttling message.
UDP Buffer allocation FAILED
<text message>
This error indicates that iFIX could not allocate memory for a buffer.
Call GE Intelligent Platforms Support if this message recurs. This
message is not a typical error, and rarely displays.
File <name> Received from
Partner Node
This message is informational. It indicates that the active node's saved
file was copied and added to the standby node.
PDB Sync Loadable Block
<blockname> Not defined
This error indicates the loadable block configuration on one or both
nodes does not match. Loadable block configuration must be the same
on both primary and secondary nodes.
PDB Sync Loadable Block
<blockname> Not defined on
remote node
This error indicates that there are two different versions of a loadable
block installed. Loadable block configuration must be the same on
both primary and secondary nodes. Ensure that loadable block DLLs
(BTK*.*) are the same on both nodes.
Troubleshooting Enhanced Failover
Error Codes
Error Message
PDB Sync Loadable Block
Mismatch locally <blockname>
version <ver> remote
<blockname> version <ver>
This error indicates your loadable block configuration on one or both
nodes is not configured properly. Loadable block configuration must
be the same on both primary and secondary nodes.
PDB Sync Database Block
versions don't match for block
type <blockname>
This error occurs if iFIX detected a difference in the database versions
on the primary and secondary nodes. Process databases must be the
same version of iFIX. For example, you cannot have one database be
5.0 and the other is at 5.1. Both nodes must have the same version of
iFIX installed.
Starting SCADASync on <node>
with IP <IP>
This message is informational. It indicates that the SCADA
synchronization process started on a specified IP address.
SCADA Sync Communication
Lost with <IP>
This message is informational. It indicates that there was a change in
SCADA Sync Communication
Established with <IP>
This message is informational. It indicates the SCADA to SCADA
communication for synchronization has been established.
SCADA Failover feature is not
enabled in the license for this
This error indicates that your key does not support the Enhanced
Failover feature. Check your key in the Proficy License Viewer, and
contact GE Intelligent Platforms to purchase an upgrade or replace a
defective key.
You must purchase the additional Enhanced Failover option (SCADA
Failover) for all SCADA nodes if you plan to use SCADA Failover in
iFIX 5.1.
Monitoring SAC in Mission Control
When using the Enhanced Failover feature, you can use the SAC tab in the Mission Control application to view
the status of the Scan, Alarm, and Control (SAC) program. The SAC program retrieves process information
Enhanced Failover
from an I/O driver or OPC server. Using the data it receives, SAC updates blocks in the database and processes
alarms. SAC also writes set point values from the database to a control device. SAC runs independently of the
I/O driver or OPC server.
When reviewing the SAC tab in Mission Control, the Status field indicates whether SAC is in one of the
following modes:
The following figure shows an example of SAC in Run mode on a primary SCADA Server. The Status field is
set to Run, and is highlighted in the following figure. Another field that you may want to monitor is the Blocks
Proc. field, which is also highlighted in the following figure. In an Active (running) SCADA, the Blocks Proc.
field is continually updating. If this number stops updating or the Status is stopped, there may be a problem with
Troubleshooting Enhanced Failover
Mission Control, with SAC Tab Selected
TIP: You can view more information about SAC in the Health screen of the SCADA Sync Monitor. For more
information, refer to the Diagnostics with the SCADA Sync Monitor section.
NOTE: The fields in the Alarm Synchronization tab in Mission control are unavailable when Enhanced
Failover is configured. Use the SCADA Sync Monitor to view information regarding the synchronization
process instead.
Enhanced Failover
More Information on Drivers and SAC
SAC, when running, receives a write request as a result of a user action or internally via another block. SAC
processes the request and pushes the request to the driver. It is possible that at any given time you would have a
number of pending writes in the driver queue. If the driver is optimized, the goal would be to have the writes get
processed very quickly.
NOTE: Configuring the driver to perform tasks as “fast” as possible can be detrimental. Drivers should be
optimized based on the actual throughput restrictions and PLC responsiveness.
The speed at which writes in the queue get processed depends primarily on the driver technology (Serial vs.
Ethernet) and the driver configuration (whether or not the driver has been properly setup or optimized).
It is important to note that pending writes in the queue do not necessarily indicate issues. It is possible for a
driver to have pending writes as long as the count does not continue to permanently grow. It is also possible for
a driver to receive thousands of writes, have the queue count increase briefly, and then come back down, ideally
close to 0.
The following two examples describe how driver queues and the Enhanced Failover are independent of each
Example 1: Drivers and SAC
Consider this example: the driver is in the running state on both SCADAs. The driver is very busy and has an
average 10 pending writes in the queue. When the “failover” happens, the current active node switches from
Active to Standby. SAC will be “paused” at this time.
When the Active node becomes the Standby, the driver is still running. The writes will still be processed as fast
as the driver can handle them. The driver remains independent of SAC. So while SAC is paused and no longer
processing, the driver will continue to process anything in the write queue. If there are 10 pending writes the
driver will write them to the device. If there are no communication errors to be reported, the writes will be
One possible side effect is if you have a very quick driver, the writes will likely be done by the time the second
Node is promoted to Active, but if you are using a driver connected over a serial line, then it is possible that the
two drivers will attempt writes at the same time against the same IO on the PLC at least for the duration needed
for the first driver to empty its write queue.
Example 2: Drivers and SAC
The driver is in the running state only on the Active SCADA (using script). When the “failoveroccurs
programmatically, one driver is stopped while the other driver is started.
When a driver is stopped either programmatically or manually, the write queue will get flushed. Therefore, if
Troubleshooting Enhanced Failover
you had 10 pending writes, then stop the driver, you just lost 10 writes and the writes will never take place.
It is important to understand that this is not a driver issue. Understanding a driver's capability, testing, and
optimizing the driver based on actual throughput restrictions and PLC responsiveness is the best way to ensure
desired driver performance.
Enhanced Failover Diagnostics with the SCADA Sync Monitor
The SCADA Sync Monitor displays information about the primary and secondary SCADA Servers. You can
use it for view diagnostic information about your Enhanced Failover configuration, or for troubleshooting issues
with your Enhanced Failover configuration.
The SCADA Sync Monitor displays whether the selected SCADA is in active or standby state, describes how
often database synchronizations occur, whether the data synchronization networks are in good communication,
debug log messages that occur during synchronization of the databases, SAC information, and the overall
system health on both nodes. You can view the status and information from either SCADA by selecting the
desired SCADA from the drop-down list box.
The following figure illustrates the SCADA Sync Monitor, with the Overall Partner Status information
appearing. The Primary, Secondary, Tertiary area in the top section appears in green, as the communication
networks are all in good health indicating that the partner nodes are communicating successfully to each other,
and that all three networks are available. In this example, information on the Active node is displayed. The
Active node, in this case BRIGITTA, appears in the SCADA selection drop-down list at the top of the screen.
Enhanced Failover
SCADA Sync Monitor
To open the SCADA Sync Monitor:
1. Open Windows Explorer and locate the iFIX install folder. By default, this folder is: C:\Program
Files\Proficy\Proficy iFIX.
2. Double-click the ScadaSyncMonitor.exe file. The SCADA Sync Monitor appears.
3. Click the button in the toolbar for the information that you want to display. For information on what
each of these toolbar buttons represents, refer to the following table.
