Insider's Guide
by The Warcraft Collective
Warcraft®: Orcs & Humans™
©1994 Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. All rights reserved. Orcs & Humans is a trademark and Warcraft and Blizzard
Entertainment are trademarks or registered trademarks of Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. in the U.S. and/or other
In part one of this guide we will look at essential statistics and strategies for all units. In part
two we will reveal previously unknown facts about spells—for clerics and conjurers, and for
warlocks and necrolytes. Part three will reveal the details of all Warcraft units, as well as all
buildings. Packing these insider secrets, you'll be armed with the most deadly weapon of all;
Insider's Guide ........................................................................................................................................................... 1
PART I: The Insider Point of View ............................................................................................................................. 4
1.1 Good vs. Evil ................................................................................................................................................... 4
1.2 Speed Demons ................................................................................................................................................ 4
1.3 Attack Power and Armour ................................................................................................................................ 4
Additional Calculus ............................................................................................................................................ 5
Hit or miss ......................................................................................................................................................... 6
Upgraded damage ............................................................................................................................................ 6
1.4 Warcraft's Internal Clock .................................................................................................................................. 7
1.5 Heroes ............................................................................................................................................................. 7
1.6 Computer AI Basics ......................................................................................................................................... 8
Computer economy and building priority ........................................................................................................... 8
Computer expansion ......................................................................................................................................... 9
Defending against the computer AI ................................................................................................................... 9
Computer priorities .......................................................................................................................................... 10
1.7 Multi player .................................................................................................................................................... 11
Multi player maps ............................................................................................................................................ 11
Multi player insights ......................................................................................................................................... 11
PART II: The Magic of Azeroth ................................................................................................................................ 12
2.1 Availability of Spells ....................................................................................................................................... 12
2.2 Spells for Humans and Their Allies................................................................................................................ 13
Cleric ............................................................................................................................................................... 13
Conjurer .......................................................................................................................................................... 16
2.3 Spells for the Dead and the Horde ................................................................................................................ 18
Dark Forces ..................................................................................................................................................... 18
Warlock ........................................................................................................................................................... 19
Necrolyte ......................................................................................................................................................... 20
PART III: Unit Statistics and Tables ......................................................................................................................... 24
3.1 Unit Strengths ................................................................................................................................................ 24
3.1.1 Human Units .......................................................................................................................................... 24
3.1.2 Orc Units ................................................................................................................................................ 24
3.1.3 NPC Units .............................................................................................................................................. 24
3.1.4 Heroes .................................................................................................................................................... 24
3.1.5 Building points, times and costs ............................................................................................................. 25
3.2 Spell Sheet .................................................................................................................................................... 25
3.3 Technology and Spell Research Times ......................................................................................................... 25
3.3.1 Spell and research times ........................................................................................................................ 25
3.3.2 Technology costs and research times. ................................................................................................... 26
3.4 Player Ranks ................................................................................................................................................. 26
3.5 Point system .................................................................................................................................................. 27
3.6 Unit details ..................................................................................................................................................... 28
3.6.1 Player controlled units ............................................................................................................................ 28
3.6.2 NPC Non-Player Characters .................................................................................................................. 31
3.6.3 Heroes .................................................................................................................................................... 32
Appendix I: Warcraft data files ................................................................................................................................. 33
Animation file tables ........................................................................................................................................ 33
The first Warcraft: Orcs & Humans demo, aka the Interplay Demo ................................................................ 34
Appendix II: Orcs & Humans C source code ........................................................................................................... 35
Main sources ....................................................................................................................................................... 35
Graphics subroutines sources ............................................................................................................................. 35
Appendix III: Level-by-Level walkthrough ................................................................................................................ 37
1 – Human Scenarios .......................................................................................................................................... 37
1.1 Level 1 – Regent ....................................................................................................................................... 37
1.2 Level 2 – Grand Hamlet ............................................................................................................................ 38
1.3 Level 3 – Kyross ........................................................................................................................................ 39
1.4 Level 4 – The Dead Mines ........................................................................................................................ 40
1.5 Level 5 – The Forest of Elwynn ................................................................................................................. 41
1.6 Level 6 – Northshire Abbey ....................................................................................................................... 42
1.7 Level 7 – Sunnyglade ................................................................................................................................ 43
1.8 Level 8 – Medivh ....................................................................................................................................... 45
1.9 Level 9 – The Black Morass ...................................................................................................................... 46
1.10 Level 10 – The Temple of the Damned ................................................................................................... 47
1.11 Level 11 – Rockard and Stonard ............................................................................................................. 48
1.12 Level 12 – Black Rock Spire ................................................................................................................... 49
2 – Orc Scenarios ................................................................................................................................................ 51
2.1 Level 1 – The Swamps of Sorrow ............................................................................................................. 51
2.2 Level 2 – The Borderlands ........................................................................................................................ 52
2.3 Level 3 – Grand Hamlet ............................................................................................................................ 53
2.4 Level 4 – The Dead Mines ........................................................................................................................ 54
2.5 Level 5 – The Red Ridge Mountains ......................................................................................................... 55
2.6 Level 6 – Sunnyglade ................................................................................................................................ 56
2.7 Level 7 – The Black Morass ...................................................................................................................... 57
2.8 Level 8 – Northshire Abbey ....................................................................................................................... 58
2.9 Level 9 – Northern Elwynn Forest ............................................................................................................. 59
2.10 Level 10 – The Center of the Human Lands ........................................................................................... 60
2.11 Level 11 – Goldshire and Moonbrook ..................................................................................................... 61
2.12 Level 12 – Stormwind Keep .................................................................................................................... 62
3 – Multiplayer Scenarios .................................................................................................................................... 64
3.1 Forest 1 ..................................................................................................................................................... 64
3.2 Forest 2 ..................................................................................................................................................... 65
3.3 Swamp 1 ................................................................................................................................................... 66
3.4 Swamp 2 ................................................................................................................................................... 67
3.5 Dungeon 5 ................................................................................................................................................. 68
3.6 Dungeon 6 ................................................................................................................................................. 69
3.7 Dungeon 7 ................................................................................................................................................. 70
PART I: The Insider Point of View
1.1 Good vs. Evil
If you have commanded the Orcish Horde and the Noble Humans, you may have noticed that
each unit and building of one race has an equivalent unit and building on the enemy side. All
characteristics of these corresponding units (building and training costs, strength, speed, etc.)
are identical, except for the graphics, sound, and—more importantly—the spells. While a
Human conjurer has the same function as an Orcish necrolyte (clerics and warlocks have
similar functions as well), the magic of the two races is different.
Throughout this guide the term "unit" is used to refer to knights, grunts, and raiders, as well as
buildings, catapults and such. There is no difference between live units in terms of attack
power, armour, and speed. The only difference in non-magic units is the human archer versus
the orc spearman; the archer has a longer attack range.
1.2 Speed Demons
During the game, the impression of a unit's speed can be misleading. The numbers shown in
the below table for "speed", on the other hand, accurately reflect how fast the unit is moving.
While the raiders are hardly light on their toes, they are the quickest of the Warcraft units.
Note: Except for skeletons and catapults, conjurers (and Orcish necrolytes) are outpaced by
all other units. When engaging these units in battle, every second counts; situate them a safe
distance from the front line, and order them to run away immediately after casting a spell.
Peons are only marginally faster than grunts, but this slight advantage is usually enough to
ensure their escape from these enemies. Because peons cannot fight at all, keep them clear
of duels.
1 Knight w/ full speed upgrade 10
2 Knight w/ one speed upgrade
Knight, Peon, Archer
Lothar / Medivh
4 Footman 7
Conjurer, Cleric
Griselda / Garona
6 Catapult 4
Table 1: Ground Unit Speed Ranking
1.3 Attack Power and Armour
When one unit attacks another, both lose "hit points." Totals are reduced for the unit that
strikes and for the unit that suffers a strike. All moving units begin with 30 (peasant) to 120
(catapults) hit points; buildings with 400 (farms) to 5000 (keep/spire) hit points. The hit points
bar is a gauge of a unit's deteriorating "health." The bar's colour changes from green to yellow
to red as the damage worsens. Buildings that have been hit start to burn, but the fire does not
grow over time. Instead, more flames come with each additional hit.
The game's mathematical program for "causing damage" weighs the attacker's strength and
the strength of the defender's armour, and then processes these figures with a random value
to determine the total damage for a hit. While this formula is easy to understand, it is more
complicated than the "damage" value might suggest. The damage value simply indicates the
range of hit points within which the actual damage will fall. Here is how the math works:
A unit's attacking strength is formed by two components: "basic damage" and "random
damage." (These values can all be found in the Unit Editor under "unit properties.") Basic
damage suffered is reduced—if not completely blocked—by a unit's armour. Random
damage, however, is totally unaffected by a unit's armour. These two damage values are
calculated, and a random value is then applied to this figure to determine the final cost,
expressed in hit points.
For example, say a normal (non-upgraded) grunt attacks a footman, his Human equivalent.
The grunt has a basic damage value of 6 points, and the footman an armour value of 2 points.
The basic damage of the attacker exceeds the armour value of the defender by 4 points. Add
this number to the attacker's random damage (3), for a subtotal of 7 points. Next, 7 is divided
by 2 and the result—rounded up when necessary, as in this case—equals 4 points. This
figure is the rounded-up average of the two damage components (with the defender's armour
value already subtracted from the basic damage).
With each subsequent strike, a minimum of 4 points is subtracted from the hit points of the
unit under attack. The figure, however, is multiplied by a random value between 1 and 2,
which means the total damage value can grow to twice the rounded-up average value.
Therefore, in our example the damage per strike is between 4 and 8 points. Since an attacked
footman begins with 60 hit points, it generally takes 9 to 10 strikes from a healthy grunt to slay
the footman. Of course the unit under attack may strike back. If two equally healthy units of
the same category (grunt/footman, archer/spearman etc.) go into battle, the one who lands
the first strike almost always survives, albeit with only a few hit points remaining.
Buildings all have an armour value of 20. Now let's say a grunt attacks a farm, which has an
initial hit point total of 400 points. The basic damage that a grunt may inflict on the building (6
points) is completely blocked, which means a resulting basic damage figure of 0. (Figures, by
the way, cannot be negative.) Our only concern in this case is the grunt's piercing damage - 3
points. Add 0 (the blocked basic damage) and 3, divided by two equals 1.5 points, which
rounds up to 2 points. Now multiply the score by the random value (of up to 2). The possible
totals enable the grunt to inflict only 2 to 4 hit points of damage on the building for each strike.
Assuming that the grunt inflicts an average of 3 damage points per strike, it would take more
than 130 strikes to raze the farm. That campaign would take a lot of time, so you'd be better
off enlisting several grunts and/or stronger units, such as catapults, if you're set on trashing
the farm.
For specific illustrations of these attack principles, look at Table 2. It shows the attack power
rankings when basic damage is your priority. Taking that average damage per duel, and
assuming the attacked unit or building is not already deficient in hit points, the table shows the
approximate average number of strikes or shots needed to vanquish a defender / enemy, or
raze a building. These figures will help you determine which of your units will fare best against
a particular enemy unit.
Additional Calculus
There are four (4) factors that always go into play when calculating damage: HP, Armour,
Minimal Damage and Random Damage.
HP (hit points) is pretty self-explanatory. Minimal damage is always dealt, no matter how high
an enemy's armour might be. Random damage is stacked to minimal damage, but it is always
subtracted by the Armour statistic.
Contrary to popular belief, there is actually nothing random about Random damage. If a
Footman has Random damage of 9, that does not mean dice will be rolled that determine how
much damage he deals. Those will never be numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 all the way through until 9.
Instead, it will always be 9. Here is how it goes:
Let us imagine that we have a Footman who has 5 points of Minimal damage and 3 points of
Random damage. He was issued an order to attack an enemy who has 10 HP and no
armour. The footman swings his sword, lands a hit, and a calculation occurs:
Minimal damage (5) + Random damage (3) = Total damage (8)
Enemy's HP (10) - Total damage (8) = Enemy's remaining HP (2)
As you can see, Random damage is a concrete factor. It will always be that specified number.
Now, let us imagine that our enemy has 2 Armour instead of 0. The calculation would then be
as follows:
Minimal damage (5) + [Random damage (3) - Enemy's Armour (2)] = Minimal damage (5) +
(1) = Total damage (6)
Enemy's HP (10) - Total damage (6) = Enemy's remaining HP (4)
This time the random damage is reduced, due to armour. In case the armour is equal
to/higher than random damage, then no random damage will be incurred—at all! That means
that it is technically possible to survive a direct catapult hit, provided you have something in
the vicinity of 255 armour points.
Hit or miss
However, even with mathematics like this by your side, you cannot be 100% certain that our
Footman will win with just two swings of a sword. There is a hidden factor in this game, which
actually is randomly determined.
I like to call that factor "outright misses", because that is what it actually is, an outright miss! It
happens sometimes that your footman hits an enemy with his sword, yet the enemy's HP bar
does not lower. No damage is incurred, not even minimal. All units (except the catapult) have
a 20% chance they'll miss the target and incur no damage. As said earlier, you can
distinguish a miss by looking at the enemy's HP bar as it remains static. The other way you
can notice the miss is only through Archers, Clerics and Conjurers. Remember the sound
effects that Archers and Spearmen make when they attack? There is the "swoosh" sound
when they fire, and "thwap" sound when a bolt hits a target. In case a "thwap" sound does not
play it means your arrow missed, and deals no damage.
Upgraded damage
And remember those weapon upgrades you get at the Lumber Mill and the Blacksmith? The
first upgrade, Level one, for the arrows adds an additional two points (+2) of Minimal Damage
to archers and spearmen. The second level upgrade gives two more points (+2) of Minimal
Damage, giving your archers a whooping 8 Minimal Damage.
Level 1 sword upgrades give one additional point (+1) of Minimal Damage and one point (+1)
of Random Damage to footmen and knights. However, the second upgrade—level 2
swords—gives an additional two points (+2) of Minimal Damage to footmen and knights.