Troubleshooting Enhanced Failover
Toolbar for SCADA Sync Monitor
The following table describes the functions of each of the icons in the toolbar for the SCADA Sync Monitor.
You can use the drop-down list to view the active or standby node.
Overview of the SCADA Node Synchronization History
Database Synchronization Status
Communication Status
Debug Log for Troubleshooting
Overall System Health
Global Memory Synchronization Status (Internal Troubleshooting Tool, for
Customer Support and Development)
Overview of the SCADA Node Synchronization History
The Overall Partner Status screen in the SCADA Sync Monitor allows you to view whether the
primary and secondary SCADA Server pair are communicating and view event log messages
pertaining to Enhanced Failover.
The following table describes the fields that appear in this screen.
Enhanced Failover
Field or Area
Primary, Secondary, Tertiary
Provides the IP address and hardware descriptions of Primary, Secondary,
Tertiary networks for Enhanced Failover. These networks are defined in
the Data Sync Transport Options dialog box in the SCU (accessed from
the SCADA Configuration dialog box).
When communication is good, the enabled adapter appears green. If
communication is bad, the enabled adapter is red. If communication is not
configured, no additional color appears. If the network card failed to
initialize (for instance, if the network cable is not plugged in), no
additional color appears.
Message List
Displays the last 64 messages related to partner SCADA communications
including their date and time. If you need to review messages older than
the last 64, you can review the scadasync.log file, in your iFIX LOCAL
directory. If you installed iFIX to the default location, this directory
location is: C:\Program Files\Proficy\Proficy iFIX\LOCAL.
Last Sync Time
The last time the PDB was sent to the partner node.
Number of Syncs
The number of synchronizations that occurred since you started iFIX.
Database Synchronization Status
The Database Synchronization screen in the SCADA Sync Monitor displays information on the
database synchronization between the active and standby nodes. For instance, by looking at this
screen you can determine how fast the database updates are occurring between the active and
standby nodes.
The following table describes the fields that appear in this screen.
Field or Area
Last Time Sent
The time the SCADA last sent a successful synchronization.
Troubleshooting Enhanced Failover
Field or Area
Last Date Sent
The date the SCADA last sent a successful synchronization.
Seconds Between
The total number of seconds it takes to synchronize the active database
with the standby database, from beginning to end.
The value of this field is always greater than the "Duration of Last PDB
Synchronization" field.
The Seconds Between Synchronizations field is perhaps the most valuable
field to monitor on this screen.
Duration of Last PDB
The total number of seconds it took to send the synchronized data from
the active database to the standby database, over the active network
Number of Synchronizations
Total number of synchronizations sent since iFIX started and a successful
synchronization communication occurred. The maximum number that can
appear in this field is 4,294,967,296. After this number is reached, the
number is reset to zero and the counter restarts.
Number of Synchronizations
Total number of synchronizations received since iFIX started and a
successful synchronization communication occurred. The maximum
number that can appear in this field is 4,294,967,296. After this number is
reached, the number is reset to zero and the counter restarts.
Number of PDB Blocks
The number of database blocks included in the synchronization.
PDB Size in Bytes
The size of the entire iFIX process database that is being synchronized, in
Last Sending Error
The number of the last error message that appeared.
Enhanced Failover
Field or Area
Enable/Disable Maintenance
This button is available only on the primary node. It is not displayed on
the secondary node.
Maintenance Mode allows you to temporarily suspend synchronization
between the two SCADA nodes, so that you can make changes to your
database while the SAC is still running.
When you finish making your changes, click the Disable Maintenance
Mode button to become the active node; your changes will now be
synchronized with the standby node. For more information, refer to the
Maintenance Mode section.
NOTE: Using maintenance mode forces both SCADAs in a pair to
active status. This will place increased load on your PLC network, as
the I/O drivers on both nodes are polling at the active rate. Both
nodes will generate alarms.
Communication Status
The Communication Status screen in the SCADA Sync Monitor displays information about the
bytes sent and received on each network transport.
The following table describes the fields that appear in this screen.
Field or Area
Transport 1, 2, or 3
Displays the name of the network (primary, secondary, or tertiary). This
name is configured in the Data Sync Transport dialog box in the SCU.
You access this dialog box from the SCADA Configuration dialog box.
Displays the status of the network: Good, Bad, or Unknown (disabled).
Troubleshooting Enhanced Failover
Field or Area
Bytes Sent
Displays the total number of bytes sent on the network.
The maximum number that can appear in this field is 4,294,967,296. After
this number is reached, the number is reset to zero and the counter restarts.
Bytes Received
Displays the total number of bytes received on the network. If the value
for the Bytes Received field is incrementing, that indicates good health of
the network.
The maximum number that can appear in this field is 4,294,967,296. After
this number is reached, the number is reset to zero and the counter restarts.
Bytes per Second
Displays the number of bytes processed per second on the network.
Average ACK Time
Displays the average time it takes the partner SCADA to acknowledge the
communication status on the network.
Watchdog Count
Displays the number of times that the watchdog timer has checked the
network connection between the primary and secondary SCADA nodes.
Every time the watchdog updates, it is assumed that the connection is
active. If after some period of time the primary network does not receive a
watchdog update from the partner SCADA Server, the connection is
considered not running and the Watchdog times out.
The Watchdog Timeout field is configured in the Timers area of the Data
Sync Transport dialog box in the SCU. You access this dialog box from
the SCADA Configuration dialog box.
Debug Log for Troubleshooting
Enhanced Failover
The Debug Log screen in the SCADA Sync Monitor displays detailed debug messages. Most of
these messages do not appear in the SCADASync.log. By default, debug message are not sent to
the log file. Use this screen for reviewing log messages that occur during the SCADA
synchronization process.
By default, the Debug Log screen displays debugging information. The following figure shows an example of these
debug messages in the SCADA Sync Monitor. This screen is reserved for use by GE Intelligent Platforms Support
and Development only; it does not provide valuable end-user information.
Overall System Health
Troubleshooting Enhanced Failover
The Overall System Health screen in the SCADA Sync Monitor displays the general health of your
local and remote SCADA pair.
The following table describes the fields that appear in this screen.
Field or Area
iFIX Version
The version of iFIX running on your local and remote nodes.
Node Status
The status of iFIX running on the local and remote nodes: ACTIVE,
SAC Running
The status indicating whether the Scan, Alarm, and Control (SAC)
program is Running or Stopped.
SAC Active
The status indicating whether SAC is communicating between the active
and standby nodes. Use this field to determine the Enhanced Failover state
of the local and remote nodes: ACTIVE or STANDBY.
SAC Tick
The number of times SAC sent and/or received data.
SAC Alive
The status indicating whether SAC is running (1=Yes, 0=No).
Available Memory
The available memory, in bytes, on your local and remote nodes.
Total Memory
The total memory, in bytes, on your local and remote nodes. Use this field
along with the "Available System Disk Space" and "Available Memory"
fields to troubleshoot disk space errors.
Available System Disk Space
The available system disk memory, in bytes, on your local and remote
nodes. Use this field along with the "Total Memory" and "Available
Memory" fields to troubleshoot disk space errors.