As for the shield upgrades; the first upgrade—Level 1 Shields—adds two points (+2) of
armour to all of your units, including peasants and buildings (!). The second upgrade—Level
2—gives your units an additional two points (+2) of armour. The peons, the peasants,
Garona, and Griselda never receive any damage bonus.
1.4 Warcraft's Internal Clock
The basic and piercing damage values for all units can be viewed in the Unit Editor. These
values can also be modified for custom scenarios. One unit of build time corresponds to 12
program cycles (approximately one third of a second).
Warcraft does not measure time in minutes and seconds, but in "program cycles." The length
of a cycle varies from system to system and depends on game speed preferences as well.
When running at normal speed on a Pentium 133 MHz, the game records about 40 program
cycles in 1 second. Slower machines will run fewer cycles per second, but even a 486 system
will complete no fewer than 30 cycles per second, as the program has reserves (idle times)
that cause delays on the fastest machines and are skipped on the slower ones. The game
program's internal timing also affects attack power. Some units can fire multiple shots or
make multiple strikes in a given time (e.g. knights), others attack more slowly (catapults have
to reload before attacking). Table 2 ranks the attack power of various units.
By the way, training time (for units) and construction time (for buildings), both displayed by the
Unit Editor, have program cycle values that are slightly different from those described above.
To get the actual number of program cycles for training and construction, multiply the
respective value by 12. Top of the list for construction time is town hall with 1000 so 1000 x
12 = 12,000 program cycles, which translates to about 80 game seconds.
Wait cycle
Wait time
25 0.7 sec 85
2 Skeleton 35 0.9 sec 67
40 1.0 sec 60
4 Archer Spearman
65 1.7 sec 35
5 Catapult Catapult 200 5.3 sec 11
Table 2: Attack power ranking of all weapons
* Pentium133
1.5 Heroes
A word about the heroes on the game canvas; the player can ordinarily never control any of
the heroes in the game, except in the few special case levels. Half the heroes can never be
controlled. As an aside Medivh was not present during development; a character called
Klaron was. According to Bill Roper, Klaron was not a replacement for Medivh.
The name hero is not very fitting; a more descriptive name would be unique character.
Especially since two of them—Griselda and Garona—cannot even fight, but act as peons
when confronted. Sir Lothar and Medivh are the only two heroes able to mount a resistance.
Medivh has roughly the same amount of HP as a catapult—150 HP—and deals 10 points of
ranged damage, plus he has the same range as an Orc spearman. Lothar is less sturdy at 50
HP, but instead has 5 points of armour and metes out 15 points of damage. See section 3.1.4
for further details.
That is roughly all there is to say about them; the heroes do not play a big part in the game,
except for basically acting as mobile decoration. The only thing left to mention is the strange
death bug of Lothar and his orcish fiend Garona; they have each other’s death sound. The
bug is known and will obviously not be fixed.
1.6 Computer AI Basics
Compared with many later games the AI (artificial intelligence) of Warcraft: Orcs & Humans is
crude and simple. Depending on the player's style the computer can be seen as exceptionally
weak, only creating a tiny, ineffective attack force and passively waiting for the player to
attack. The AI does not play well against ranged attackers, if at all. When the computer's
defending units have been eliminated, the AI never replenishes them.
The simplistic AI extends all the way down to unit path finding—units mill around haphazardly
and run into walls, stopping in their tracks for a second before they head off in another
random direction. The bad path finding algorithms shift the emphasis even more towards
ranged units, since they do not have to manoeuvre around your own units to gang up on an
attacker. In addition to the crude path finding, the AI never seeks an alternative route towards
the player’s encampment. All attacks are sent on apparent suicide missions straight towards
the enemy town and its awaiting defences. Any alternate route is found by random chance.
It is possible—albeit time and resource consuming—to almost completely relocate the player
town using roads and a long line of passing buildings (mainly farms); even if the player does
so s/he can observe the AI actually attacking the new encampment.
The new enclave is not a fully functional enclave; only the town hall can accept resources,
and it cannot be relocated. The town hall will always be rebuilt at the initial location. It can be
left off the map, however, by either self demolishing or enemy action. Even if the player then
relocates all remaining buildings, the AI troops will attack the newly founded enclave.
Computer economy and building priority
The AI plays by a different set of resource rules from the player. The computer economic
system is entirely different, and is based on pre-set values rather than game
accomplishments. The computer does not actually use any gold or lumber at all; meaning the
computer player has unlimited funds. The peasants harvesting wood and mining gold are
merely cosmetic; they are placed on the game canvas just for show—and to drain your
potential resources. Even when all map resources have been thoroughly exhausted, the
computer will endlessly produce troops, buildings and units.
Note that when you have destroyed every computer unit except for a peasant and a town hall,
that peasant must cut down one single tree or mine one single gold sack before it can start
reconstructing other buildings, or before other units can be built. The peon or peasant can
only found new buildings when returning to the town hall, but it can re-found the entire village
on a single return by establishing all needed foundations without actually finishing a single
building first.
Town Hall 10
All Farms 9
All Barracks 8
Temple 7
Tower 6
Mill 5
Blacksmith 4
Kennel 3
Units 2
Idle 1
Table 3: Computer building priority, Orc setting
If a peon or peasant is veered off course when on the way to a building site, for instance due
to enemy action, the AI initially deems the target foundation built, and the peon may set the
foundation for another building and commence constructing, according to preset AI priorities.
When the new building is constructed, the peon or peasant will commence constructing the
initial building. All foundations receive full hit points when initialized, but the buildings are
functional only after they have been completely built and finished. The AI can rebuild neither
Black Rock Spire nor Stormwind Keep.
As a side note and a thing to look out for; when a gold mine is running out, it will collapse the
instant a peon or peasant enters it to harvest the last remaining resources. The usual delay
before the peon or peasant exits the mine with a resource load does not apply. The same is
true for the player.
The perhaps most peculiar aside is the player can assist the enemy with construction. The
repair function does not take into consideration who owns the building being repaired. The
player can thus repair enemy buildings. Also, if the last enemy peasant or peon was heading
for a construction site when it was eliminated, the construction site will remain unbuilt
indefinitely; the player can then raise the enemy building by repairing it. The finished building
will function as intended; a Town Hall will begin producing peon or peasants, to a maximum of
four. The game will continue normally.
Computer expansion
The computer AI does not build new buildings, except if the ones it has in the beginning are
destroyed. If a computer building is destroyed, it will ultimately always be rebuilt. You can see
this in action if you demolish every computer building but leave a single peasant or peon; the
computer will reconstruct its entire town to exactly match the initial city plan. The AI will never
exceed the initial village or town plan; no additional buildings will be built, even if seemingly
needed. Also, the AI does not need farms for units; a town hall will produce four peasants.
In general the AI starts off with a thriving city and a full complement of defenders and workers.
Random attack units appear at regular intervals. These are sent to attack the human city after
a certain amount of units have been reached. This number is higher in the later levels. The
defenders do not move from their stations unless an enemy enters their range. When
defenders are killed, they are not replaced. Workers, however, are replaced as soon as they
are killed. Attack forces and resource gatherers are churned out endlessly until the unit
producing building is eliminated, or until the game ends.
Defending against the computer AI
If the player establishes a set of kill zones at a choke point or forward staging area using
interlocking fields of fire, the game can theoretically continue indefinitely; the computer never
ceases building units, which in turn never reach the player in order to deal any damage. The
easiest way to see an example of this is to leave the computer opponent with only a town hall,
surround it with archers or spearmen, and then watch a literally endless stream of peons or
peasants be mowed down in a hail of projectiles.
The only way to completely immobilize a still functioning AI is to exhaust all resources on a
map, and demolish all enemy unit producing buildings except the town hall. The AI will
endlessly produce peons or peasants, units that have nowhere to go due to the lack of
resources. Thus the peons or peasants will never be returning with goods, which is the only
opportunity for the AI to found and begin constructing new buildings. The same is true for unit
production; the AI must have a returning peon” or a “returning peasant” available in order to
produce a new strategic unit.
The computer player also always "knows" where the player’s troops are, it can always "see"
them. The amount of troops the human player has amassed at a choke point or kill zone will
not make the computer seek another route, however; all the computer’s moves are semi-
Sometimes the computer AI works splendidly; it can group attack troops into rather effective
platoons, and it does not suffer from micro management problems. Magic is the computer's
forte; the AI can pinpoint casting in a microsecond. The AI also keeps quite a mean reserve,
and it seems to know when to commit it.
Most of the time however the AI is severely lacking and the threats from it are very easily
contained. Seasoned strategy game players will quite certainly find the game play in Warcraft:
Orcs & Humans less than challenging.
Computer priorities
The computer has a set list of priorities by which to command troops. These priorities are not
limited to the computer forces alone. The troops the player sends in to eliminate an enemy
troop or enemy village will attack all encountered forces and buildings according to set
priorities. If the player does not micromanage the attacking troops, the computer will direct the
attacking force according to its’ own priority lists.
The player’s units will engage the enemy units in the order they attack; if an enemy archer
attacks the player’s unit, that unit will head straight for the enemy archer even though other
targets are in closer vicinity. The computer’s units initially act in the same fashion, although
the computer may apparently randomly order a unit to disengage from this tactic and do
unexpected attacks. This does not happen with the player’s forces.
Further, enemy buildings are assigned set priorities. If a unit is placed between two buildings
of different priorities, the unit will eliminate the building with a higher priority before shifting the
attack towards the building with a lesser priority. The computer forces always follow the same
priority list.
Idle 1
Lumber Mill 2
Blacksmith 3
Kennel 4
Barracks 5
Tower 6
Farm 7
Church/Temple 8
Town Hall 9
Attacking unit 10
Table 4: Attack priorities
Unit attacks always trump these set priorities; if a unit is attacked while in the process of
eliminating an enemy building, the unit will engage the attacking enemy in an attempt to
dispose of the threat before resuming the previous priority set.
The priority list is markedly different in the first Warcraft: Orcs & Humans demo, also known
as the Interplay Demo. The list of differences that sets the demo apart is vast—plus the info is
of marginal interest—so there is no incentive to list them all here. This guide focuses almost
exclusively on the retail version of the game. There are numerous online resources available
to those that are interesting in looking deeper into the arcane demo. The issue that has to be
mentioned is the players forces will neither defend themselves by retaliating nor automatically
attack nearby enemy units or buildings. Additionally the demo does not use absolute timed
cycles, making it impossibly fast and thus unplayable on modern computers, even on the
slowest setting. If the player is used to the retail version it can make playing the first Warcraft
demo a rather frustrating experience.
1.7 Multi player
Multi player games are of course totally different; human opponents are unpredictable.
However, in regards to the game online multi player is soon a thing of the past. With the
inevitably coming demise of the IPX network protocol—and thus the multi player part of the
game—today there is precious little to warrant mastering the finer aspects of the canvas; the
replay value of the game is close to dropping off to nothing. Further, virtually nothing of the
single player data is relevant to multi player Warcraft: Orcs & Humans network gaming.
Multi player maps
The majority of the 21 built-in multi player maps will be familiar from the main campaigns. In
fact, only the first two Forest and Swamp maps, as well as the last three Dungeon maps are
unique to the multi player experience; seven unique multiplayer maps in all. All other maps
are recycled from the human and orc campaigns. There are thus only a total of 31 maps in
the entire game, multi player or single player. There even exists an unselectable map in the
game data files; Custom Dungeon Map 8. Due to custom maps being restricted to 7, the map
can never be selected.
The multi player maps have four start locations on Forest and Swamp maps, and three in
Dungeon maps. The start locations for the players are picked from these at random at the
inception of the game. User made maps can only be used in the multi player environment if
the game data files are available for both the master and the client. The file format for single
player and multi player maps is the same; the files are completely interchangeable.
Multi player insights
There are not any real insights to Warcraft: Orcs & Humans multi player. The only thing that
really matters is who reaches major summoning first, plus strangely no-one plays with the orc
faction. The first player to reach Summon Daemon/Elemental is almost certainly the winner,
unless the players are woefully mismatched; a daemon with unholy armour is the ultimate unit
in the game. The main tactic for a human player is to churn out an endless stream of archers,
and focus on the peon line of the enemy. If, and only if, the human player can disrupt the gold
flow and thus make major summoning not achievable, s/he might stand a chance. The same
is true for orcs. That is all there is to know about multi player.
PART II: The Magic of Azeroth
In advanced Warcraft game play, whether you're taking on the computer or other players,
spells make a world of difference. Spells are only vaguely documented in the game manual,
but as Blizzard Entertainment's insider, we reveal all of the secrets of spells below.
Warcraft is set in a medieval fantasy world where brave warriors fight with swords, arrows and
bows. Also at your disposal, however, are 12 spells, which give you access to advanced
"weapon technologies." Technically, there are 16 spells at your disposal. However, the attack
spells and attack curses of the spell casters need neither be researched nor micro-managed,
so they will not be covered here. They are, in fact, considered non-strategic with regards to
game play. Some spells perform functions similar to those of area bombing features of other
strategy games. Other spells lead to whole new strategic options, allowing you to make units
temporarily invisible or invincible. Warcraft's 12 spells will be covered first by a discussion of
the 6 strategic spells of the clerics and conjurers of Azeroth, followed by a description of the 6
strategic curses of the Horde's warlocks and necrolytes.
2.1 Availability of Spells
Warcraft has a few prerequisites for casting spells. First you need the proper spell caster. On
the Human side, that means conjurers or clerics—which won't be available to you until certain
buildings are present. These buildings can only be constructed in the game's advanced
stages. Once you've put the proper structure in place, you can create a cleric by clicking on
the church and selecting the train cleric command; conjurers are trained in the conjurer tower.
There is no magic until you have either the conjurer tower (left) or
church (centre), or both. On the right is the orcish temple.
Each spell caster comes with one spell—clerics have "Holy Lance" and warlocks get the
"Fireball." Conjurers also start out with "Elemental Blast", which is actually just a different
name for their regular attack command. All spells beyond the initial one have to be
researched in the church or conjurer tower, which costs time and money (gold, that is).
Similar to role-playing games, every Warcraft spell consumes a bit of magic energy or
"mana." The mana battery is recharged by one unit for every 40 program cycles (about 1
second). After (a/the/its) battery runs out, a conjurer or cleric needs at least four minutes of
regeneration to reach its maximum mana reserve of 255 units.
Using the cheat code "eye of newt" you can activate all spells (of the respective scenario) and
receive unlimited mana. Enter all cheat codes in the message window (hit Enter, type the
code, then hit Enter again to confirm).
2.2 Spells for Humans and Their Allies
The cleric is the defensive spell caster of the human faction. Clerics can heal, or turn other
units invisible. The cleric is basically the human equivalent of the defensive orcish necrolyte.
The healing spell of the cleric is many a time the battle breaker, giving the human side the
decisive edge in a confrontation.
Holy Lance
Unit: cleric
Research: -
Shortcut key: A
Mana consumption: 2 per shot
Clerics always have one spell by default. The Holy Lance attack of the cleric is considered a
spell by the game engine, and will thus slowly drain the cleric of mana. A prolonged attack on
an enemy village might so utterly drain the cleric of mana the attack rate might lessen. The
situations where it might occur are rare. They are, in fact, so rare the effect is considered
negligible. Further, the Holy Lance spell is generally not counted among the spells of the
cleric since it is both non-strategic and effectively indistinguishable from an ordinary ranged
Unit: cleric
Research: church; 750 Gold
Shortcut key: H
Mana consumption: 6 to 240
According to apocrypha the clerics perform their healing spell with holy water.
Clerics are capable of healing the wounds of the warriors of Azeroth. Healing restores a
warrior's hit points, and allows the warrior to go back into battle and suffer more damage. To
heal a warrior, select a cleric and cast the Healing spell on the patient. The cleric will throw a
gallon of holy water over a distance of up to 6 matrices (50 percent farther than the bows of
an archer go!).
Clerics can heal all units of flesh and blood, even the wooden catapults. If you accidentally
click on the wrong target, you may give medical service to your enemies—a humanitarian
act—but it doesn't pay off in Warcraft.
A cleric cannot heal himself, but one cleric can cast the Healing spell on another. That means
you can put together a squads of two or more clerics that heal each other in the midst of
combat. However, the tactic of having clerics fight and heal simultaneously is not a viable
choice in Warcraft. The clerics were just too weak to really be engaged at the front line.
The computer also uses cleric crews against you, and it is has the advantage of being able to
cast the Healing spell faster than any human player with the mouse or keyboard. You can
watch that cleric crew tactic happen in the main campaign.
The Healing spell's strength is determined by units of mana. For every 6 units of mana, the
damaged unit gets back 1 hit point. The cleric will use as much mana as necessary to heal
the unit—up to 240 mana points (healing by 40-hit points). The damaged unit may be restored
to full health (all hit points intact), if the cleric's mana is sufficient. Dealing several healings in
a row to a single unit (usually by different clerics) is certainly possible—and often necessary.
Far Seeing
Unit: cleric
Research: church; 1500 gold
Shortcut key: F
Mana consumption: 70
Warcraft's tactical strength is enhanced by a "fog of war" concept: You can only see the area
your own units have visited, and you can still see the terrain and buildings of an area you
have left. You do not see moving units and do not notice any changes until you have visited
an area.
On the other hand, the holy men of Azeroth—the clerics—are visionary: They can look as far
as they like, though only for short moments. To get a better look at a target area, select a
cleric, click on the icon for "Far Seeing" (or hit the F key), then select a location on the map.
Instantly the area around your target location is unveiled, and you can see enemy units, if any
are present. The fog of war is permanently lifted from the area.
In order to maximize the benefit from that illuminated sight, proceed as follows: Select the
cleric, cast the Far Seeing spell, and double-click the target location on the mini-map (upper
left corner). The first click throws the spell; the second one immediately brings up your target
area in the larger command map window.
Pay attention to the signal that sounds when you cast the Far Seeing spell and all other
spells. If you hear that sound while playing against the computer or other players and you
haven't cast the spell yourself, assume that an enemy has taken a Far Seeing look at your
encampment. An opponent capable of doing so must have already disposed of a church, i.e.
rather advanced infrastructure.
Unit: cleric
Research: church; 3000 gold
Shortcut key: I
Mana consumption: 200
The knight is now invisible to the enemies until he
attacks someone, or 50 game seconds have passed.
If you've always dreamed about making your way behind the enemy front line without being
seen—the most costly spell (3000 gold)—Invisibility—makes it come true. For up to 2,000
program cycles (approximately 50 game seconds), every moving unit can be made invisible.
A blue box surrounding the unit indicates the unit is now invisible and thus lets you know your
enemy cannot see it.
As soon as an invisible unit begins attacking another one, the effect of the spell ceases.
For humans, their offensive spell caster is the conjurer, the counterpart to the orcs' offensive
warlock. The human casters are, like their faction, inherently more defence-geared, even so
the conjurer. Their abilities rely primarily on outmanoeuvring and protecting.
Conjurers can call down a rain of fire that decimates foe and friend, building and unit alike, or
they can summon either scorpions or a water elemental—the latter of which, when used
together with a cleric's invisibility, can scare the living daylights out of even the most
hardened commander.
Elemental Blast
Unit: conjurer
Research: -
Shortcut key: A
Mana consumption: 2 per shot
The conjurer has one single spell by default. The Elemental Blast attack of the conjurer is
considered a spell by the game engine, and will thus slowly drain the conjurer of mana. A
prolonged attack on an enemy village might so utterly drain the conjurer of mana the attack
rate might lessen. The situations where it might occur are rare. They are, in fact, so rare the
effect is considered negligible. Further, the Elemental Blast spell is generally not counted
among the spells of the conjurer since it is both non-strategic and effectively indistinguishable
from an ordinary ranged attack.
Summon Scorpions
Unit: conjurer
Research: tower; 750 Gold
Shortcut key: O
Mana consumption: 4 to 252
The caster calls upon the creatures of the desert by magically transporting them to do his
bidding. They are under the conjurer's direction and will do his bidding to the death. Research
has proven that it is simpler for the conjurer to transport several smaller scorpions in a short
time than to drain his energies further by summoning a single, large creature.
Major Summoning (aka Water Elemental)
Unit: conjurer
Research: tower, 3000 gold
Shortcut key: W
Mana consumption: 100
According to the manual; "The caster uses the forces of nature to create a water elemental.
He summons the forces of air and water and combines them into a simulacrum to defend the
lands. They are excellent creatures, and will never turn upon their creators. The element of
water was chosen because it is persistent as in the state of erosion, and it is the opposite of
fire, which seems to be the element that the Orcs favour."
The Major Summoning spell is the most devastating spell in the human portfolio. The Water
Elemental itself has a ranged attack. The spell is the human equivalent of the orc Daemon
Rain of Fire
Unit: conjurer
Research: conjurer tower; 1500 gold
Shortcut key: R
Mana consumption: 25 to 250
This spell is a special display of creative programming. This spell allows you to send some
nasty weather to a target location up to 12 matrices away (50 percent more than the reach of
a catapult). Every Rain of Fire costs 25 mana points, and the conjurer auto-repeats that spell
at the same location until it runs out of mana or gets a different order.
The poor Orc town suffers an area
bombing by a Rain of Fire.
Each Rain of Fire consists of 50 "fire drops", meaning you get two drops per mana point (not
a bad deal). Ten drops hit each of the 5 target points, which are selected at random from
around your target location. Each drop causes continuous damage of 10 hit points where it
hits the ground.
Note that 5 new drop target points are selected when the spell is auto-repeated. The points
will, however, always be in the proximity of the target location you selected. Buildings are
sufficiently large enough to be hit by almost any shard; moving units better escape when they
are in for a Rain of Fire.
In the great showdown of the Human campaign (level 12), the best way to destroy Black Rock
Spire is with the help of the Rain of Fire spell. Here you can also try catapult shots, but you
need about 30 of those to burn the Spire down. Just send a few conjurers over and let them
cast the Rain of Fire spell; it is faster. Even the units that guard the Spire can quickly be
defeated with Rain of Fire.
With their reach exceeding that of catapults, Rain of Fire attacks are perfectly suited for razing
dangerous walls and catapult defences. Nearby enemy units will attack immediately when the
fire drops fall, so protect your conjurers with some ground units when casting the spell.
You can create an apocalyptic scenario for your opponent by having several conjurers cast
Rain of Fire at the same time. With tons of fires hitting next to each other all at different times
your enemy may be overwhelmed.
2.3 Spells for the Dead and the Horde
When the Orcish Horde mobilizes, even the dead have to join the army! In the second part of
the description of all Warcraft spells, we give you all the details on the warlock and necrolyte
spells. Once again, the Blizzard programmers have provided a variety of insider secrets.
Some say that most Warcraft players prefer the part of the Orcish War Chief. That we cannot
verify, but if you are in that group, then read closely to learn about the evil spells you need to
conquer Lordaeron. If you command the Alliance troops, you should at least know which
demonic forces undermine your efforts to proudly defend humanity against the Horde.
Dark Forces
In order to have Orcish magic abilities, you have to first construct a Temple, where you can
train warlocks and research magiks and curses.
The Temple is also required to build the Tower, where necrolytes are summoned. Necrolytes
take care of the other four Orcish spells. Those are, as we will see here, at least as powerful
as the ones available to the Humans have available.
The orcish Temple (left) is needed to build the necrolyte
Tower (right), if you want to train necrolytes.
Every warlock is initially given a spell called "Fireball"; the necrolytes start out with the
"Shadow Spear." The "Shadow Spear", however, is another name for the regular attack
function of the necrolyte (comparable to the "Elemental Blast" of the conjurers). The attacks
are treated as spells, and actually drain the spell caster of mana.
Like their Human counterparts, the warlocks of the Orcish Horde also need some
regeneration time to get their magic batteries recharged. They can have up to 255 mana
points at a time, which takes about 1 second (40 program cycles) per point (up to four
minutes for a complete recharge (0 to 255).
The previously described cheat code "eye of newt" affects the Orcs and the Humans in the
same way. The cheat makes all spells available (as though they had been researched) and
resets the mana points of all magic units to 255.
In Warcraft: Orcs & Humans the warlock is the offensive curse caster of the Orcish Hordes.
Warlocks can create poison clouds that deal damage over time to those that walk through it,
and also summon spiders to do the bidding of the orcs, or the big-whopping Daemon—the
most powerful unit in the game—even more so when armoured by a necrolyte.
Unit: warlock
Research: -
Shortcut key: A
Mana consumption: 2 per shot
According to the manual the Fireball is "the basic fire spell which all followers of the Orcish
cults (the underworld) first learn. It channels the flames of Hades through the caster’s body,
allowing the wielder to direct it as a missile at anyone he chooses. It is a dangerous magik to
employ, but the effects seem to delight even the lowest circle of Warlock to no end."
As previously mentioned, every warlock is initially given a spell called "Fireball". The attack is
considered a curse—or spell—and actually drains mana when used. The curse does not have
to be researched, however, since every warlock has the curse by default.
Summon Spiders
Unit: warlock
Research: temple; 1000 gold
Shortcut key: S
Mana consumption: 50 per spider
The Warlock calls forth hordes of deadly, poisonous spiders to aid him. Several spiders come
at any one summoning, and will swarm over the enemy as the caster directs. They crawl
through gaps in the enemies armour and bite them with their poisoned fangs, injecting their
deadly juices into the bloodstream. As the enemy falls to the ground, he literally burns from
Poison Cloud
Unit: warlock
Research: temple; 1000 gold
Shortcut key: P
Mana consumption: 100
The caster creates a cloud comprised of brimstone, acid, and poisonous gases to envelop
and choke his targets. This foul stench eats through anything that stands in its way, and
chokes the very life out of anyone unlucky enough to be in its path. It is a mix of the sickly
stench of rotting corpses and the essence of evil, designed to decay and corrode all that it
comes in contact with.
Major Summoning (aka Summon Daemon)
Unit: warlock
Research: temple; 3000 gold
Shortcut key: D
Mana consumption: 255
The most powerful spell ever rumoured to exist. Legends say that the caster would have the
ability to summon forth a daemon by allowing his body to be sacrificed to enable its existence
in this plane. The daemon would then be guided by the spirit of the caster to do his bidding,
but should the daemon be destroyed, the warlock’s life would be forfeit. The truth to this tale
is questionable, but the incantations and rituals used to summon the creature may lay in
some lost runic writings. The dream of every follower of the underworld is to rediscover these
incantations and be able to command the power of the Daemon.
The undead necrolyte is the defensive magik keeper of the aggressive orcs. The necrolytes
can raise skeletons from the ground to fight again—despite being weak they can mass
together and overwhelm a weakened enemy after they have weathered another wave.
Skeletons in numbers can indeed be an enemy to respect and contend with. The necrolytes
can also protect their orcish comrades with armour that blocks attacks fiercely.
Shadow Spear
Unit: necrolyte
Research: -
Shortcut key: A
Mana consumption: 2 per shot
According to the manual; "This is a spear of energy culled from the evils of the Orcish clans.
When an Orc dies, his soul descends into Hades for judgment, and his essence is divided into
good and evil. The Orcish Necrolytes have learned to siphon the black energies from this
plane and use it for their own purposes. This weapon of darkness is the manifestation of
those black souls, and causes excruciating pain to those it strikes."
The necrolyte's attack is considered a curse—or a spell—and will drain the caster of mana.
The attack curse needs not be researched; all necrolytes have the spell by default. When and
if the necrolyte is low on mana it can theoretically cause a slowdown in attack speed on
slower systems. The recharge rate of the necrolyte's mana is effectively equal to the casting
rate of the shadow spear curse, so the chance of any slowdown happening is slim to none,
and the effect should be considered negligible.
Raise Dead
Unit: necrolyte
Research: Tower; 750 gold
Shortcut key: R
Mana consumption: 50 per skeleton
Necrolytes are undead creatures who have the power to conjure other dead ones. The Raise
Dead spell gives you the opportunity to add some skeletons to your army. This spell is useful
in every phase of the game but particularly in what chess players refer to as the "Endspiel," or
Endgame—when a few remaining units from both sides face each other for the final
showdown. Here Raise Dead can spell that little difference between victory and defeat if you
conjure two or more recently-expired war heroes.