If the available disk space is zero, it causes a failover.
Enhanced Failover
Field or Area
Available LocPath Disk
The available local path memory, in bytes, on your local and remote
If the available disk space is zero, it causes a failover.
Physical Node
The iFIX node name.
Logical Node
The logical node name for the SCADA pair. The logical node name
represents a primary and standby SCADA pair. This field can be used to
determine if the active and standby pair was configured properly in the
Local Startup Definition dialog box in the SCU.
Primary Node
The primary node name. This field can be used to determine if the active
and standby pair was configured properly in the Local Startup Definition
dialog box in the SCU.
Secondary Node
The secondary node name. This field can be used to determine if the
active and standby pair was configured properly in the Local Startup
Definition dialog box in the SCU.
Global Memory Synchronization Status
The Global Memory Synchronization Status screen in the SCADA Sync Monitor displays internal
troubleshooting information for Customer Support and Development.
This screen is for internal purposes only.
Runtime Information Fields for Enhanced Failover
The runtime information fields for Enhanced Failover reside within SCADASync tags (also known as Enhanced
Failover tags). These fields are very helpful for troubleshooting your Enhanced Failover configuration.
If you do not have an iFIX key on your computer, you will not be able to access the SCADASync tags or fields.
Troubleshooting Enhanced Failover
This is because in Demo mode, iFIX does not allow you to enable Enhanced Failover. You must have a key on
your computer that supports Enhanced Failover in order to display the SCADASync information within iFIX.
SCADASync tags and fields are not supported in iFIX Demo mode.
What are SCADASync Tags?
SCADASync tags contain diagnostic and network information pertaining to your Enhanced Failover
configurations. These tags are designated solely for Enhanced Failover and are not database blocks.
SCADASync tags are special tags residing on the nodes associated with your Enhanced Failover configuration.
These tags include Enhanced Failover specific information such as the name of the currently active node,
whether the Primary node is in Maintenance Mode, the logical SCADA name, the failover status, and so on.
SCADASync tags and field names can be inserted into an iFIX picture as a datalink, for instance.
How to Use and View SCADASync Tags in iFIX
You can use SCADASync tags in the iFIX WorkSpace or EDA-based applications. To view SCADASync tags
in the iFIX WorkSpace, you must first enable Enhanced Failover in the SCU (in the SCADA Configuration
dialog box). In this same dialog box, to fully configure Enhanced Failover, you need to set your Primary and
Secondary nodes, and Data Sync Transports. For more on Enhanced Failover configuration, refer to the
Configuring a SCADA Server Pair for Enhanced Failover section.
From within the iFIX WorkSpace, you can view SCADASync tags in the iFIX Expression Builder. In the iFIX
Expression Builder, on the iFIX Database tab, select the Node name. The SCADASync tags should then appear
in the list of tags. When you click the SCADASync[0] or SCADASync[1] tag, the fields appear in the Field
Names column, as shown in the following figure.
NOTE: SCADASync[0] refers to the local node, where as SCADASync[1] refers to its partner node as
configured in the SCU of that node.
Enhanced Failover
SCADASync[0] Zero-based Fields
The Zero-based Enhanced Failover tag, SCADASync[0], refers to the local node. For example, say you wanted
to enter a data source that allows you to force the Primary node into Maintenance Mode,so that you can make
update to a database from a remote iClient. In the picture, you could enter a data source like this, where the
Primary node name is used and the index for the SCADASync tag is [0]:
In this instance, you would replace PrimaryNodeName with the actual name configured in the SCU (in the
Local Startup Definition dialog box). Since, it's an A_ tag, a True or False entry appears in your picture in run
mode (as opposed to the F_ tag which displays a 1 or a 0). Once you force the Primary into Maintenance Mode,
you can open the Primary database on the iClient node (assuming you have the network privileges to do so), and
make your changes. For more information on how this works, refer to the Maintenance Mode from Remote
Developer Stations section.
SCADASync[1] One-based Fields
The one-based Enhanced Failover tag, SCADASync[1], refers to the partner node for the SCADASync[0] tag.
For example, say you want to determine what remaining disk space is available on the partner node. You could
enter a data source like this in your picture, using the Primary node name:
Or, like this, using the Secondary node name:
Troubleshooting Enhanced Failover
In these instances, you would replace PrimaryNodeName or SecondaryNodeName with the actual node names
configured in the SCU (in the Local Startup Definition dialog box). Since, it's an E_ tag, a value of up to 40
whole number digits and 16 decimal digits can display in run mode to describe the available system disk space
left on your Windows system disk drive.
Examples of SCADASync[0] and SCADASync[1] Tag References
The following examples show SCADASync tags as defined on a local node and its partner. The SCADA
Configuration defined in the SCU for the local node and its partner is listed below each figure. Actual field
names are not displayed. Instead, they are substituted with Field1, Field2, and Field3. The numbers 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,
and 9 are shown just for example use, and are not representative of any specific field. The node names are
excluded from the SCADASync tag references, for easier readability.
Field Descriptions
The following table lists the SCADASync fields that are available for use with the Enhanced Failover feature in
the iFIX WorkSpace.
NOTE: To view SCADASync tags in the iFIX WorkSpace, you must first enable Enhanced Failover in the SCU
(in the SCADA Configuration dialog box). SCADASync tags are not supported in iFIX Demo mode.
Enhanced Failover
SCADASync Fields
Field Name
The available memory, in bytes, of the specified node. Use this field
along with the "A/E_SYSTEMDISK" and "A/E_TOTALMEM"
fields to troubleshoot disk space errors.
A_AVAILMEM represents a whole number, restricted only by the
number of characters you select when you add the field to your
E_AVAILMEM represents a value with up to 15-digit precision that
can be displayed, depending on how many digits you enable for
The average time, in seconds, that it took for the last database
A_AVEPDBACK represents a whole number, restricted only by the
number of characters you select when you add the field to your
E_AVEPDBACK represents a value with up to 15-digit precision
that can be displayed, depending on how many digits you enable for
F_AVEPDBACK represents a floating point value can be displayed
in your picture.
The version of iFIX running on the node you specify.
For example, if a Primary node referencing this tag was running
iFIX 5.1, Fix32.PrimaryNode.SCADASync[0].A_IFIXVERSION,
then 5.1.6846 would display in run mode.
The last time a network handshaking acknowledgement was sent
from the partner node. This timestamp is based on the local regional
settings from the computer receiving the acknowledgement.
Troubleshooting Enhanced Failover
SCADASync Fields
Field Name
Displays any of the last 64 messages related to partner SCADA
communications. Each message includes a timestamp. If you do not
specify an index number, the A_LASTMSG field represents the
most current message in the log. However, if you want to identify a
specific message number (for instance, the message before the most
recent one in the list the second to last message), you would use
the field: A_LASTMSG[1], since the index starts at 0.
0 is the last message in the queue displayed in the SCADA Sync
Monitor's message list, while 63 is the first message in the queue.
Once 64 messages are reached, the queue resets. For more
information, refer to the Overview of the SCADA Node
Synchronization History section.
If you need to review messages older than the last 64, you can
review the SCADASync .log file, in your iFIX LOCAL directory. If
you installed iFIX to the default location, this directory location is:
C:\Program Files\Proficy\Proficy iFIX\LOCAL.
The available disk space where iFIX is installed, in bytes. If the
available disk space is zero, it causes a failover.
A_LOCPATHDISK represents a whole number, restricted only by
the number of characters you select when you add the field to your
E_LOCPATHDISK represents a value with up to 15-digit precision
that can be displayed, depending on how many digits you enable for
The logical node name for the SCADA pair. The logical node name
represents both the active and standby SCADA pair. This field can
be used to determine if the active and standby pair was configured
properly in the Local Startup Definition dialog box in the SCU of
the specified node.
Enhanced Failover
SCADASync Fields
Field Name
Provides a way for you to disable or enable Maintenance Mode on
the Primary node. When you enable Maintenance Mode, you
temporarily suspend synchronization between the two SCADA
nodes (either locally or remotely), so that you can make changes to
your database while the Scan, Alarm, and Control (SAC) program is
still running. In Maintenance Mode, modifications are done on the
Primary node. This means that you can only write to the Primary
Be aware that if security is enabled on your iFIX nodes,
Maintenance Mode can only be enabled if you have access to the
Maintenance Mode security area. For more information on how to
configure security for Maintenance Mode, refer to the Maintenance
Mode section.
When you finish making your changes, you can disable Maintenance
Mode; your changes will now be synchronized with the Secondary
NOTE: Using Maintenance Mode forces both SCADAs in a
pair to an Active status. This will place increased load on your
PLC network, as the I/O drivers on both nodes are polling at
the active rate. Both nodes will generate alarms.
For A_MAINTENANCEMODE, the value of TRUE is enabled,
while FALSE is disabled.
For F_MAINTENANCEMODE, the value of 1 is enabled, while 0 is
Troubleshooting Enhanced Failover
SCADASync Fields
Field Name
Displays any of the last 64 messages related to partner SCADA
communications. Each message includes a timestamp. If you do not
specify an index number, using A_MSG, the very first message in
the log displays. However, if you want to identify a specific
message, for instance the second message in the list, you would use
the field: A_MSG[1], since the index starts at 0.
0 is the first message in the queue displayed in the SCADA Sync
Monitor's message list, while 63 is the last message in the queue.
Once 64 messages are reached, the queue resets. For more
information, refer to the Overview of the SCADA Node
Synchronization History section.
If you need to review messages older than the last 64, you can
review the SCADASync .log file, in your iFIX LOCAL directory. If
you installed iFIX to the default location, this directory location is:
C:\Program Files\Proficy\Proficy iFIX\LOCAL.
The number of times that a synchronization message had no
response from the partner node.
The number of data synchronization transports configured.
Typically, this number is 3, which represents the Primary,
Secondary, and tertiary data transports.
The total number of times it took to send the synchronized data to
the partner node over the active network connection.
The last error message that appeared during a database
If you need to review more than just the most recent synchronization
error message, you can review the SCADASync.log file in your
iFIX LOCAL directory. If you installed iFIX to the default location,
this directory location is: C:\Program Files\Proficy\Proficy
Enhanced Failover
SCADASync Fields
Field Name
The number of database blocks included in the last synchronization
sent from this node to its partner.
The number of synchronizations that were sent since you started
The total number of synchronizations received since iFIX started
and a successful synchronization communication occurred. The
maximum number that can appear in this field is 4,294,967,296.
After this number is reached, the number is reset to zero and the
counter restarts.
The last date that the iFIX database (PDB) was received by the
partner node.
The last time that the iFIX database (PDB) was received by the
partner node. This time is based on the local regional settings of the
computer receiving the information.
The total number of seconds it takes to synchronize the active
database with the standby database, from beginning to end. This
field is a very valuable field to monitor.
The value of this field is always greater than the
A_PDBSECBTWNSYNC represents a whole number, restricted
only by the number of characters you select when you add the field
to your picture.
E_PDBSECBTWNSYNC represents a value with up to 15-digit
precision that can be displayed, depending on how many digits you
enable for viewing.
Troubleshooting Enhanced Failover
SCADASync Fields
Field Name
The last date that the iFIX database (PDB) was sent to the partner
The last time that the iFIX database (PDB) was sent to the partner
node. This time is based on the local regional settings of the
computer requesting the information.
The size of the entire iFIX process database that is being
synchronized, in bytes.
A_PDBSIZEINBYTES represents a whole number, restricted only
by the number of characters you select when you add the field to
your picture.
E_PDBSIZEINBYTES represents a value with up to 15-digit
precision that can be displayed, depending on how many digits you
enable for viewing.
The total number of seconds it took to send the synchronized data
from the active database to the standby database, over the active
network connection.
A_PDBSYNCDURATION represents a whole number, restricted
only by the number of characters you select when you add the field
to your picture.
E_PDBSYNCDURATION represents a value with up to 15-digit
precision that can be displayed, depending on how many digits you
enable for viewing.
The physical node name of the specified iFIX node.
The Primary node name configured on the specified node. This field
can be used to determine if the active and standby pair was
configured properly in the Local Startup Definition dialog box in the
Enhanced Failover
SCADASync Fields
Field Name
The number of times that the SCADA node received an incomplete
synchronization message.
The status indicating whether the Scan, Alarm, and Control (SAC) is
processing the database.
A value of 0 represents standby, while 1 means it is actively
processing the database.
The status indicating whether the Scan, Alarm, and Control (SAC)
program is ready to run (1=Yes, 0=No).
The number of times the Scan, Alarm, and Control (SAC) program
sent and/or received data.
The status indicating whether the Scan, Alarm, and Control (SAC)
program is Running or Stopped (1=Running, 0=Stopped).
The Secondary node name configured on the specified node. This
field can be used to determine if the active and standby pair was
configured properly in the Local Startup Definition dialog box in the
The status of the specified node: STANDBY (0), ACTIVE (1), or
Troubleshooting Enhanced Failover
SCADASync Fields
Field Name
The available system disk of the Windows system disk drive, in
bytes, left on the specified node. Use this field along with the
"A/E_TOTALMEM" and "A/E_AVAILMEM" fields to
troubleshoot disk space errors. If the available disk space is zero, a
failover occurs.
A_SYSTEMDISK represents a whole number, restricted only by the
number of characters you select when you add the field to your
E_SYSTEMDISK represents a value with up to 15-digit precision
that can be displayed, depending on how many digits you enable for
The number of good iFIX network connections on the specified
The total memory, in bytes, on the specified node. Use this field
along with the "A/E_SYSTEMDISK" and "A/E_AVAILMEM"
fields to troubleshoot disk space errors.
A_TOTALMEM represents a whole number, restricted only by the
number of characters you select when you add the field to your
E_TOTALMEM represents a value with up to 15-digit precision that
can be displayed, depending on how many digits you enable for
The number of times the specified SCADA node acknowledged the
network communication status for the specified data transport.
A [0] following the field name refers to the Primary data transport.
[1] refers to the Secondary data transport. [2] refers to the tertiary
data transport. For example, A_TPORTACKCNT[0] represents the
number of acknowledgements on the Primary data transport.
Enhanced Failover
SCADASync Fields
Field Name
The average time it takes the specified SCADA node to
acknowledge the communication status on the network for the
specified data transport.