The reach of the Raise Dead spell is about 6 matrices. Sufficient mana provided (50 points
per skeleton) one or more corpses at the target location and nearby are raised from the dead.
They join your army as skeleton units.
Control a skeleton as you would any other ground unit. It costs no gold or lumber, doesn't eat,
and if it has not been defeated in combat before, its "life" ends after 25,500 program cycles
(well over 10 game minutes) - when it bursts into pieces as if it had been killed enemy. By the
way, skeletons placed on the map with a map editor in your own custom scenarios don't have
that automatic lifespan limitation.
Except for the limited lifespan, don't underestimate the value of the skeletons for your army.
They have as many hit points to start with as the warlock himself, and half the attack power
as a grunt (basic damage 1, piercing damage 4, reach 1). While they will lose most duels
against opponents even without armour, they always inflict some injury, making it easier for
the next attacker to kill them.
A skeleton's sight value is limited to 3, which is 1 less than that of grunts and peasants.
Skeletons don't have any particular armour (just like the peons and magic units), and their
speed value of 6 (like the necrolytes) is lower than that of all other ground units (7 and more)
except for the catapults (4). Skeletons are particularly useful for dangerous (if not kamikaze)
missions against approaching catapults.
True Warcraft experts use one or more spells (particularly Unholy Armour) on the skeletons,
which then become supernatural elite soldiers for a short time.
Generally speaking, any dead unit's corpse can be turned into a skeleton—your own nation's
victims of war as well as those of your former enemies—both will then execute your
commands. The cause of death, whether combat or spell, is not relevant. A necrolyte can first
kill an enemy with the Death Coil and later turn the corpse into a skeleton—double or nothing.
Only ground units leave a decaying corpse that can be raised from dead—ogres and
buildings do not. Catapults or units that are already undead (skeletons themselves) don't
either. As the Human conjurers are the corresponding unit type to the Orcish necrolytes, they
also disappear once killed and are not "recyclable" with the Raise Dead spell.
Also, you cannot raise just any corpse! Some are still wrestling with death and not yet
qualified for skeleton status. You must wait three or more seconds before attempting the
Raise Dead spell. Afterwards, there are still about 1,000 program cycles (25 seconds) left, in
which the spell is applicable. Figure 36 shows the decaying phases of an ogre that is dead
but not yet ready to be raised. Figure 37 shows the decaying phases for the ogre (and all
other creatures), in which the Raise Dead spell does work. After that, the remnants of the
corpse disappear completely and it is too late to raise the dead.
Dark Vision
Unit: necrolyte
Research: Tower, 1500 gold
Shortcut key: V
Mana consumption: 50
Wherever there is light, there is shadow, and it is this shadow that the Orc Necrolyte uses to
see into places he cannot travel. Wherever the slightest shadow is cast, the sight of the
Necrolyte can enter and view. The effects of this spell are limited in size, for too much
knowledge of the confines of shadow has been known to forever trap the caster within the
realm of darkness.
Dark Vision is the exact Orcish counterpart to the Human Far Seeing spell. Use it similarly.
The area revealed by Dark Vision will stay revealed, exactly in the same fashion as if the
player would have visited the area with a unit.
Unholy Armour
Unit: necrolyte
Research: Tower; 3000 gold
Shortcut key: U
Mana consumption: 100 per armour
According to the manual; "This ritual invokes the recipient with a mystic armour of
invulnerability. Weapons will have their effects dissipated when striking the wearer. This
armour is constructed from the souls of the damned, and they absorb the pain that any blows
would normally inflict upon the wearer. The price that is exacted from those who are
bestowed with this invulnerability is a high one, however, for they must sacrifice a portion of
their soul to act as a magnet to bind these lost souls to themselves. After some time, this
binding will weaken, and those who make up the armour will be released back into their
eternal torment."
The most costly Orc spell (3000 gold) is a true pact with the devil. A unit affected by the
Unholy Armour spell is absolutely invulnerable for 500 program cycles (about 13 seconds).
An orcish catapult is invulnerable.
Unholy Armour works on all moving units including non-organic catapults, as shown above.
The attack power or speed of units is not increased by the Unholy Armour, but the spell can
definitely be combined with others. A summoned Daemon with Unholy Armour is a
devastating combination. Only two or three of them are needed to take down an entire town. If
the Daemon by itself is not enough to convince anyone of the balance problems inherent in
the game, a Daemon with Unholy Armour surely is.
When cast on a unit, the unit automatically loses half its' hit points. This means the unit will
most probably meet certain death if any enemy threats are not disposed before the spell
wears out. Due to the nature of the spell, temporarily invulnerable units will be sent into the
midst of enemy activity, making the unit the focus of enemy action. This further puts the unit
under threat of immediate annihilation when the effect of the spell is gone.
PART III: Unit Statistics and Tables
3.1 Unit Strengths
3.1.1 Human Units
2 60 1 9 600 400 0
0 40
750 400 0
Catapult 8 0 120
255 1000 900 200
5 90 1 13 800 850 0
Archer 5 1 60 4 0 700 450 50
Conjurer 2 0 40 6 0 900 900 0
Cleric 2 0 40 6 0 800 700 0
Table 3.1.1: Human unit strengths, ranges and costs
3.1.2 Orc Units
2 60 1 9 600 400 0
0 40
750 400 0
Catapult 8 0 120
255 1000 900 200
5 90 1 13 800 850 0
5 1 60 5 0 700 450 50
Warlock 3 0 40 6 0 900 900 0
Necrolyte 1 0 40 6 0 800 700 0
Table 3.1.2: Orcish unit strengths, ranges and costs
3.1.3 NPC Units
3 60 1 12
0 30 1 3
10 150
1 0
Fire Elemental
0 200
0 40
0 30 3 0
1 40 1 9
Orc Skeleton
1 40 1 4
Dungeon Sk.
2 30 1 9
0 300
0 65
Water Elem. 3 0 250
40 0
Table 3.1.3: Non-player character strengths, ranges and decay time
3.1.4 Heroes
5 50 1 15
Medivh 5 0 110
10 0
0 30
0 30
Table 3.1.3: Hero strengths, ranges and HP statistics
* Please note Lothar's death sound is Orc, and Garona's is Human. This is a known bug.
3.1.5 Building points, times and costs
Build Time
Gold Cost
Lumber Cost
Farm 0 400 1000 500 300
Barracks 0 800 1500 600 500
Church / Temple
0 700 2000 800 500
Tower 0 900 2000 1400 300
Hall 0 2500 1000 400 400
Lumber Mill 0 600 1500 600 500
Stable / Kennel 0 500 1500 1000 400
Blacksmith 0 800 1500 900 400
Castle / Spire 0 5000
Mine 0 25500
Table 3.1.4: Building points, times and costs
3.2 Spell Sheet
Research Time
Holy Lance 0 0 1 Human
Healing 750 120 8 Human
Far Seeing 1500
120 N/A Human
Invisibility 3000
120 8 Human
Elemental Blast 0 0 3 Human
Summon Scorpions
750 140 1 Human
Rain of Fire 1500
140 9 Human
Water Elemental 3000
140 1 Human
Fireball 0 0 2 Orc
Summon Spiders 750 140 1 Orc
Poison Cloud 1500
140 9 Orc
Summon Daemon 3000
140 1 Orc
Shadow Spear 0 0 2 Orc
Raise Dead 750 120 5 Orc
Dark Vision 1500
120 N/A Orc
Unholy Armour 3000
120 8 Orc
Table 3.4: Spell cost sheet
3.3 Technology and Spell Research Times
3.3.1 Spell and research times
Technology / Spell
Research Time
Shields 120
Arrows / Spears 140
Swords / Axes 120
Horses / Wolves 140
Minor Summoning 140
Poison Cloud / Rain of Fire
Major Summoning 140
Healing / Raise the Dead 120
Far Seeing / Dark Vision 120
Invisibility / Unholy Armour 120
Table 3.3.1: Technology and Spell Research Times
All these values can be changed with Blizzard’s own Unit Editor, available since version 1.16.
Blizzard states the editor was only added to version 1.20, but this is incorrect. The editor was,
in fact, already included in patch 1.16.
3.3.2 Technology costs and research times.
1st Upgrade
2nd Upgrade
Research Time
Shields 750 1500
Weapons 750 1500
Projectiles 750 1500
750 1500
Table 3.3.2: Technology costs and research times
All costs are in gold only. The technology research times are identical for both orcs and
humans. The shield upgrades also upgrade building armour. Peasants and peons do not
receive damage upgrades. The shield icon for the two unit types stays the same, although
armour upgrade occurs. This is a known anomaly and it will not be fixed.
3.4 Player Ranks
Gap to next
Slave Slave 0-200 200
Peon Peasant 201-300 100
Rogue Squire 301-400 100
Grunt Footman 401-800 400
Slasher Corporal 801-1600 800
Sergeant Sergeant 1601-2400 800
Lieutenant 2401-3200 800
Captain Captain 3201-4000 800
Major Major 4001-4800 800
Raider Knight 4801-5200 400
General General 5201-5600 400
Master Brigadier 5601-6000 400
Marshall Marshall 6001-6400 400
Slayer Lord 6401-6800 400
Dictator Duke 6801-7200 500
War Chief War Leader
7201-9600 1400
Demigod Demigod 9601-11400 1500
God God 11401-11899
Designer Designer 11900- -
Table 3.4: Player Ranks
All players start with the rank of "Slave," no score is needed to achieve the rank. A bug exists
that affects scores over 12,000 points, making the rank appear as nonsense, something along
the lines of "Sqrvw". The bug is fixed with patch 1.15, but saved games might still be
corrupted, and a new campaign must be started to fix the problem if it is present when the
patch is applied.
There is no set system to the points needed to achieve the next rank; they are hard coded
and effectively arbitrary. The point gap system might initially seem to follow a set of rules, but
it is, in fact, arbitrary.
As it is possible to lose points during a game—by losing buildings and/or units—it is therefore
also possible to be reduced in rank, or to be demoted from an achieved position. This is very
rare, but it is known to happen. The most common situation where this occurs is after a long
game with heavy losses.
3.5 Point system
The point system is complex, adding 1 point per harvested resource, 0-10 points per trained
unit, and 0-20 points per built structure. Table 3.5 is the official point table offered by Blizzard.
The point awards have however been noted to not follow the rigid scheme. When playing
against the AI the amount of enemy units and structures seemingly add to the score; the more
enemies present, the higher the score. Also, the less units or buildings the player has, the
more points are awarded when constructing a building or training a unit. No points are
seemingly awarded for kills against the AI, though Blizzard states otherwise; if kills were
awarded the human player could achieve unlimited scores by eliminating the endless stream
of peons produced by the computer player. The explanation that has been offered is the AI
uses no resources when creating units or constructing buildings, therefore AI units and
buildings have no initial point value. Defeats are not awarded; the points are leftovers from
entering the map. Cheats have no effect on scores. The table below is valid for multi player.
added or subtracted
Harvest Resource 1
Demolish Building Building gold cost x 0.25
Eliminate Unit Unit gold cost x 0.125
Train/lose Unit Unit gold cost x 0.25
Build/lose Structure Building gold cost x 0.5
Entering a Forest / Swamp level
Entering a Dungeon level 300
Victory 500
Table 3.5: Point Award Table
Points are subtracted when units or buildings are lost; when a building is demolished the
player generally loses more points than were received when the building was erected, though
the above table states otherwise. Due to this it is possible—and somewhat common—to lose
points after playing a level that ended in player victory, but that had extensive enemy activity.
While the player starts with a fully functional village and zero score, points are subtracted
when the player loses one of the initial buildings, theoretically making it possible to achieve a
negative score. The player cannot have negative points, however; the lowest possible score
is zero.
The now-defunct, official, Blizzard-made Warcraft web extension put forth the scoring
rundown thusly:
Construction of a building adds half of the building’s cost in gold to your score.
You lose half of the building’s cost if it is destroyed. You gain 1/4 of an enemy
buildings value when you destroy it. Training new units is worth 1/4 of their gold
cost. Losing a unit costs 1/4 of its gold cost. You score 1/8 the cost of an enemy
unit for destroying it. Each scenario is worth a bonus of 50-500 points for
completion, based on the scenario’s difficulty.
The above rundown is obviously incomplete, bypassing resource gathering altogether, and is
to be used only as a guideline for calculating scores in multi player scenarios.
3.6 Unit details
3.6.1 Player controlled units
Peasant / Peon
Race Human
Hit Points 40
Armour 0
Attack Damage 0
Range 1
Production Related
Gold 400
Produced at Town Hall
Build time 750 seconds
Race Orc
Hit Points 40
Armour 0
Attack Damage 0
Range 1
Production Related
Gold 400
Produced at Town Hall
Build time 750 seconds
Footman / Grunt
Race Human
Hit Points 60
Armour 2
Attack Damage 1-9
Range 1
Production Related
Gold 600
Produced at Barracks
Build time 600 seconds
Race Orc
Hit Points 60
Armour 2
Attack Damage 1-9
Range 1
Production Related
Gold 600
Produced at Barracks
Build time 600 seconds
Archer / Spearman
Race Human
Hit Points 60
Armour 1
Attack Damage 4
Range 5
Production Related
Produced at Barracks
Build time 700 seconds
Race Orc
Hit Points 60
Armour 1
Attack Damage 5
Range 4
Production Related
Produced at Barracks
Build time 700 seconds
Knight / Wolf Raider
Race Human
Hit Points 90
Armour 5
Attack Damage 1-13
Range 1
Production Related
Gold 850
Produced at Barracks
Build time 800 seconds
Wolf Raider
Race Orc
Hit Points 90
Armour 5
Attack Damage 1-13
Range 1
Production Related
Gold 850
Produced at Barracks
Build time 800 seconds
Race Human
Hit Points 120
Armour 0
Attack Damage 255
Range 8
Production Related
Produced at Barracks
Build time 1000 seconds
Race Orc
Hit Points 120
Armour 0
Attack Damage 255
Range 8
Production Related
Produced at Barracks
Build time 1000 seconds
Cleric / Necrolyte
Race Human
Hit Points 40
Armour 0
Attack Damage 6
Range 1
Production Related
Gold 700
Produced at Church
Build time 800 seconds
Race Orc
Hit Points 40
Armour 0
Attack Damage 6
Range 2
Production Related
Gold 700
Produced at Temple
Build time 800 seconds
Conjurer / Warlock
Race Human
Hit Points 40
Armour 0
Attack Damage 6
Range 3
Production Related
Gold 900
Produced at Tower
Build time 900 seconds
Race Orc
Hit Points 40
Armour 0
Attack Damage 6
Range 2
Production Related
Gold 900
Produced at Tower
Build time 900 seconds
Water Elemental / Daemon
er Elemental
Race Human
Hit Points 250
Armour 0
Attack Damage 40
Range 3
Decay 45
Race Orc
Hit Points 300
Armour 0
Attack Damage 65
Range 1
Decay 45
Scorpion / Spider
Hit Points 30
Armour 0
Attack Damage 1-3
Range 1
Decay 45
Hit Points 30
Armour 0
Attack Damage 1-3
Range 1
Decay 45
3.6.2 NPC Non-Player Characters
Fire Elemental
Hit Points 250
Armour 0
Attack Damage 40
Range 1
Hit Points 60
Armour 3
Attack Damage 1-12
Range 1
Hit Points 150
Armour 10
Attack Damage 1
Range 1
Dungeon Skeleton
Hit Points 30
Armour 2
Attack Damage 1-9
Range 1
Raised Skeleton
Hit Points 30
Armour 0
Attack Damage 1-3
Range 1
Hit Points 40
Armour 4
Attack Damage 1-9
Range 1
3.6.3 Heroes
Sir Lothar
Hit Points 50
Armour 5
Attack Damage 15
Range 1
Hit Points 110
Armour 0
Attack Damage 10
Range 5
Hit Points 30
Armour 0
Attack Damage 0
Range 1
Hit Points 30
Armour 0
Attack Damage 0
Range 1
Appendix I: Warcraft data files
All data files of the game are not necessarily always needed. It may still be possible to play
the game, even in case a file gets lost or deleted. The only file that is always necessary is
DATA.WAR; the file is the main data archive, and the only file that contains critical code.
All other data files are, in fact, not game data files at all, but merely Autodesk FLIC animation
files. The animation files are only renamed with a .WAR file extension, but they are
nevertheless for all intents and purposes simple FLIC animations. The files are viewable as-is
on a standard Apple QuickTime installation via renaming the extension to .FLC.
Animation file tables
File name
CAVE1 Approaching cave 7.7 secs
CAVE2 Loop before cave door 1.7 secs
CAVE3 Door opens, view point passes through
2.4 secs
HFINALE Fireworks over Stormwind Keep 8.6 secs
HINTRO1 Approaching Stormwind Keep 7.2 secs
HINTRO2 Loop of flags flying at Stormwind Keep 1.8 secs
HMAP01 Intro to human map 3.2 secs
HMAP02 Intro to human map 3.3 secs
HMAP03 Intro to human map 3.3 secs
HMAP04 Intro to human map 3.3 secs
HMAP05 Intro to human map 3.3 secs
HMAP06 Intro to human map 3.3 secs
HMAP07 Intro to human map 3.3 secs
HMAP08 Intro to human map 3.3 secs
HMAP09 Intro to human map 3.3 secs
HMAP10 Intro to human map 3.3 secs
HMAP11 Intro to human map 3.3 secs
HMAP12 Intro to human map 3.3 secs
LOSE1 Approach skeleton on battle field 6 secs
LOSE2 Loop of burning fires 0.9 secs
OFINALE Loop of Orcs w/ spears at a fire 2.1 secs
OINTRO1 Approaching Black Rock Spire gate 9.8 secs
OINTRO2 Looping fires at Black Rock Spire gate 0.8 secs
OINTRO3 Pass through Black Rock Spire gate 3.6 secs
OMAP01 Intro to orc map 3.2 secs
OMAP02 Intro to orc map 3.3 secs
OMAP03 Intro to orc map 3.3 secs
OMAP04 Intro to orc map 3.3 secs
OMAP05 Intro to orc map 3.3 secs
OMAP06 Intro to orc map 3.3 secs
OMAP07 Intro to orc map 3.3 secs
OMAP08 Intro to orc map 3.3 secs
OMAP09 Intro to orc map 3.3 secs
OMAP10 Intro to orc map 3.3 secs
OMAP11 Intro to orc map 3.3 secs
OMAP12 Intro to orc map 3.3 secs
TITLE Zoom in on "Warcraft" title 3 secs
WIN1 Fly into throne room 5 secs
WIN2 Looping torches in throne room 0.8 secs
Table 1: Animation files for Warcraft: Orcs & Humans retail
None of the FLC animations have audio tracks; the audio tracks for the introduction are found
in the main data archive; the DATA.WAR file. Victories and defeats are accompanied by the
LOSEx and WINx animations, respectively. The introduction consists of the animations
in sequence; the approach to Black Rock Spire gate being the biggest animation file. The
FLIC compression format is inefficient by the standards of today; the entire 57 MB set of
animations amounts to only 2 minutes and 19 seconds of soundless, 8-bit, lo-res video.
The first Warcraft: Orcs & Humans demo, aka the Interplay Demo
The first demo of Warcraft: Orcs & Humans includes screenshots of early versions of the map
intro animations. The HMAP0xX, LOSEX, and WINX files are exclusive to the first demo.
Additionally, the WINX FLC image has corrupted size data.
File name
First entr'acte still graphics
Second entr'acte still graphics
Third entr'acte still graphics
LOSEX Defeat still image
WINX Victory still image
Table 2: Animation files for Warcraft: Orcs & Humans demo
The later versions of the main data archive file are in the same format as the later sequel
Warcraft 2. There are numerous editors available capable of parsing the data file, and it will
therefore not be mentioned here. However, the data archive for the first demo uses a different
file structure and can therefore not be parsed using standard tools. It also contains slightly
different graphics, notable in the Swamp terrain decoration and the lack of tree stumps after
logging, but the differences do not affect game play. Other differences include prompting the
player to purchase the release version when attempting to upgrade, and no animations are
played when casting magic. Also, save slots range from SAVE0 to SAVE7, as opposed to
SAVE1 to SAVE7 in later versions. Medivh did not exist; a character called Klaron was
present at this point; sources from Blizzard have stated they are not the same character.
When Medivh arrived Klaron entered the realm of myth.
Appendix II: Orcs & Humans C source code
These are the C source code files for Warcraft: Orcs & Humans. The groups are the main
source and graphics subroutines sources. The code has never been publicly released and
any discussions regarding making the source public have had no result. These are only the C
file names and the directories of the source, none of the ASM and OBJ files are listed; the
files’ content is copyrighted material and it will therefore not be published here. These are
only the C file names as generated by the compiler due to the __FILE__ macro.
Main sources
Graphics subroutines sources
NOTE: The case of the map header source code file name is presented as is. It is not an
oversight. The game maps are created by an Assembler file, so it is therefore not present in
this list. Also, the GRP2BMPX and GRPTOBMP C source files are source code for command
line applications. They are not part of the Warcraft game code, only internal development
Appendix III: Level-by-Level walkthrough
There are several walkthroughs and strategy guides on the Internet. This appendix is not an
attempt at exhausting them all, but merely a guide with a few pointers. It is essentially a
paraphrase of the many guides and walkthroughs available. To most experienced Warcraft
players, these tips are certainly simplistic. For beginners these tips and hints may offer quite a
few good pointers. Take it for what it is; a guide.
1 – Human Scenarios
These level walkthroughs take you through each scenario and offer you some level-specific
tactics and hints. They are not guaranteed to work, as Warcraft requires skill as well as
strategic thinking. These playing tips have, however, proven to be useful. They are probably
neither the easiest nor fastest method of passing each scenario, but they should help you
master the ones which you are having trouble with.
1.1 Level 1 – Regent
As a test of your abilities the king has appointed you as regent over a small parcel of land.
Since we must keep our armies in the field well supplied, you are to build the town into a
farming centre of no less than six farms. Construction of a barracks for defence is also
advised, as our scouts have reported Orc patrols in the area.
Build: 6 Farms, 1 Barracks
The first level is fairly simple. It is mainly to serve as a tutorial of sorts; it familiarizes the
player with interface, basic tasks, and so on. For the scenario to end in defeat, the player
really must try to lose. Otherwise it is not possible to lose this scenario.
There is a gold mine directly to the east of your starting position. That mine and your starting
gold is enough for you to build the five extra farms since you already have one to start with,
and one barracks. The left over money you can spend training two more peasants to speed
up the building process. There are eight Orcs scattered around the map. They will not come
looking for you, so if you do not explore you will not even meet one.
You might accidentally attract one's attention with your Peasants, so have your Footmen
nearby. The safest place to harvest wood is to the northeast, so get your two new Peasants to
chop there while your first Peasant mines gold. Conserve your gold; do not build more roads
unless you want to fight it out with the Orcs for another gold mine.
1.2 Level 2 – Grand Hamlet
The Orcs around Grand Hamlet are becoming increasingly brazen in their attacks, and our
spies inform us that they are amassing a large army to march against the town. The King is
sending you, along with a small detachment of troops, to rally the people and defend the town
against all opposition.
Defend town and destroy Orcs
You should train another Peasant immediately so the construction of a Barracks and a
Lumber Mill can begin as soon as possible. There are gold mines to the southeast, northwest,
and far to the southwest. This first one is the safest—being closest to your city—and it should
last a while. Cover your peasants with your Archer and have your Footman stay close to your
The 16 Orcs will—one at a time—attack your town at regular intervals, so there is no need to
explore until your first mine is exhausted. Once the Lumber Mill is finished, train as many
Archers as you can afford, while building enough Farms to feed them. At this point you may
want to upgrade your Arrow Strength and train another Peasant or two. After that, just wait for
the enemy to walk up to your town only to be mowed down by your Archers. When the
sixteenth and last Orc dies, the level ends in victory.
1.3 Level 3 – Kyross
With Blackhand's raiding parties routed, now is the time for us to secure a lasting peace in the
area around Grand Hamlet. You must seek out the Orcish outpost of Kyross that lies deep
within the Swamps of Sorrow, and destroy it.
Destroy outpost
Start by getting your peasants to mine gold and harvest lumber to the south of your town.
Then set one Footman off to explore. There is a swamp which lies between you and the
enemy town to the northwest. Have your Footman completely explore around the swamp
because the enemies have to walk around it to get to your town. Depending on which way
they come around the swamp, they either appear to the southwest or northwest of your town.
Post guards at both ends. Once you have explored in a circle around the edge of the swamp,
you will be able to determine which side the attack will come from and then have time to divert
the bulk of your defences to that one end.
Build some more Archers as your gold comes in to reinforce your defences at both ends.
Archers are much more effective than Footmen so try to have four or more Archers for each
Footman. Train more Peasants as needed. By the time your first mine runs out, you should
have a sizable army and fully upgraded arrows. This is the time to advance.
Move your defences to the far northwest corner of the swamp to intercept attacks before they
reach your town. This will also make two other mines safe for your Peasants. Enemy Grunts
and Necrolytes should not even hurt you, and since Archers have greater range than
Spearmen, if you have enough Archers, the enemy will not bother you either. Now you can
use a Footman to walk into the enemy city and lure the defenders out to your waiting Archers.
Repeat this tactic to empty the enemy town of defending troops and then simply send in your
Archers to mop up the remaining buildings.
1.4 Level 4 – The Dead Mines
It has been some twenty months since Sir Lothar, one of the crown's greatest heroes, led an
expedition into the Dead Mines to search for the Lost Tome of Divinity. They were never
heard from again. However, the great knight has recently appeared to the Abbot of Northshire
in a vision battered and pleading for assistance. King Llane has ordered you to lead a
detachment of warriors and healers into the mines in an attempt to find Sir Lothar, heal him,
and bring him and any other survivors back alive.
Rescue Lothar
Formation is the key in the dungeon type missions. This is one which is very successful:
Have your Footman facing the front to fend off the Ogres while your Archers kill them from a
distance. The front Footman explores ahead so that the Archers can react when Ogres come
into range. The two Footmen in the back are to protect your Clerics who are vulnerable to
attack from the rear.
As soon as you detect an Ogre, usually by it attacking your front Footman, make the unit run
back to your Archers. The Archers will take out the offending Ogre and you have not suffered
any losses. Use your Clerics to heal your injured and continue down the tunnel. Never split
up, even if there is a fork in the tunnel, stay together and you will always come out on top in
the Ogre confrontations. After you reach Lothar stay there until he and the other injured—5
Archers—are completely healed, then make your way out of the dungeon with a much
stronger force.
1.5 Level 5 – The Forest of Elwynn
The forest of Elwynn is a strategic key to securing the Borderlands. An outpost near the
southeast edge of the forest will serve as your stronghold. The King has assigned one of his
knights to aid you, so that your task of ridding the area of Blackhand's dark minions may be
more readily completed.
Destroy Orcs
There are mines to the north and south. Begin by training another Peasant to chop wood to
the south making a path the second mine. Have your initial two Peasants mine gold to the
north. Explore westward with a Footman, but stop when you find a small opening in the trees
going northward. The enemy town lies further that way. Enemies start attacking immediately,
in groups of two to three units, so ready your defences. Find a small patch of trees close to
your town which resembles a triangle and position your units there. As soon as you can afford
it, build a Barracks and then a Lumber Mill. While your Lumber Mill is being constructed,
make a couple of Footmen to replace those that died. Once the Lumber Mill is completed
though, train nothing but Archers for a while.
During this time you should train a couple of extra Peasants when you have the gold. While
you train Archers, begin saving up for a Church. When you have 8 Archers, train 2 Clerics
and fully upgrade arrows. Do not research Far Seeing yet, instead use your available gold to
build a Blacksmith.