A [0] following the field name refers to the Primary data transport.
[1] refers to the Secondary data transport. [2] refers to the tertiary
data transport. For example, A_TPORTAVEACK[0] represents the
average time for acknowledgements from the Primary data transport.
A_TPORTAVEACK[] represents a whole number, restricted only
by the number of characters you select when you add the field to
your picture.
E_TPORTAVEACK[] represents a value with up to 15-digit
precision that can be displayed, depending on how many digits you
enable for viewing.
The number of bytes processed, per second, on the network for the
specified data transport.
A [0] following the field name refers to the Primary data transport.
[1] refers to the Secondary data transport. [2] refers to the tertiary
data transport. For example, A_TPORTBYTESASEC[0] represents
the number of bytes processed by the Primary data transport.
A_TPORTBYTESASEC[] represents a whole number, restricted
only by the number of characters you select when you add the field
to your picture.
E_TPORTBYTESASEC[] represents a value with up to 15-digit
precision that can be displayed, depending on how many digits you
enable for viewing.
Troubleshooting Enhanced Failover
SCADASync Fields
Field Name
Displays the total number of bytes received on the network for the
specified data transport. If the value for the bytes received is
incrementing, that indicates good health of the network.
The maximum number that can appear in this field is 4,294,967,296.
After this number is reached, the number is reset to zero and the
counter restarts.
A [0] following the field name refers to the Primary data transport.
[1] refers to the Secondary data transport. [2] refers to the tertiary
data transport. For example, A_TPORTBYTESREVD[0] represents
the total number of bytes received by the Primary data transport.
A_TPORTBYTESREVD[] represents a whole number, restricted
only by the number of characters you select when you add the field
to your picture.
E_TPORTBYTESREVD[] represents a value with up to 15-digit
precision that can be displayed, depending on how many digits you
enable for viewing.
The total number of bytes sent on the network for the specified
The maximum number that can appear in this field is 4,294,967,296.
After this number is reached, the number is reset to zero and the
counter restarts.
A [0] following the field name refers to the Primary data transport.
[1] refers to the Secondary data transport. [2] refers to the tertiary
data transport. For example, A_TPORTBYTESSENT[0] represents
the total number of bytes sent over the Primary data transport.
A_TPORTBYTESSENT[] represents a whole number, restricted
only by the number of characters you select when you add the field
to your picture.
E_TPORTBYTESSENT[] represents a value with up to 15-digit
precision that can be displayed, depending on how many digits you
enable for viewing.
Enhanced Failover
SCADASync Fields
Field Name
The description of the specified data transport. This description also
displays in the Data Sync Transport dialog box in the SCU. You can
access this dialog box from the SCADA Configuration dialog box.
A [0] following the field name refers to the Primary data transport.
[1] refers to the Secondary data transport. [2] refers to the tertiary
data transport. For example, A_TPORTDESC[0], represents
description of the Primary data transport.
The number of times that the watchdog timer has checked the
network connection between the SCADA pair for the specified data
Every time the watchdog updates, it is assumed that the connection
is active. If after some period of time, the Primary network does not
receive a watchdog update from the partner SCADA Server, the
connection is considered not running and the Watchdog times out.
The Watchdog Timeout field is configured in the Timers area of the
Data Sync Transport dialog box in the SCU. You access this dialog
box from the SCADA Configuration dialog box.
A [0] following the field name refers to the Primary data transport.
[1] refers to the Secondary data transport. [2] refers to the tertiary
data transport. For example, A_TPORTDOGCOUNT[0] represents
the watchdog count of the Primary data transport.
The local TCP/IP network address of the specified data transport.
A [0] following the field name refers to the Primary data transport.
[1] refers to the Secondary data transport. [2] refers to the tertiary
data transport. For example, A_TPORTIP[0], represents the local
TCP/IP address of the Primary data transport.
Troubleshooting Enhanced Failover
SCADASync Fields
Field Name
The number of times that a communication message was received on
the specified data transport.
A [0] following the field name refers to the Primary data transport.
[1] refers to the Secondary data transport. [2] refers to the tertiary
data transport. For example, A_TPORTMSGREVD[0] represents
the number of times a message was received over the Primary data
The number of times that a communication message was sent on the
specified data transport.
A [0] following the field name refers to the Primary data transport.
[1] refers to the Secondary data transport. [2] refers to the tertiary
data transport. For example, A_TPORTMSGSENT[0] represents the
number of times a message was sent over the Primary data transport.
The number of times that the specified transport did not
acknowledge a communication message (sent a NAK).
A [0] following the field name refers to the Primary data transport.
[1] refers to the Secondary data transport. [2] refers to the tertiary
data transport. For example, A_TPORTNAKCNT[0] represents the
number NAKs sent to the Primary data transport.
The number of times that the specified transport received a
communication message that was not acknowledged (received a
A [0] following the field name refers to the Primary data transport.
[1] refers to the Secondary data transport. [2] refers to the tertiary
data transport. For example, A_TPORTNAKRCV[0] represents the
number of NAKs received on the Primary data transport.
Enhanced Failover
SCADASync Fields
Field Name
Displays the status of the network: Good, Bad, Undefined
A [0] following the field name refers to the Primary data transport.
[1] refers to the Secondary data transport. [2] refers to the tertiary
data transport. For example, A_TPORTSTATUS[0] represents the
network status of the Primary data transport.
For A_TPORTSTATUS[], the status is represented as words, such
as Good, Bad, or Undefined.
F_TPORTSTATUS[], the status is represented as a number, such as
1 for Good, 0 for Bad, or 2 for Undefined.
Field Formats
The format of the tag indicates the type of data that the field stores. The following table provides an overview of
the available formats:
Field Formats
Used in...
ASCII Format.
Data links and objects in pictures.
Data links, objects in pictures, and block-to-block references.
15-Digit Precision
Data links, objects in pictures, and block-to-block references. Valid
values range from +/-3.40282300000000e+/-38, with 15 digits of
Troubleshooting Enhanced Failover
Example Uses of Runtime Information Fields for Enhanced Failover
SCADASync tags contain diagnostic and network information that you can use to monitor and troubleshoot
your Enhanced Failover configurations. To view SCADASync tags and field names in the iFIX Expression
Builder, you must have TCP/IP networking enabled in the SCU (in the Network Configuration dialog box).
SCADASync tags are not supported in iFIX Demo mode. For more information on SCADASync tags, refer to
the Runtime Information Fields for Enhanced Failover section.
Example uses of SCADASync tags are outlined below.