Once this is done upgrade your armour. At this point you should have about 5 Peasants, 3
Footmen, 8 Archers, 2 Clerics, now it is time to think about advancing. Go to the opening in
the tree you found earlier and position your Archer around it, have a couple of Footmen by
your Archers in case a Raider or something gets through. Have your Clerics as far back as
possible but able to heal your troops when it is needed. When you feel comfortable with your
position here, research Far Seeing, upgrade swords, train more Archers as you see fit. With
Far Seeing you can explore and find the enemy town without risks. Once you have found the
enemy defensive positions, use your Footman to lure a couple of enemy at a time to your
Archers. Do this until the town is deserted except for a few Peons, then send in your main
1.6 Level 6 – Northshire Abbey
The monks of Northshire abbey are under siege by a band of warriors that have been
convinced by enemy agents to fight against the crown. You will be given a complement of
knights to lead to the abbey, which is already under attack. Ride hard and fast, as you must
prevent its destruction. When you have secured the abbey and beaten back these
treacherous curs, you must then move to destroy the enemy at their source.
Save the Abbey and destroy the traitors
Attack the enemy as fast as you can and you might only lose two buildings. Pick off the
enemy Archers with your Knights and use your Archers and Footmen to kill the enemy
Knights and Footmen. As this is happening, start training a Peasant. After the initial attackers
are gone, your Peasant should almost be ready and you can start to rebuild. Train a Cleric
when you have the money, because some of your units are probably badly injured.
The enemy town is to the north, on the other side of the lake. Most attacks will come from the
west side of the lake and will appear north of your town. However, once in a while a group of
two enemy Knights and a Cleric will go the other way and attack your town from the east.
Place one Knight there to protect your Peasants who may be working there. Use another
Knight to explore along the western edge of the lake northward, do not go more than half-way
up the screen or he will be killed by enemy Archers. Make sure to explore the eastern lake
edge as well until you reach a mine. This will let you know when attacks are coming.
Attacks usually come in the form of a Knight, one or more Archers plus a Warlock or Cleric.
The enemy Clerics will heal the attackers as they get injured, so pick them off with your own
After an attack, be careful of enemy Catapults. Because of their slow speed, they arrive after
the main attack. Send out one Knight or Footman to deal with it. If you were lucky, your
Lumber Mill might have survived from the beginning. If not, rebuild it. After that, spend a while
just training Archers.
Station three—or so—Archers at the eastern edge of your town to defend against attacks
from that direction. Place the rest with your other defenders. Be sure to spread your men out
some, just in case an enemy Catapult catches you off guard. Rebuild your Blacksmith while
training another Peasant. This will allow you to train Catapults which really help out,
especially when are you attacked by multiple enemies. Then, when you have sufficient funds,
upgrade your arrows, armour, and swords, preferably in that order. At this point, the level
becomes like any other, just use the same lure technique explained in previous levels to clear
out the defenders and send in your main force.
1.7 Level 7 – Sunnyglade
A Raiding party has completely overrun the village of Sunnyglade. Our scouts report that the
survivors have been taken to a hidden Orcish compound to serve as slaves. You must take a
detachment of warriors and rescue the group of peasants that are imprisoned somewhere in
the Orc camp. Our intelligence confirms that all of the prisoners are together, and that you
must destroy the enclosure to open a path for their escape. The rebuilding of Sunnyglade is
also of the utmost importance, as you will need their assistance in destroying the Orcish
Rescue Peasants, demolish Orcs
This is one of the harder levels, especially if you have a version of Warcraft before 1.21. You
don't start out with much, and you don't get more anytime soon. Leave a Cleric and a Knight
at the town to defend it. Move the rest of your men to the bridge at the centre of the map.
Place them is a formation similar to this:
Use the middle Knight to explore into enemy territory. As soon as you meet an enemy, run
back to the bridge. The enemy town is in the south-eastern corner of the map, and the pen in
which your Peasants are held is north of that. In between are trees and enemy spearman.
Use your Cleric, who is back at the town, to find all of the enemy defenders using Far Seeing.
Then use your Knight to lure them back to the bridge to be killed by your Catapult and
Archers. Heal your severely injured with your Cleric. If your Knight catches the attention of a
lone Catapult, do not run back to the bridge but try to destroy it in situ.
If however, it is defended, retreat to the bridge; the other enemy units will arrive before the
Catapult and as soon as most of these are dead charge to the enemy Catapult and destroy it
before it gets any closer the bridge. Before the Orc defences are killed, do not destroy a
section of the pen wall surrounding your peasants or heal them. If you activate them, by
healing them, et cetera, it will make them targets for the orcs to destroy.
After all of the Orcs near then pen are dead, send a knight to rescue the Peasants. Destroy
the northern side of the pen wall and make your Knight walk up to the Peasants to revive
them. As soon as they are revived, send them northward along the eastern edge of the map
and then along the northern edge of the map back to the safety of the town.
If you have an earlier version of Warcraft, this will trigger a massive attack from the Orcs
which is very difficult—but not impossible—to survive. It is suggested you get the 1.21 patch.
Once your Peasants are safely home, you can build up your army and crush the Orcs as in
the previous levels.
Strategy 2
Please keep in mind the above is certainly not the only way to defeat the enemy. By micro
managing your initial army, you can bypass most of the enemy forces by circumnavigating the
central body of water anti-clockwise. With somewhat careful micro management, you can use
the splash damage of the Catapult to take out the entire line of Spearmen positioned at the
southern choke point with a single shot. You might, of course, be attacked by the two nearby
Grunts, but your Archers should make short work of them.
You can then use the southernmost Gold Mine as a choke, forcing the enemy to engage your
army via a narrow kill zone. You should be able to rather easily dispose of the retaliatory
attacks, and if you keep to the southern edge of the map you should be able to reduce the
enemy village to rubble before the last defenders attack you en masse.
If you have been careful, you should have the upper hand in this last mettle due to a couple of
advantages; you have a Catapult, and your Archers have a longer range than the enemy
When the last enemy unit is eliminated, the scenario ends in victory without saving a single
Peasant. It is also a much quicker way to achieve the objectives.
Please be aware you can lose all the buildings of your village without losing the scenario. If
your Town Hall is demolished, however, you do not have the necessary funds to rebuild it.
Reconstructing the building costs 400 of each resources, and you start the scenario with only
300 gold pieces. This is of course so that you cannot train a new Peasant, but it also makes
rebuilding a lost Town Hall impossible.
1.8 Level 8 – Medivh
A new crisis has arisen that threatens to end the lives of all who would serve the King. The
evil warlock Medivh has begun draining the soul of the land itself to increase his dark powers.
You must take a party into his tower and destroy him. Beware his mastery of the black arts,
for legend speaks of his ability to command daemons of hell.
Slay Medivh and all minions
All dungeon maps may be played with pretty much the same strategies as the other dungeon
levels. An organized formation is the key to victory. Use something similar to this:
Use one of your frontmost Knights to scout ahead. When the unit finds an enemy, order it
back to the main platoon and enter a position between one of the other Knights. The Archers
and the Knights in the front should finish off any enemy without problems, including the one
Daemon. Advance your formation as the tunnels ahead are cleared of enemies.
The Daemon and Dungeon Spiders do not seem to use up magical energy, so there is no
sense to wait for them run out of Mana and die. Medivh is at the end of the tunnels,
surrounded by a group of his own spiders. He is constantly using up his magical energy to
replace these Spiders as they die. He has a very long range fireball attack, so when you meet
him, rush in with your Knights to finish him off quickly. This level is as simple as that, as long
as you stay organized.
1.9 Level 9 – The Black Morass
The time has come to take the battle into Blackhand's own domain. King Llane has ordered a
full assault upon the Orcs, demanding that this plague that spreads across the kingdom be
eradicated. To the east of the borderlands lies the Black Morass where the Orcish hordes
make their encampments. You are to lead an army into this foul region and destroy every
trace of their dark presence.
Destroy all traces of the Orcs
Deploy your peasants and then use a footman to explore northward. About halfway up the
map, there is a bridge leading to the west. As you approach the bridge you will probably catch
the attention of three grunts. Have them chase you back to your town and let your archers kill
Now that the bridge is clear of orcs, you should make it your first priority to secure a defensive
position around the bridge since all attacking enemies must first cross it. Not allowing Orcs to
cross the bridge will also protect your city from Poison Cloud attacks. With your Footman,
explore a 7-square block around the enemy side of the bridge; this will give your Archers time
to fire at approaching Orcs. If your Footmen encounter Orcs, retreat back to your main force.
By this time, you should have a Woodmill, so start training more Archers to beef up your
bridge defenses. Your present defenders should last a while but not forever without the ability
to heal. After you have 6 Archers at the bridge, start the construction of a Church. As this
being done, train another Peasant to steady your gold flow.
Train a Cleric and heal your bridge-crew. As your Cleric makes use of his healing powers,
begin construction of a Blacksmith. Once this is done, do not upgrade anything yet, first train
a couple of Catapult crews. These Catapults will greatly help your defences at the bridge and
will tone down the brunt of most attacks. This should give you some breathing room, and time
to expand. Train another Peasant if you want, and build a Tower and Stables when you have
the resources. Reinforce your defences at the bridge when it is necessary. When you feel that
you have a solid defence, begin using the lure technique to empty the first orc town.
Completely destroy the first town before starting on the next. Experiment with your Rain of
Fire spell, but make sure you do not hurt your own units in the havoc.
The pass-through bug at the lowest centre forest has no impact on game play; peons can
harvest the forest patch normally, even though the player can pass through the forest tile as if
it would be a plain tile.
1.10 Level 10 – The Temple of the Damned
Runners have arrived and informed you of grave news. King Llane lies dead this day,
assassinated by the treacherous Garona, at Stormwind Keep. His last command was that you
should assume the mantle of War Leader, and end this battle that has drained the land of its
resources, and now its king. Scouts report that deep within the Black Morass lies one of
Blackhand's darkest seats of power The Temple of the Damned. No peasants dare
approach the vile temple, and only the bravest of your soldiers have agreed to accompany
you on this mission. You must strike boldly and without error, for there will be no
Destroy Temple, raze town, kill Orcs
This level is actually pretty easy. You have a very large force to begin with and if you strike
fast, you should complete this level without any problems. Summon some Scorpions to
explore fast and find the enemy city which is to the west. Get into a good defensive formation,
with your Knights at the front, behind them the Archers and Catapults, and then the Clerics
and Conjurers at the very rear.
Every few minutes you will be attacked by a large swarm of Spiders, there is no need to be
intimidated. If your units are in formation, the Spiders will not even scratch your defensive
line. Once you have found the enemy town, send a group of Scorpions inside the town. This
should catch the computer's attention immediately. Retreat your Scorpions to your main
forces and every Orc attacking unit will follow.
Be prepared for this huge attack; your Catapults should finish off most before they even reach
your lines, those that do get through, should pose no problems either. The only thing which
can seriously damage your formation is the orc Poison Cloud, kill Warlocks on sight and do
not give them the opportunity.
The good part is the enemy city does not have a Tower, and therefore dead Warlocks cannot
be replaced. Once you survive this attack, the rest is simple. Just send every guy into the Orc
town, killing the Peons and sacking the buildings.
1.11 Level 11 – Rockard and Stonard
Here beats the diseased and malevolent heart of Blackhand's plagued lands. The sister
towns of Rockard and Stonard are all that stand between the forces of the kingdom and
Blackhand's stronghold Black Rock Spire. After conferring with your warchiefs, the path to
victory lays clear. You must destroy Rockard and Stonard, thereby cutting off all lines of
support and supplies, so that the final offensive can be made upon Black Rock Spire.
Destroy Rockard and Stonard
Magic finally begins to play a major role in battle. However, before you can research spells or
train magic units, you must first survive the Orc attacks. Enemies come from two directions,
sometimes at the same time so you must be ready at both fronts. Use the conjurer you start
out with to train a couple of scorpions to explore. To the west of your town is a swamp.
This is one direction from which attacks come; enemies make their way around the bottom of
the swamp. This is not too hard to defend against since they have to walk along a very narrow
stretch of land, especially once you get another catapult to station there. Use more Scorpions
until you have a good-sized portion of the map explored, especially around the swamp and
trees in which enemies lurk. As the exploration is being carried out, train some more Archers
with your starting-out funds. You will be able to finish a couple before the first attack comes,
position two Archers and a Knight to the bottom left-corner of your town to defend against Orc
attacks there and the rest to the north of your town. You should have ample notice of Orc
movement with the exploration done by your scorpions. Summon Scorpions to attack enemy
Warlocks (look for red robes) as soon as you see them. Their Poison Cloud can really hurt.
Continue building up your defences until you feel comfortable that you can repel attacks of 3-
4 enemies. This is easily accomplished by have a Catapult to aid your Archers and Knights.
Start construction of a Tower, and research Major Summoning afterwards. Water Elementals
make up the brunt of your attacks in the later two levels.
Train additional Conjurers until you have 6 in total. Spread them out; a lucky Poison Cloud
attack will kill too many of them. Have one near your defensive position, so you can summon
a Water Elemental to in case of a large enemy attack. Have the other four Conjurers do
nothing except summon Water Elementals and send them in groups of four into the enemy
towns. This costs you nothing and does major damage to the Orcs. Watch out for Catapults
though, one shot can finish a Water Elemental. Try attacking at one end of the town to divert
the enemies there, and then send the other 3 to attack the other end. Once you are inside the
enemy town, the enemy Catapults will not fire in fear of damaging its own buildings. Repeat
this until no Orcs remain. Catapults are also your number one enemy in this scenario.
1.12 Level 12 – Black Rock Spire
Black Rock Spire stands before us! The skies above the reeking swamp fill with the gathering
thunderheads that spell doom for the loser in this final confrontation. Tension hangs like a
heavy cloak on your shoulders as your troops prepare for the battle ahead. Above the din and
chaos that swirls about the battlefield stands the Castle of Blackhand, its gaze sweeping
down upon the battlefield where the destiny of the land will be decided. Destroy the
stronghold and those who would seek to defend it, and Azeroth will be freed from Blackhand's
poisoned grip forever!
Destroy Black Rock Spire and kill all Orcs!
You have made it this far, so you must be doing something right. For that reason the detailed
strategy tips for this scenario should be a rough guide only. The scenario is in fact not difficult
at all when compared to the last Orc level.
Basic tips:
1) You start out with a Conjurer and a Water Elemental spell. By training as many
Conjurers as you can afford—and by extension thus Water Elementals—the scenario
is a breeze.
2) All Daemons are created by one single Orc Warlock; if you find him, kill him—no
more ugly Daemons to worry about.
3) Walls keep Daemons out, at least for a few critical seconds in which your defenders
with ranged attacks can finish it off.
4) A 2 x 7 row of Archers will take down a Daemon before it reaches the units. Placing
such a row at the north-western entrance choke point will safe guard your village
against all attacks, leaving you to focus on producing Conjurers.
5) You can heal Water Elementals. As long as the unit still has Mana left, it can be
healed as you would any other unit. However, if the Elemental has no Mana left in the
magic bar, Healing will not be able to keep up with HP depletion.
The first and most obvious choke point is at the very mouth to your village. The opening
between the pond to the north of your village and the forest to the west will serve as your
natural Line of Departure. This is also a natural place for a kill zone, since this is the only path
for the computer to attack. Place a row of Archers here to fend off the stray platoons the
computer sends. A line of 5 to 7 Archers ought to be able to stop most anything. Backed by
your Catapults and healed by a Cleric, you should not have any problems holding off the
attacks. Have your one Conjurer at the ready behind the line in case the computer sends in a
Daemon. Aided by your Archers, a Water Elemental takes down a Daemon in only a few hits.
You will probably not need more than the thin strip of lumber available at the east village
border of the map. Also, you should never have any need to expand your defences; the initial
mine has more than enough of gold to last the entire scenario. Focus on getting a Tower
relatively quickly. After you have one, churn out Conjurers at the same rate as Archers.
Conjurers cost no lumber, so you will need relatively little forest cutting to emerge victorious.
A set of 8 Conjurers will allow you to ceaselessly send parties of 4 Water Elementals to level
the defences of the Orcs. The north-eastern village is the weakest of the three, being
effectively out of Catapult range of the other villages. You may want to level it first.
The computer almost never attacks from any other direction; the assembly area of all the
three villages is in the middle of the map, and you should automatically designate the centre
an area of interest in your battlespace.
Optionally, you might want to go straight for the north-western village, and demolish Black
Rock Spire first of all. The computer cannot rebuild the Spire, thus immediately making Peons
finite in the village. Be advised the computer expends all remaining on suicide missions
towards your main village upon you fulfilling the Spire objective. Have your defences ready
when the Spire goes down. This is also the only time the computer attack with its’ Catapults.
End note
According to the officially published lore developed for the sequels of the game Human victory
in the First War is not part of the history of Azeroth. Do not let this discourage you.
2 – Orc Scenarios
2.1 Level 1 – The Swamps of Sorrow
Blackhand has assigned you to an outpost in the Swamps of Sorrow. Your task is simple
enough that even the War Chief feels you are capable of it. Construct at least six farms, so
that we may keep our troops well fed and ready to do battle. Only a fool would leave his
treasures unguarded, so you must also build a barracks for the defence of these farms.
Build: 5 Farms, 1 Barracks
The levels do not get any easier than this. All you have to do is build five Farms and a
Barracks. If you do not explore and attract the enemies' attention, you won't even be attacked.
The closest gold mine is to the north. It has enough gold for you to construct all of the
necessary buildings and two additional units.
Conserve your gold and you will not need to fight it out with the humans for more mines.
Do not build any Roads, either; it wastes gold and city layout is not important yet. Start by
training another Peon to chop wood to the south. Once your gold mine runs out of gold, start
building the necessary constructions.
Once that is done, the level ends in victory.
2.2 Level 2 – The Borderlands
Like the stinging of a wasp, the attacks from the humans grow more and more bothersome.
You have been assigned to a small outpost on the Borderlands of the Swamps of Sorrow.
You are to defend our lands from the incursions of these ravenous dogs by crushing any
opposition that you encounter.
Crush all opposition
Start by training another Peon to speed up the gathering of resources. Then use a Grunt to
explore a small area around your town; this will give you advance notice of the attacking
Humans. Do not explore too far, or you will be attacked. They are 20 of the enemy scattered
around the map, and they attack your town one at a time, every few minutes. As soon as you
can afford it, build a Barracks and then a woodmill.
By this time, the human attacks should have begun. Your two Grunts and one Spearman
should be able to kill the first couple. After that, you will need to train more units to replace
your injured soldiers. Remember that Spearmen are much more effective than Grunts, so
have 6 Spearmen or so for every Grunt. Your first mine should take you to your 5th-7th
Spearmen with fully upgraded spears. These Spearmen should kill all oncoming Footmen
without any difficulty. The next closest mine is to the southeast, however, you need you post a
Grunt and a Spearman to guard the mining route your Peons use. Once this gold mine is
secure, train as many Spearmen as you can. Place them around your town and then wait for
the humans to come. After the 20th one dies, the level ends in victory.
2.3 Level 3 – Grand Hamlet
The Humans are growing strong in Grand Hamlet. An outpost will be placed under your
dictatorship to use as you see fit. You must then prepare and lead a force to destroy Grand
Hamlet and all that dwell there. Blackhand will brook no survivors these Humans must be
taught a hard lesson in the ways of humility.
Demolish Grand Hamlet
Begin mining gold, and harvesting lumber to the southeast of your town. Explore with a grunt
and locate the bridge to the east of your town and place half of your defences there. Place the
rest of your defences by the opening in the trees near the goldmine.
Do not rush to build a Temple just yet. Initially focus on training some Spearmen. To do this
you need to build a Barracks and then a woodmill. As your Spearmen are trained, assign
them to your two defensive positions. After you have about eight or so, upgrade your spear
technology. Continue training Spearmen to strengthen your defences. After your first mine
runs out, move your defenders to the bridge north of the Human town. Kill all of the Human
units around the bridge and secure a position there.
Place another group of Spearmen and Grunts by the bridge near the bottom of the map, this
will prevent Human Peasants from mining gold down there and eliminates any chances of
Humans approaching your town. Construct a Temple and train a couple of Necrolytes. After
the Humans finish mining their first mine, Peasants will try to get past your bridge defences to
the other gold mines.
Your Spearmen should have no problems dealing with these, and the Human Peasants will
give you a constant source of bodies to raise as Undead. Use Skeletons to scout further into
Human territory and lure Humans to your defences. Use Grunts to assist in luring if you find
that your Skeletons are destroyed too quickly. After the Human defenders are dead, send
your army into the Human town and burn it to the ground.
2.4 Level 4 – The Dead Mines
You are wakened from your night’s sleep by a runner from the War Chief. Blackhand's
daughter Griselda has run off with the outlaw Turok's band of Ogres. Our wolfriders have
tracked them to the dungeons hidden beneath the Dead Mines. Find Turok's band of
rebellious pigs and kill them all including Griselda. She must not disobey the commands of
her father ever again.
Kill Griselda and her minions
You must have a solid defensive formation in order to survive. Because you cannot heal your
units, every hit inflicted against you counts. Here is a formation which works well:
Use the marked Raider to scout ahead. When the Raider encounters an enemy, retreat the
unit back into position beside the other Raiders. Single Ogres should not even hurt you and
groups of them should not pose a problem, either. Just move your formation down the tunnels
and eliminate all enemies which you find. Do not split up your force for any reason; there is
safety in numbers. Once you find Griselda, she should be easy to finish off. She cannot fight
back and will only run. A Raider can easily catch up to her, just watch out for her Ogre
bodyguards. Note that Ogres do not leave a corpse to re-animate.
2.5 Level 5 – The Red Ridge Mountains
On your return from the Dungeon, you receive word from advance scouts that the recently
establish outpost near the Red Ridge Mountains is under siege. A group of raiders have been
dispatched to assist you in taking back the outpost and crushing the Human opposition. Your
secondary objective is to seek out and completely destroy their encampment, putting an end
to this threat for good.
Save the outpost, slay all Humans
Race as fast as you can to your city to save as many buildings as you can. Attack the enemy
with your Raiders and Grunts while your Spearmen damage them from a distance.
Once the initial attackers are dead, train a Peon before you do anything else. Form your
remaining troops into a defensive formation just above your town to fend off attacks while you
rebuild. Your woodmill should still be intact and so should your Barracks. This allows you to
train additional Spearmen immediately. Once you have about eight Spearmen, 4 Peons and
fully upgraded spears, locate the two bridges leading northwards to the Human town. If you
attract the attention of some Human Archers, retreat back to your Spearmen lines and kill the
Archers there. Once you have explored to the bridges, you will be forewarned of any attacks.
Now replace the Spearmen who were killed by the Human Archers, if any, and add four more,
making a total of twelve. Build a Blacksmith and fully upgrade armour. Split your twelve
Spearmen into two groups, one of five and the other seven. Post the group of seven by the
bridge on the left, and the other five by the bridge on the right. Make sure you have a couple
of Grunts or Raiders by each group for backup.
This cuts off all enemy access to your side of the map and allows the other gold mines to be
used by your Peons. Now that you city is safe from attack, you can build a Kennel and
Temple. If you have the gold, you can upgrade swords and then wolves. Use a Raider to
enter the Human town just to the northeast of the left bridge and lure the defender back to
your bridge defences. Once the Human city defenders are dead, the rest is simple.
2.6 Level 6 – Sunnyglade
The Humans of Sunnyglade have become fat and lazy with their prosperity. The town is like a
ripe plum waiting to be plucked. You will march upon their weak Human armies and smash
them to pieces. Somewhere in the town is a tower that you must keep intact so that we may
study how their magiks are created. Fail me, and I will have your head on a pike at the gates
of Black Rock Spire.
Raze Sunnyglade, capture tower
Begin mining to the east and use a Grunt to explore. Immediately Train another Peon to
speed up production.
Although the enemy town is to the north, attacks come from the north, east and west. Position
your army along the top of your town, and place a Raider beside your gold mine to protect
your Peons.
Build a Barracks, followed by a woodmill. This will allow you to train Spearmen; train seven of
them, putting three at the mine and the other four by your town. Train another Peon, and fully
upgrade your spears as soon as you can afford it.
After this, build a Blacksmith, but upgrade neither axes nor shields just yet. Train two
Catapults, and then four more Spearmen to supplement your defences. After this build a
Temple, and then train a couple of Necrolytes to use Dark Vision and locate the Human town,
defenders and the bridge leading northward.
Use a Grunt to lure the Human Archers by the bridge to your defensive line and be killed.
Then secure the bridge using your units to cut off enemy access to your side of the map.
Use a formation similar to this:
This will stop almost any attack without taking much damage. By blocking off the bridge you
cut off all enemy access to your side of the map, therefore your troops at the gold mines and
town are no longer needed and can be diverted to positions by the bridge. This will also make
two more gold mines safe for your peons. At this point you can build a Kennel and fully
upgrade axes, shields and wolves. Use a Raider to lure the Humans in the town to the bridge
and destroy them. Then send in your army to destroy the town. Be sure to keep the Tower
intact, so keep it out of the range of your Catapults and Spearmen.
2.7 Level 7 – The Black Morass
The time has come for you to seize control of the Orcish hordes for yourself. Blackhand has
become foolish in the deployment of his personal troops, and has left an opening that you can
now exploit. A key outpost in the Black Morass is the core of Blackhand's supply lines - not
only to his foremost battle groups, but to his castle at Black Rock Spire, as well. The complete
destruction of this outpost will disrupt his power base long enough for you to secure his
Kill Blackhand’s troops
This is an Orc vs. Orc map. Start mining to the west. Position your defences to the north of
your town and place a Raider by the gold mine. Use a Grunt to explore, but do not venture too
far. If you attract the attention of Humans, they will kill you. For now stay in the bottom half of
the map. Begin training another Peon and the construction of a Barracks and then a woodmill.
Train four Spearmen, leaving two at the city defences and the other two at the mine with your
Raider. Build a Blacksmith so you can train a Catapult. Be sure that your defences are spread
out so that an enemy Catapult will not do too much damage. They usually roll in after an
attack because of their slow speed, so watch out. Use a single Grunt or Raider to destroy it
before it gets close to your town. Build a Temple and train a couple of Necrolytes, use one to
cast Dark Vision and the other to raise dead. Skeletons are good for scouting ahead; they can
also draw fire away from your more valuable units if you place a couple in front of your
defences. At this point you can begin thinking about offensive, so train four more Spearmen.
Use a Raider to lure the enemy Spearmen by the bridge to your own Spearmen line. With the
bridge clear, you can move you guys there and cut off enemy access to your side of the map.
This will give you some more breathing room and also make a couple more mines safe. Form
a long line of Spearmen in front of the bridge and place Raiders at both sides and Catapults
behind them. This puts you in a better position to fend off enemy Catapult attacks. Be sure
you have a large area on the enemy side of the bridge explored so you have adequate time to
respond to attacks. Now you can build a Tower and train a Warlock or two. Use them to
summon Spiders and lure the enemies out of their town and to the bridge. Repeat this until
the enemy town is empty of defenders. The rest is simply a matter of destroying the enemy
2.8 Level 8 – Northshire Abbey
The destruction of Blackhand's outpost has left him in a weak position. The Shadow Council,
sensing your rise in power, orders the assassination of Blackhand and elevates you to the
position of War Chief. A wolfrider brings you news that our best spy, the half-orc Garona, has
been discovered by the Humans of Northshire Abbey and imprisoned there. She has valuable
information concerning new and powerful magiks that would aid you in the destruction of your
counterpart King Llane. Trusting no one to complete this vital mission in time, you must find
her, and then completely destroy the abbey to protect her secrets.