Example 1: Monitor the Status of the Primary Node
When using the following tag in a datalink (with the A_ field), the status of the primary node in your Enhanced
Failover configuration displays in run mode: STANDBY, ACTIVE, or MAINTENANCE. For example, if the
primary node were the active node, this tag would display ACTIVE:
When using the following tag in a datalink (with the F_ field), the status of the primary node in your Enhanced
Failover configuration displays in run mode: 0 for STANDBY, 1 for ACTIVE, or 2 for MAINTENANCE. For
example, if the primary node were the active node, this tag would display 1:
Example 2: Monitor the Status of the Secondary Node
When using the following tag in a datalink (with the A_ field), the status of the secondary node in your
Enhanced Failover configuration displays in run mode: STANDBY, ACTIVE, or MAINTENANCE. For
example, if the secondary node were the standby node, this tag would display STANDBY:
When using the following tag in a datalink (with the F_ field), the status of the secondary node in your
Enhanced Failover configuration displays in run mode: 0 for STANDBY, 1 for ACTIVE, or 2 for
MAINTENANCE. For example, if the secondary node were the standby node, this tag would display 0:
Example 3: Determine the Version of iFIX Running on a Specified Node
The following example shows the version of iFIX running on the primary node:
Enhanced Failover
In this case, the version that displays is: 5.1.6846, which is iFIX version 5.1.
Example 4: Display the Logical Node
The following example displays the logical node name configured for the SCADA pair, as defined in the SCU
on the primary node:
Example 5: Display the Primary Node Name
The following example displays the primary node name configured on the secondary SCADA in the pair,
however it uses the secondary node name in the tag to reference it:
Example 6: Display the Secondary Node Name
The following example displays the secondary node name of SCADA pair, as configured in the SCU on the
primary SCADA:
Example 7: Display the Available System Disk
The following example displays the available system disk of the Windows system disk drive, in bytes, left on
the primary node (using the A_ field):
The following example displays the available system disk of the Windows system disk drive, in bytes, left on
the primary node (using the E_ field):
A_SYSTEMDISK represents a whole number, restricted only by the number of characters you select when you
add the field to your picture. E_SYSTEMDISK represents a value with up to 15-digit precision that can be
displayed, depending on how many digits you enable for viewing.
Troubleshooting Enhanced Failover
Frequently Asked Questions about Enhanced Failover
The following sections identify questions and answers to commonly asked questions when working with
Enhanced Failover.
Why does my SCADA node
display error message
number 1914, every time the
active SCADA switches?
When an iClient establishes a connection to an active SCADA Server
node in run mode, the iClient starts to read data from that node. When the
active SCADA Server node switches to the partner SCADA, the iClient
momentarily loses its session with that node, causing this error to appear.
You can suppress this error from appearing on screen. For more
information on how to suppress this message and others, refer to the
Reading Data from iFIX Pictures in iClients section.
What kind of hardware setup
do I need for Enhanced
It is required that you have at least one dedicated SCADA network. This
network's components (LAN adapters, hubs, routers, switches, cables, and
so on) should all be capable of running at 1 Gigabit. You can optionally
utilize a crossover network cable if the partner SCADAs are close to each
other. You need to configure the active and standby nodes identically. For
more information, refer to the Configure Computers for Enhanced
Failover section.
What is the SCADA Sync
Monitor and how is it used?
The SCADA Sync Monitor displays information about the primary and
secondary SCADA Servers. For example, it describes how often database
synchronizations occur, whether the networks are in good communication,
debug log messages that occur during synchronization of the databases,
SAC information, and the overall system health on both nodes.
This tool is good for troubleshooting Enhanced Failover. For more
information, refer to the Diagnostics with the SCADA Sync Monitor
Enhanced Failover
What are the log files
available for the LAN
Redundancy and Enhanced
Failover features in iFIX?
SCADASync.logfor reviewing log messages that occur during the
SCADA synchronization process in Enhanced Failover.
ScadaRoleMgr.logfor debugging the active to standby node switch in
Enhanced Failover.
iFIX Alarm Typers including Alarms to File, Alarm ODBC, Alarm
History windowfor reviewing iFIX error logs if LAN Redundancy is
used with Enhanced Failover.
For more information, refer to the Log Files for Enhanced Failover
Features section.
Is there an iFIX security
feature for Enhanced
Yes. For information, refer to the Assigning Failover Security Privileges
to Users section. There is also a security area available for Maintenance
Mode. Refer to the Maintenance Mode from Remote iClients section for
more information.
Maintenance Mode
Maintenance Mode allows you to temporarily suspend synchronization between the two SCADA nodes in an
Enhanced Failover pair, so that you can make changes to your iFIX database while the Scan, Alarm, and
Control (SAC) program is still running. For example, you could use Maintenance Mode to add a database block
(using a pre-existing driver I/O address) or import a database .CSV file while SAC is running. Driver
modifications are not recommended in Maintenance Mode. Any SCADA modifications using Maintenance
Mode should be planned ahead of time to minimize disruptions to your network. If iFIX security is enabled, you
are encouraged to use a security area to restrict the usage of Maintenance Mode to specified users.
IMPORTANT: Maintenance Mode is the only valid and supported way to modify a database on the Enhanced
Failover pair, while the SAC is active. In Maintenance Mode, modifications are done on the Primary node. If
you do not go into Maintenance Mode to make your changes, you may lose the changes you enter or corrupt the
You can initiate Maintenance Mode on the Primary SCADA either locally, or remotely from an iClient. When
you enter Maintenance Mode, SCADA synchronization temporarily stops; synchronization between the
SCADA pair is suspended. Physical file synchronization of the process database (.PDB file) is included in this
suspension. Changes to the .PDB file are not picked up while SCADA synchronization is suspended. While
Maintenance Mode is enabled, you make your changes to the Primary node.
NOTE: Using Maintenance Mode forces both SCADAs in a pair to Active status. This will place an increased
load on your PLC network, as the I/O drivers on both nodes are polling at the active rate. Both nodes will
generate alarms.
When you exit Maintenance Mode, SCADA synchronization resumes. If you modified your database, save your
database. iFIX synchronizes the partner SCADAs, including the .PDB file shared between them. The Primary
SCADA becomes the active node, and all iClient (View) node connections display the active SCADA node,
now the Primary node.
However, some file changes made during Maintenance Mode are not retroactively propagated. For example, if
you entered Maintenance Mode to add or remove a new alarm area, after you exit Maintenance Mode from the
Primary node, you will need to manually copy the *.ADD files from the active SCADA to the standby SCADA.
NOTE: In Maintenance Mode, both nodes are active which can cause two alarm entries (one from each
SCADA) in the Alarm ODBC. Proficy Historian tags continue to collect from the SCADA running in
Maintenance Mode. You can use the Historian Administrator to force a switch to the redundant collector.
To enable Maintenance Mode, you use the SCADA Synchronization Monitor on the Primary node, or the
A_MAINTENANCEMODE or F_MAINTENANCEMODE fields for the SCADASync tag in an iFIX picture
or an EDA application. Be aware that if security is enabled on your iFIX nodes, Maintenance Mode can only be
Enhanced Failover
enabled if you have access to the Maintenance Mode security area.
For local use of Maintenance Mode from the Primary SCADA, you can use either the SCADA Synchronization
Monitor or the SCADASync tag. For remote use of Maintenance Mode, you can only use the SCADASync tag.
An overview of how to use the SCADA Synchronization Monitor is outlined below. For information on the
SCADASync tag, refer to the Maintenance Mode from Remote iClients section.
SCADA Synchronization Monitor
The Enable/Disable Maintenance mode button is available in the SCADA Synchronization Monitor
(SCADASyncMonitor.exe) on the Database Synchronization Status screen. This button is available only on the
Primary node. It is not displayed on the Secondary node. The following figure shows this screen with the
Enable Maintenance Mode button displayed.