Save Garona, destroy the Abbey
You may want to set the game speed to slowest for the first few minutes because the action
begins right away. Your Raiders are attacked within seconds of starting the game and if you
have the game speed set too high, you will not be able to respond in time. After the initial
attackers are defeated, place your units in a formation like so:
Your formation will be attacked every once in a while, but you should not have any problems
repelling attacks. You might experience some difficulty killing Archers because of their range,
but there are only about seven of them. Garona's cell is in the top-right corner of the map and
is guarded by a Fire Elemental. Make your way through the dungeon while keeping the
formation. If you find Peons, just leave them where they are. If you bring them with you or
send them to the entrance they will probably be killed. When you find Garona's cell, do not
approach her. If you do, the Fire Elemental will kill her. Lure the Fire Elemental away from
Garona and kill it. Then walk up to Garona to activate her. Put her in the centre of your
formation and make your way out of the dungeon. If you want, you can save the Peons, but it
is not necessary. Since this is a dungeon map, the Peons are useless.
2.9 Level 9 – Northern Elwynn Forest
With your new found magiks, the time is ripe to burn the Human occupation from our lands.
There are two Human outposts to the south that pose the greatest threat to our security.
Reports from scouts near these towns show that the key to your success in this confrontation
is to hold back the Human forces at their bridges while you strengthen your attack force. The
glories of combat will be yours as you personally lead the armies that will reclaim your
Crush the two Human outposts
The nearest gold mine is to the southeast, however, the safest way to access it is to cut a
narrow path through the trees and approach it from its' top-left corner. Use a Grunt to explore
out the area around your town, so that you will have a forewarning of attacks.
The enemies must cross bridge to the west and south to reach your town, so place your units
at the southwest corner of your town. Do not place your defences too far from your town,
because invisible enemies will get by your units and attack your town. Kill Conjurers as soon
as you see them because their Rain of Fire spell can be very destructive.
Construct a woodmill and train four Spearmen, then build a Blacksmith and train a Catapult.
These additions should hold off most attacks for a while. Build a Temple and train a Necrolyte
to cast Dark Vision, use this to locate the bridges and the enemy towns. Upgrade your spears
while training some more Spearmen. Stop when you have 15 Spearmen in total.
Now upgrade your shields and train a couple of Grunts. Form two task forces with the
following units: 6 Spearmen, 2 Grunts, one Catapult, and one Necrolyte. Use the remaining
units to guard the town. Capture the bridge on the top-left and place your first task force in a
position away from the bridge in enemy territory. If you put them too close to the bridge, they
will be open to catapult attacks. Now capture the bridge to your south and form a defensive
position there. This should make the other mine on your side safe for your Peons. Train some
more Spearmen to strengthen both of your task forces. Now build a Kennel to train some
Raiders and upgrade wolves. If you have the money, research Unholy Armour as well. Defeat
the towns one by one using the lure technique to kill the defending Humans and then
destroying the buildings.
2.10 Level 10 – The Center of the Human Lands
You have tasted victory, and the craving for more is upon you. It is clear that one decisive
blow to the humans will make the total and complete domination of this race a simple matter.
Your spies have gathered intelligence that points to an encampment near the centre of the
Human lands where their knights and soldiers are sent to train. Although they will not be
expecting an attack, they should prove a good fight. The destruction of this site would greatly
weaken their forces, and etch your position as War Chief in stone. None shall survive!
Destroy the Human camp
This level may seem difficult, but it is rather simple. You start out with a huge army and as
long as it does not become separated or you allow the humans to slowly wear you out, there
is no way you can lose. Use your Necrolytes to locate the enemy city at the top-right corner
and summon some Spiders to scout out your route.
Now throw caution to the wind and attack the town with all of your units. Target the Human
Clerics first so they cannot cast Healing on anyone. Do not worry if some of your units die,
just cast Raise Dead and continue. You should have the entire town conquered in a few
2.11 Level 11 – Goldshire and Moonbrook
The final march to King Llane's home, Stormwind Keep, is at hand. Only two pathetic
settlements stand in the way of the awesome juggernaut your cruel leadership has created.
The Humans have proved to be amusing opposition, but the hour of doom has come for them.
The complete and utter destruction of the twin cities Goldshire and Moonbrook will sever the
lifeline between the king and his people, making him a figurehead waiting to be lopped off.
Raze Moonbrook and Goldshire
The closest mine is to the east, there is another one to the north, surrounded by trees. You
might want to protect your Peons by placing troops at the mine. It is recommended you do
not. To the east of your village is a choke leading northward towards the enemy area. The
initial troops you have will be able to completely block the choke. Move your defences there
and block off the entire opening with your Spearmen. There is an enemy assembly area a
short distance to the north of the choke. Placing Catapults at the choke mouth will eliminate
all troops at the assembly area. This will protect your town from invisible enemies as well as
the Rain of Fire spell.
Keep training Spearmen to strengthen your defence. Upgrade your spears fully after you have
ten Spearmen. Then build a Blacksmith, train one Catapult and build a Tower. Train a
Warlock and then research Major Summoning. Make sure that your Warlocks are not
clumped together, or a Rain of Fire spell can do a lot of damage. Optionally summon some
Spiders to explore a large area around your town. As soon as you see a Conjurer, kill the unit
as fast as you can to deny it the opportunity to cast spells. Use a Daemon to explore a larger
area around the opening, killing any Humans it meets. This will give your Catapult and
Spearmen time to react to attacks. Train more Warlocks and keep them in a designated safe
spot. When you are attacked by a Water Elemental, summon a Daemon to keep it busy while
your Spearmen finish it off. When you have 8 Warlocks, build a Temple. Train some
Necrolytes and make sure you have the Unholy Armour spell researched. Now send in
armoured Daemons in groups of four into the Human towns. It should not take too many
attacks like this to destroy all of the Humans.
2.12 Level 12 – Stormwind Keep
Stormwind Keep is ours to take! The Orcish hordes gather like buzzards to the carrion, as the
moment of destiny is close at hand. A low growl fills the air as your wolfriders whirl their
savage mounts into a frenzy. The earth shakes as catapults are loaded and moved into
position. The fires of the burning rubble about you dance in your eyes as you gaze upon the
pristine, white towers of castle Stormwind. White that will soon be washed with the red of King
Llane's blood. With his fall, all of Azeroth will be yours!
Destroy Stormwind Keep, kill all Humans!
This is arguably the most difficult map in the entire game. Many players are simply
overwhelmed by the sheer number of invisible enemies and Water Elementals. However, with
some practice, this level is not impossible. Here are some things to remember while you play.
1) If you block off both bridges, enemy units including the invisible ones cannot get past
to attack your town.
2) One on one, a Daemon will defeat a Water Elemental.
3) Spearmen have more range than Water Elementals.
4) A direct Catapult hit will destroy a Water Elemental.
5) Walls do a good job of keeping pesky invisible enemies at bay.
The obvious chokes are at the bridge heads. Place a sizeable amount of Spearmen and
Catapults at the chokes, and keep training Warlocks.
If you want to play it safer, leave a couple of Spearmen in your village. At the beginning of the
game you will probably be attacked by quite a lot of invisible units before you get the bridges
Train as many Warlocks as you can afford, and do it quickly. Major Summoning is your path
to victory. Summon as many Daemons as you can, all the time, and send them to defeat all
defending enemy units. The computer never replenishes defensive units. Knowing this your
mission will be very easy.
You can place Daemons at the bridges as defence; keep on summoning more of them for a
normal attrition strategy. With some slight micro management, the level should end in Orc
victory at roughly the 5 minute mark.
3 – Multiplayer Scenarios
3.1 Forest 1
The easiest way to dominate the map is to initially focus on Peons and Peasants. The map
does not have a lot of natural choke points, so setting up kill zones requires either a lot of
troops or obstructing buildings. There are choke points, of course, but they are generally too
wide to be defended in an economical fashion. Aggressive expansion is the key.
Try to chop your way to the centre mine as quickly as you can. If you can get an unobstructed
path to the middle clearing, place Catapults at the edges. This will seriously hamper and
ultimately completely hinder enemy movement. There are many minor choke points on the
map; use them to your advantage.
A seldom used tactic is to use roads to spread out your initial village. A road supported by
farms will allow you to place buildings—mainly farms—at strategic places to create artificial
chokes. This is a seldom used tactic, but when coupled with a set of ranged units such as
Archers and some micro-management it is a very effective and deadly tactic. This scenario
will award unorthodox tactics and strategies.
The south-eastern corner of the map is the easiest to defend, but is also the one who will be
the easiest to fence in. If you start in the south-eastern corner, focus on expanding your
village into the centre as quickly as possible.
As an aside, this is the only multiplayer-only map with a road. It does not mean anything in
regards to game play, but nevertheless there it is. No other multiplayer map has this cosmetic
3.2 Forest 2
There are several chokes points on the map. Most of the chokes are located relatively close
to the starting locations. These automatically provide some secure, defensive map points, but
the most cost effective and therefore arguably best way to dominate the map is with ranged
attack units, such as Archers and Catapults.
Keep in mind the human Archer has a one-tile range advantage over the orcish counterparts;
the orcish Spearmen will lose point-for-point to human Archers if placed in a head to head
Additionally, be advised the orc major spells are not as cost effective in mazes such as this
one. The ranged attack of the human Major Summoning entity—the Water Elemental—
trumps the orcish Daemon's attack. If one compares the pros and cons of the different
factions, one thing remains rather undisputable; on this map Humans have a clear advantage.
The initial thing is to set up ranged defences. The chokes are relatively narrow, so a line of
three or four ranged attacker will be enough to defend against invisible units. Due to the
narrow strips of wood creating unorthodox escape and attack routes is recommended.
Avoid rushes unless you can gather an attack force in the first minutes of the game. Humans
again have an advantage here. The brute force of the orcs—exemplified by the Daemon and
the Unholy Armour spell—will not come to play until the later stages of play.
Any mazelike map works rather against orcish players. This is such a map.
3.3 Swamp 1
Place Catapults at the bridges; this ought to keep your army safe. The map clearly favours
rushes and Tet style offensives. Creeping will not be an advantage here.
Regarding starting points the north-eastern and south-western corners are the most
unforgiving; both starting points have only one exit and entrance. It is easy to become trapped
in these corners if faced with an aggressive opponent. Early scouting is of paramount
importance on this map.
Regarding resources, the mid-eastern gold mine is surrounded by a thin line of forest. This
means you must devote peon or peasant resources to clear the mine entrance before you can
excavate the mine. This can leave your peasants or peons vulnerable to attack. Be advised
you should protect all your woodcutting peons or peasants at all times in this scenario.
In total there are three mines outside the starting points. You will probably not need to
excavate them, but securing an extra mine might make a difference in the end game. Focus
on fast moving attack forces.
At the beginning of the game, it is recommended you use Archers or Spearmen to scout the
closest perimeter. This is always advisable due the larger vision scope of the ranged units.
Catapults also have a larger vision scope, but they are slow and cumbersome; additionally
the greater cost of the unit makes it too costly to potentially sacrifice in order to achieve a
larger area of vision. The potential advantage does not equal the potential loss.
As an additional note; the south-western starting point of the map is unavailable before peons
or peasants cut away wood from the middle south island. This is true both for attack and
3.4 Swamp 2
This is another quick map where dominating the centre will spell victory. Try getting a clear,
unobstructed path to the centre mine as quickly as possible. When your opponent runs out of
gold, you will emerge victorious if you have secured the centre mine.
There are obvious, natural choke points close to your initial starting point. Create a defensive
line of your choice at these, and use the defence position as a Line of Departure for your
The obvious tactic for securing the centre mine is by using catapults at the bridge heads. Try
placing archers nearby to ward off the raiders and knights that your opponent undoubtedly will
send on suicide missions.
Be advised you can heal non-organic units, and that this also includes catapults. Healing is
definitely a usable spell for humans on this map. This scenario also favours ranged attack
units, giving the human player a slight, but potentially critical, tactical advantage in hand-to-
hand combat, whereas tactical magic will provide the orc player several strike curses.
Unit micromanagement will probably favour the orc player on this map at the later stages of
the game. Rushes are recommended for both sides, especially early rushes. In general
offensive players will be rewarded, but it is especially true on this map.
3.5 Dungeon 5
The map naturally favours micro management and economical use of units. That is obviously
the main strategy, and generally the only tactic you will need in this scenario. Be advised
familiarity with the map layout is of paramount importance. Early scouting and previous
scenario experience will be crucial.
Be advised the narrow corridors of the maze might make ranged attack units a liability in
close skirmishes. Try placing your ranged units in strategic places, and advance in small
steps. The crude path finding algorithm can quickly make even the tightest formation break up
into smaller troop units, units that are easily picked off piecemeal.
Baiting the enemy units into kill zones is preferred, but this requires extensive micro
management and must be done in the first few minutes of the game. When the maze is
revealed, kill zones are very difficult to set up, plus there are only a few points where it is
possible to do. Be advised your opponent will be aware of these places too. Avoid those map
points when navigating the battlespace.
Creeping might pay off, but be advised it is a risky procedure. Losing a few major units might
make a critical difference with regards to the end game.
As an aside, the major spells on the Orc side might very well make you favour the orcish side.
The Daemon is certainly a major resource in this scenario, as is Unholy Armour.
3.6 Dungeon 6
This is the other multiplayer-only dungeon scenario. The two maps have differences that you
may use to your advantage. The obvious difference is the abundance of open, hall-like
spaces and the lack of long, narrow corridors.
Daemons do not have as big an advantage here, so be advised you ought to play Orc only if
you are familiar with the map and the maze layout. Ranged attackers are not so much of a
liability here, as there are more open spaces. The open layout of the map makes kill zones
and defence lines very hard to master, and you are advised not to employ such a tactic
unless you are well versed and familiar with micro managing your troops.
The map is ideal for full frontal attacks and mass assaults. Tiny skirmishes will most probably
slowly drain your troops in a drawn out attrition scenario and make you critically vulnerable.
To avoid this rather go for shock-and-awe invasions. Blitzkrieg strategies work best in
scenarios with open spaces, such as the case with this map. Storm the opponent with a full
force strike and you will probably have achieve total victory within 30 seconds.
It is recommended you study the tactics of Alexander the Great.
3.7 Dungeon 7
No tips are offered for this map, except one tiny bit of strategic advice; the longer range of
Archers gives Humans the advantage. Good luck.
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