Maintenance Mode
Maintenance Mode Steps
When using Maintenance Mode, the following events must occur:
1. You place the Primary node into Maintenance Mode by clicking the Enable Maintenance Mode button
in the SCADA Synchronization Monitor, or by using the A_MAINTENANCEMODE or
F_MAINTENANCEMODE fields for the SCADASync tag in iFIX picture or an EDA application.
2. With Maintenance Mode enabled, both SCADAs in the Enhanced Failover pair switch to an Active
status. Synchronization between the SCADA pair is temporarily suspended.
3. You enter your database changes on the Primary node (either locally from the server, or remotely from
a client). When remote, you need to open the Primary database on the iClient node (assuming you have
the network privileges to do so) to make your changes. In Maintenance Mode, all changes must be
made to the database on the Primary node.
4. After your changes are complete, you take the Primary node out of Maintenance Mode by clicking the
Disable Maintenance Mode button in the SCADA Synchronization Monitor or by using the
picture or an EDA application.
5. The Primary node becomes the Active node. The Secondary node becomes Standby node.
6. You save your database on the Primary node. The databases are re-synchronized.
Any changes made by clients, EDA programs, or schedules to the active Secondary node are lost when
Maintenance Mode ends. For example, if you added a block to the Secondary node database, that
change would be gone when the Primary node leaves Maintenance Mode and becomes active.
For more up to date information on Maintenance Mode, refer to the GlobalCare Knowledgebase.
Security Area for Maintenance Mode
If iFIX security is enabled, you are encouraged to use a security area to restrict the usage of Maintenance Mode
to specified users. Only one security area is supported for Maintenance Mode. The letter associated with this
one security area can be assigned to administrators of your Enhanced Failover configurations though the
Security Configuration Utility (SCU). The Maintenance Mode security area can be set only on the SCU of the
Primary node in your Enhanced Failover configuration. With the Maintenance Mode security area configured,
you restrict the users who can enable Maintenance Mode on the Primary node (either locally or remotely).
To assign a security area for Maintenance Mode:
1. In the SCU of the Primary node, on the Configure menu, click SCADA. The SCADA Configuration
dialog box appears.
Enhanced Failover
2. In the Maintenance Mode Security Area field, enter your security letter.
3. Click OK.
For more information on how to set up security in iFIX, refer to the Configuring Security Features e-book.
Maintenance Mode from Remote iClients
Maintenance Mode allows you to temporarily suspend synchronization between the two SCADA nodes so that
you can make changes to your database while the Scan, Alarm, and Control (SAC) program is still running. For
example, you could use Maintenance Mode to add a database block (using a pre-existing driver I/O address) or
import a database .CSV file while SAC is running. Driver modifications are not recommended in Maintenance
Mode. Maintenance Mode always runs on the primary node. For more information on how Maintenance Mode
works, refer to the Maintenance Mode section.
The SCADA Synchronization Monitor (SCADASyncMonitor.exe) is unavailable for use remotely, on the
iClient, because you can only access the SCADA Synchronization Monitor from a Primary node in an
Enhanced Failover pair.
If you want to enable Maintenance Mode from a remote iClient, you use the A_MAINTENANCEMODE or
F_MAINTENANCEMODE fields in a SCADASync tag within an iFIX picture or an EDA application. The
Maintenance Mode fields can be used assuming you have the access to do so, if security is enabled on your
iFIX nodes.
Using iFIX Security with Maintenance Mode
If you use iFIX security with your SCADA solution, you may want to make the Maintenance Mode feature only
available to authorized personnel because it can be considered critical to your process. Only one security area is
supported for Maintenance Mode. The letter associated with this one security area can be assigned to
administrators of your Enhanced Failover configurations though the Security Configuration Utility (SCU). The
Maintenance Mode security area can be set only on the SCU of the Primary node in your Enhanced Failover
configuration. With the Maintenance Mode security area configured, you restrict the users who can enable
Maintenance Mode on the Primary node (either locally or remotely).
To assign a security area for Maintenance Mode:
1. In the SCU of the Primary node, on the Configure menu, click SCADA. The SCADA Configuration
dialog box appears.
2. In the Maintenance Mode Security Area field, enter your security letter.
3. Click OK.
Maintenance Mode
For more information on how to set up security in iFIX, refer to the Configuring Security Features e-book.
SCADASync Maintenance Mode Fields
To force the primary node into Maintenance Mode so that you can make an update to a primary database from a
remote iClient, create a picture that includes the A_MAINTENANCEMODE or F_MAINTENANCEMODE
fields from the SCADASync tag. In this picture, enter a data source like this, where the primary node name is
used and the index for the SCADASync tag is [0]:
In these instances, you would replace PrimaryNodeName with the actual name configured in the SCU (in the
Local Startup Definition dialog box) for the primary node. Since it's an A_ tag, a True or False entry appears in
your picture in run mode (as opposed to the F_ tag which displays a 1 or a 0). For example, here is a datalink
added to a picture, with the In-Place data entry option enabled, so that you can edit this field (and change it
from TRUE to FALSE, or vice versa) in run mode:
Once you force the primary into Maintenance Mode, you can open the primary database on the iClient node
(assuming you have the network privileges to do so), and make your changes.
IMPORTANT: In Maintenance Mode from the iClient, always make sure that you open the remote database,
and not the local one. Otherwise, your changes will not persist after you exit Maintenance Mode. Any file
changes to the active secondary node are lost when Maintenance Mode ends.
Enhanced Failover
For more information on other SCADASync fields that you can use in your pictures, refer to the Runtime
Information Fields for Enhanced Failover section.
Client Operations
The following sections describe the operations for the iClient for Enhanced Failover scenarios:
Viewing Alarms on iClients
Reading Data in iFIX Pictures on iClients
Network Failure Detection on the iClient
SCADAs With Enhanced Failover Detection on the iClient
Viewing Alarms on iClients
The Alarm Startup Queue Service is enabled by default when you enable networking and SCADA. This ensures
that the iClient receives all alarms after a failover occurs. The Alarm Summary will be correct after failover.
When an alarm occurs on a SCADA Server, the alarm is sent to all connected iClients. The iClient accepts
alarms from the active node only. Alarms are not generated on the standby SCADA. In iFIX 5.1, only one node
is generating alarms. During failover there may be a small window where both SCADAs are momentarily
active, where both generate alarms to send to the iClient. During this period the iClient accepts alarms only
from the active node(s).
You can view alarms in the Alarm History window on the iClient.
At the iClient, alarms and messages display the logical node name in brackets. In the following example, the
logical node name is LNN.
04/29/98 22:49:45.1 [LNN] AI-1 HI 72.00
However, if the message is generated by the Database
Manager or because of networking problems, node names within the alarm text display the physical node name.
Reading Data in iFIX Pictures on iClients
If you want to read data from a specific SCADA Server, you can access it by using its physical node name. The
SCADA Server can be active or standby, but a session must be established to it. Data is not available on the
iClient if communication with that SCADA Server is lost. You can only write data to the active SCADA node.
Enhanced Failover
iFIX pictures with links to tagnames on the logical SCADA always attempt to show data from the active
SCADA, regardless of whether it is the primary or standby SCADA. This is done without requiring the picture
to be opened, closed, or replaced.
When an iClient establishes a connection to an active SCADA Server node, it starts to read data from that node.
After the active SCADA Server node becomes unavailable, the iClient loses its session with that node, causing
a message box to appear with following message:
Node.Tag.Field Connection Not Established With Node
To disable this message, you can edit the FilteredErrors.ini file, which is located in the C:\Program
Files\Proficy\Proficy iFIX\Local directory, to include error number 1914. Once you have edited this file you
must restart the Proficy iFIX WorkSpace for the change to take effect.
When the iClient switches from the active to the standby SCADA node, the following events occur:
1. The links in the open pictures on the iClient display @ symbols (as the default) to indicate that the
session with the active node has been lost.
2. The standby node becomes the active node and the failed node becomes the standby node.
3. The pictures resolve automatically using the information from the new active node. This ensures data
4. The @ signs are replaced with process data from the new active node. The node name referenced by
these links does not change; it continues to display the name of the logical node.
5. An event message indicating that a failover has occurred is sent to all alarm destinations configured for
the iClient when failover occurs.
NOTE: You can change the default @ signs using the Comm Error setting on the Animations Data Error
Defaults tab in the User Preferences dialog box of the Proficy iFIX WorkSpace.
Network Failure Detection on the iClient
The iClient retrieves data and alarms from the active SCADA node in run mode. If a SCADA failover event
occurs, the currently active SCADA Server automatically switches control over to the newly active SCADA
(the previous standby SCADA), and they switch roles. If an iClient does not switch to the newly active
SCADA, an iFIX Notification window appears on the iClient until the switch to the newly active SCADA
Another instance where the iFIX Notification window displays is when the iClient loses all iFIX network
connections to the active SCADA, but still has an iFIX networking connection to the standby SCADA. The
network connection between the SCADA pair that is being used for data synchronization is still established, and
the iClient switches to the standby SCADA. When this occurs, an iFIX Notification message box appears on the
Client Operations
iClient. Note that while in this condition, iFIX is receiving data, but that data may be out of date; you cannot
execute a write from this iClient; you will not receive new alarms. The Notification window continues to
display until the iClient switches to get its data from the active SCADA.
If an iFIX WorkSpace pop-up message appears, for instance to request to write a tag, it appears overlapping the
iFIXNotification dialog box.
NOTE: The Minimize button, the first button in the upper right corner of this dialog box, reduces this dialog
box to display the title bar only. The text "iFIX Notification" is the only text that appears in this title bar.
Clicking the Restore button, the middle button in the upper right corner, restores the dialog to display the
original state. You can also double-click the title bar to toggle between states.
The iFIX Notification window closes within a minute after the iFIX networking connection to the active
SCADA is restored.
Example of the iFIX Notification Window Under Normal Conditions
This is the message that appears when there are no issues. You can open this window at any time, by launching
it from the system tray:
If you click the arrow for more information, the following shows an example of what appears when the failover
nodes are in a good state:
Example of the iFIX Notification Window when a Change Occurs
This is an example message that appears when an issue occurs.
If you click the arrow for more information, the following shows an example of what appears in a problem
Enhanced Failover
SCADAs With Enhanced Failover Detection on the iClient
Data is written to the active SCADA Server only. Data cannot be written to the standby SCADA Server. For
example, if the active node is FOXBORO and the standby node is ALBANY, before a failover the iClient
writes data to FOXBORO. After a failover, the iClient writes data to ALBANY.
When a failover occurs on the SCADA node, it is automatic and seamless. iFIX sends an alarm message
whenever SCADA Server failover occurs. One of the few times a message appears on screen during the failover
is when you do not programmatically suppress the SCADA connection error message (error number 1914). You
can suppress this error from appearing on screen using the FilteredErrors.ini file. For information on how to
suppress this message and others, refer to the Reading Data from iFIX Pictures in iClients section.
When a failover event occurs, some VBA scripts may return an error if they are executing at the time of the
failover. Real-time trends may show a small gap in the line chart. The Alarm Summary window should show
the same number of alarms and acknowledge states after the failover occurs.
If you try to write data to a standby node, an error message appears. You can only read data from a standby
You cannot make database modifications to the standby SCADA. If you try to do so, a prompt displays, such as
“Cannot write value. The SCADA node is in Standby mode” or “Cannot add a block. The SCADA node is in
Standby mode.”
1914 ............................................................... 123, 131
1914 error code ........................................................ 60
active ....................................................................... 18
alarm acknowledgement synchronization ................ 18
Alarm History window ............................................ 86
Alarm ODBC Service .............................................. 20
alarm synchronization .............................................. 14
Background Scheduler ....................................... 39, 43
checklist ................................................................... 42
clocks ....................................................................... 62
Communication Status ........................................... 100
data transport options ............................................... 50
database and alarm synchronization ........................ 14
Database Dynamo Toolkit ................................. 39, 43
Debug Log ............................................................. 101
dedicated SCADA-to-SCADA network .................... 9
differences ................................................................. 9
EDA ......................................................................... 77
EDA applications ..................................................... 78
Enhanced Failover ................................... 6, 29, 39, 47
Error Code ............................................................... 88
error number 1914 ................................................. 131
Failure Detection ................................................... 134
FilteredErrors.ini file ............................................. 131
Gigabit-Ethernet card ........................................ 39, 43
Global Memory Synchronization Status ................ 104
I/O drivers ................................................................ 19
iClient ............................................ 6, 56, 77, 131, 132
iClient switches ..................................................... 131
iClients ..................................................................... 62
iFIXNotification.exe ................................................ 27
Enhanced Failover
Inactivity Timer ....................................................... 56
Integration Toolkit ............................................. 39, 43
LAN Redundancy ...................................................... 6
limitations ................................................................ 12
loadable blocks .................................................. 39, 43
logical node name .................................................... 46
Mission Control ....................................................... 91
Network Status Display ..................................... 66, 75
Network Status Server ................................. 65, 66, 75
NetworkStatusDisplay.GRF .................................... 76
NetworkStatusRedundancy.GRF ............................. 76
NSD ............................................................. 65, 66, 75
NSS .............................................................. 65, 66, 75
One Local Area Network (LAN) and One
Dedicated LAN .................................................... 31
Overall Partner Status .............................................. 97
Overall System Health ........................................... 102
Performance ............................................................. 62
physical node name ................................................. 46
primary .................................................................... 18
Productivity Pack ............................................... 39, 43
Proficy Historian with Enhanced Failover ............... 21
read data......................................................... 131, 134
Recommendations ................................................... 62
run mode .................................................................. 56
run mode operations .............................................. 131
SAC ......................................................................... 91
SCADA failover event ........................................... 132
SCADA Sync Monitor ............................................. 95
ScadaRoleMgr.log ................................................... 86
SCADASync.log ....................................... 86, 88, 101
SCADASyncMonitor.exe ........................................ 86
secondary ................................................................. 18
standby ..................................................................... 18
STK ................................................................... 39, 43
suppress the 1914 message ...................................... 60
synchronize the clocks ............................................. 62
System Configuration Utility ................................... 47
troubleshooting .................................................. 79, 85
write data ............................................................... 134